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SubjectRe: ext4 features
Theodore Tso wrote:
> could argue that such a stupid student doesnt *deserve* to get a
> Ph.D. :-)
> > * and snapshots on filesystem basis
> This requires a filesystem that is designed from the get-go to support
> snapshots. So yes, it's lilely not going to happen for ext4.
> Although, if you have a really clever idea, feel free to post patches
> or a detailed technical proposal for how to achieve such a goal. :-)

To take a snapshot of a file, copy its inode to a free inode (call it a
frozen inode, or finode). The inode is at the head of a linked list of
finodes, each older than its predecessor.

Finodes have the same content as the inode they were clones from except
the extent map. A new finode's extent map contains a single extent the
size of the entire file with a flag that means "look in the nearest
future finode (or inode)".

When writing to a file, first look at the nearest finode's mapping for
that range. If it has a normal extent, go ahead and write. If it has a
future extent for that range, first transfer that extent to the finode
(replacing the future extent), then write the data to newly allocated
extents. Of course this process can break up extents. One can choose
whether to transfer the block pointers or just the data; a tradeoff of
additional data copying vs. fragmentation avoidance.

When reading from a finode, if you're reading a normal extent, proceed
normally. If you encounter a future extent, keep searching for the range
in newer finodes until you encounter a normal extent or the base inode.

To snapshot the entire filesystem, have a snapshot generation count in
the superblock and in each inode. Incrementing the superblock generation
count snapshots the filesystem. Whenever you write to a file, if its
generation number lags the filesystem generation number, you take a file
snapshot as outlined above.

Directories are handled in the same way as files, although special care
is necessary for inode reference counts.

Deleting a snapshots means merging the preceding and next finodes'
extent maps and freeing blocks. We'd need a linked list of all finodes
belonging to a snapshot generation.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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