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SubjectHave you had this? It is for your Benefit
Our Ref: BG/WA0151/2022

Dear Beneficiary

Subject: An Estate of US$15.8 Million

Blount and Griffin Genealogical Investigators specializes in probate
research to locate missing heirs and beneficiaries to estates in the
United Kingdom and Europe.

We can also help you find wills, obtain copies of certificates, help
you to administer an estate, as well as calculating how an estate,
intestacy or trust should be distributed.

You may be entitled to a large pay out for an inheritance in Europe
worth US$15.8 million. We have discovered an estate belonging to the
late Depositor has remained unclaimed since he died in 2011 and we
have strong reasons to believe you are the closest living relative to
the deceased we can find.

You may unknowingly be the heir of this person who died without
leaving a will (intestate). We will conduct a probate research to
prove your entitlement, and can submit a claim on your behalf all at
no risk to yourselves.

Our service fee of 10% will be paid to us after you have received the estate.

The estate transfer process should take just a matter of days as we
have the mechanism and expertise to get this done very quickly. This
message may come to you as a shock, however we hope to work with you
to transfer the estate to you as quickly as possible.

Feel free to email our senior case worker Mr. Malcolm Casey on email: for further discussions.

With warm regards,

Mr. Blount W. Gort, CEO.
Blount and Griffin Associates Inc

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  Last update: 2022-05-11 06:42    [W:0.029 / U:0.204 seconds]
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