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SubjectRe: The Linux Kernel Project Management System (INITIAL PROPOSAL)
On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Larry McVoy wrote:
> CVS has had 10 years or so to get it right and they didn't. And you didn't
> help, in spite of your assertions that it is "a very insignificant problem".

Nice wordplay. The insignificant problem I was speaking to was finding
developers to work on a project housing the source for the Linux kernel.
That's it. You'll never hear me state that source management is a simple
problem to solve. You're simply being argumentative.

From the sounds of things, Aegis provides a baseline set of functionality
that will be necessary for management of kernel revisions. So does yours.
So, for the task at hand, what directly-necessary features do you bring to
the table, that make up for your inability to carry on a conversation with
people without becoming insulting?

> Uh huh. Sure.

Is this the "supporting at commercial levels" that we can expect?

> > Refer to my previous comment about caring. I doubt many people doing
> > serious Linux development give a damn if there's a Windows 98/NT/2000
> > port.
> Yes they do. That Windows garbage will generate the revenue to make the
> product better and to make other products.

Once again (speaking only for myself), I don't give a damn if you make a
dime off your product. I work on open source projects for my own
amusement. If you happen to find a way to make money doing it, more power
to you. But don't expect me to care about your psuedo-open-source
product's bottom line. Especially because I haven't seen compelling
evidence posted to this forum to convince me that your product is a better
offering -FOR THE TASK AT HAND- than something else, and since your
product is vapor, I can't even check for myself. And your arrogance and
posturing certainly helps one make up their mind.

Considering that you're trying to sell this product to the people here
(even if it's free), maybe you should try a different marketing approach?

> All of which the Linux community gets for free.

Everything has a cost.

> So it's true they don't care directly, but somebody has to do the work
> and if Windows ends up paying to make Linux get better tools, are you
> seriously going to suggest that people are going to be unhappy with
> that?

No, I'm going to suggest that your profit-driven rationale is of little
importance to some people here. Most people just want a system that works;
justify it in terms of what it can do, and people will listen.

Justify it in terms of how bad everyone else's products are, or in terms
of how much money you need to make to support it, and at least a few of us
will find you to simply be petty.

> But I'm sick to death of people saying "Oh, this system could solve
> the problem" when that isn't true.

You'll note that I never once claimed that. I'm simply speaking to your
attack on a competing project, and one which is being held up to have a
similar feature spread to yours, with a license which is more palatable to
some of us.

> Just out of curiousity, Edward, what's the biggest project you've managed
> under Aegis?

None. I've neither used your product, nor Peter's; my source management
experience is via RCS, SCCS, and CVS, along with in-house tools. Again,
I've also never claimed that either system is better, nor have I claimed
expertise with either one. I've simply stated that you've belittled him
for even daring to speak on the subject regarding his offering because he
is not providing commercial support for the product.

A rational discussion is what I was hoping to see when the first posting
was made on the subject. In under 10 postings, it's degraded into a series
of insults, and most of them certainly seemed to eminate from you (Peter
certainly egged you on in a couple of places, but the reaction was far
from civil for this forum).

Edward S. Marshall <> [ What goes up, must come down. ] [ Ask any system administrator. ]

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