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SubjectRe: [PATCH 5/7] x86/cpu: Enable LASS (Linear Address Space Separation)
On 1/9/23 21:52, Yian Chen wrote:
> +static __always_inline void setup_lass(struct cpuinfo_x86 *c)
> +{
> + if (cpu_feature_enabled(X86_FEATURE_LASS)) {
> + cr4_set_bits(X86_CR4_LASS);
> + } else {
> + /*
> + * only clear the feature and cr4 bits when hardware
> + * supports LASS, in case it was enabled in a previous
> + * boot (e.g., via kexec)
> + */
> + if (cpu_has(c, X86_FEATURE_LASS)) {
> + cr4_clear_bits(X86_CR4_LASS);
> + clear_cpu_cap(c, X86_FEATURE_LASS);
> + }
> + }
> +}

Could you try testing this, please?

Please remember that there are three things in play here:
1. disabled-features.h. Makes cpu_feature_enabled(X86_FEATURE_LASS)==0
when CONFIG_X86_LASS=n.
2. The X86_FEATURE_LASS software feature bit itself. clearcpuid=lass
would clear it.
3. The actual CPU enumeration of X86_FEATURE_LASS

The else{} is handling the case where X86_FEATURE_LASS is compiled out
but where the CPU supports LASS. It doesn't do anything when the CPU
lacks LASS support *OR* when clearcpuid=lass is used.

In the end, want X86_CR4_LASS set when the kernel wants LASS and clear
in *ALL* other cases. That would be simply:

if (cpu_feature_enabled(X86_FEATURE_LASS)) {
} else {

The cr4_clear_bits(X86_CR4_LASS) should be safe regardless of CPU or
kernel support for LASS.

As for the:

clear_cpu_cap(c, X86_FEATURE_LASS);

It really only matters for kernels where CONFIG_X86_LASS=n but where the
CPU supports it. I'm not clear on what specifically you expect to gain
from it, though.

I'm also wondering if we even want a Kconfig option. Is anyone
realistically going to be compiling this support out?

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