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SubjectRe: [ckrm-tech] [RFC] [PATCH 00/12] CKRM after a major overhaul
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 19:13 -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Chandra Seetharaman <> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > c) pointer to prototype code if poss
> >
> > Both the memory controllers are fully functional. We need to trim them
> > down.
> >
> > active/inactive list per class memory controller:
> >
> Oh my gosh. That converts memory reclaim from per-zone LRU to
> per-CKRM-class LRU. If configured.

Yes. We originally had an implementation that would use the existing
per-zone LRU, but the reclamation path was O(n), where n is the number
of classes. So, we moved towards a O(1) algorithm.

> This is huge. It means that we have basically two quite different versions
> of memory reclaim to test and maintain. This is a problem.

Understood, will work and come up with an acceptable memory controller.
> (I hope that's the before-we-added-comments version of the patch btw).

Yes, indeed :). As I told earlier this patch is not ready for lkml or -
mm yet.
> > pzone based memory controller:
> >
> From a super-quick scan that looks saner. Is it effective? Is this the
> way you're planning on proceeding?

Yes, it is effective, and the reclamation is O(1) too. It has couple of
problems by design, (1) doesn't handle shared pages and (2) doesn't
provide support for both min_shares and max_shares.

> This requirement is basically a glorified RLIMIT_RSS manager, isn't it?
> Just that it covers a group of mm's and not just the one mm?

Yes, that is the core object of ckrm, associate resources to a group of

> Do you attempt to manage just pagecache? So if class A tries to read 10GB
> from disk, does that get more aggressively reclaimed based on class A's
> resource limits?

Yes, it would get more aggressively reclaimed. But, if you have the I/O
controller also configured appropriately only class A will be affected.

> This all would have been more comfortable if done on top of the 2.4
> kernel's virtual scanner.
> (btw, using the term "class" to identify a group of tasks isn't very
> comfortable - it's an instance, not a class...)

We could go with "Resource Group" as Matt suggested.

Valerie, KUROSAWA, Please free to add any more details.
> Worried.

Chandra Seetharaman | Be careful what you choose....
- | may get it.

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