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SubjectRe: CFS Bandwidth Control - Test results of cgroups tasks pinned vs unpinned
(2011/06/08 0:45), Kamalesh Babulal wrote:
> Hi All,
> In our test environment, while testing the CFS Bandwidth V6 patch set
> on top of 55922c9d1b84. We observed that the CPU's idle time is seen
> between 30% to 40% while running CPU bound test, with the cgroups tasks
> not pinned to the CPU's. Whereas in the inverse case, where the cgroups
> tasks are pinned to the CPU's, the idle time seen is nearly zero.

I've some test with your test script but I'm not sure whether it is really
a considerable problem. Am I missing the point?

I add -c option to your script to toggle pinning (1:pinned, 0:not pinned).
In short the results in my environment (16 cpu, 4 quad core) are:

# group's usage
-b 0 -p 0 -c 0 : Idle = 0% (12,12,25,25,25)
-b 0 -p 0 -c 1 : Idle = 0% (6,6,12,25,50)
-b 0 -p 1 -c * : Idle = 0% (6,6,12,25,50)
-b 1 -p 0 -c 0 : Idle = ~25% (6,6,12,25,25)
-b 1 -p 0 -c 1 : Idle = 0% (6,6,12,25,50)
-b 1 -p 1 -c * : Idle = 0% (6,6,12,25,50)

In my understanding is correct, when -p0, there are 5 groups (with share=1024)
and each group has 2,2,4,8,16 subgroups, so a subgroup in /1 is weighted 8 times
higher than one in /5. And when -p1, share of 5 parent groups are promoted and
all subgroups are evenly weighted.
With -p0 the cpu usage of 5 groups is going to be 20,20,20,20,20 but group /1
and /2 have only 2 subgroups for each, so even if /1 and /2 fully use 2 cpus
for each the usage will be 12,12,25,25,25.

OTOH the bandwidth of a subgroup is 250000/500000 (=0.5 cpu), so in case of
Idle=0% the cpu usage of groups are likely be 6,6,12,25,50%.

The question is what happen if both are mixed.

For example in case of your unpinned Idle=34.8%:

> Average CPU Idle percentage 34.8% (as explained above in the Idle time measured)
> Bandwidth shared with remaining non-Idle 65.2%

> Bandwidth of Group 1 = 9.2500 i.e = 6.0300% of non-Idle CPU time 65.2%
> Bandwidth of Group 2 = 9.0400 i.e = 5.8900% of non-Idle CPU time 65.2%
> Bandwidth of Group 3 = 16.9300 i.e = 11.0300% of non-Idle CPU time 65.2%
> Bandwidth of Group 4 = 27.9300 i.e = 18.2100% of non-Idle CPU time 65.2%
> Bandwidth of Group 5 = 36.8300 i.e = 24.0100% of non-Idle CPU time 65.2%

The usage is 6,6,11,18,24.
It looks like that group /1 to /3 are limited by bandwidth, while group /5 is
limited by share. (I have no idea about the noise on /4 here)

BTW since pinning in your script always pin a couple of subgroup in a same
group to a cpu, subgroups are weighted evenly everywhere so as the result
share doesn't work for these cases.


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