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SubjectQuery on a rare simultaneous processing of interrupts from GIC/NVIC
Hi everyone.

Let's say the following code is shared by multiple ISRs :

<critical section>

Also, following sequencing happens :

Low-priority interrupt comes in, and GIC/NVIC causes it jump to ISR.

Low-priority interrupt starts executing "spin_lock_irqsave".

Before preemption and interrupts could be disabled (by the executing
low-priority interrupt). high-priority interrupt comes in.
Since a higher priority interrupt has come in, the GIC/NVIC causes it
to start executing the "spin_lock_irqsave" statement.

Through the low-priority interrupt executing, "spin_lock_irqsave" has completed.
Preemption and interrupts are disabled, and low-priority interrupt
grabs the spin lock.

High-priority interrupt spins on the spin-lock.

Is the above sequencing possible?

In other words, although the first interrupt did its best to disable
all preemption and interrupts before it could enter the critical
section, yet above sequencing *will* cause the high-priority interrupt
to spin?

Many thanks in advance for your time for help !

Thanks and Regards,

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  Last update: 2023-12-11 14:09    [W:0.035 / U:0.116 seconds]
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