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Subject[PATCH 0/2] x86: Check return values for early memory/IO remap calls
While sending an earlier patch set it was discovered that there are a
number of places in early x86 code were the functions early_memremap()
and early_ioremap() are called but the returned pointer is not checked
for NULL. Since NULL can be returned for a couple of reasons, the return
value should be checked for NULL.

This set fixes the places where the checks were missing. It was not always
clear what the best failure mode should be when NULL is detected. In modules
where other places tended to pr_warn or panic e.g., the same was done for
the checks. In other places it was based on how significantly fatal the
failure would end up being. The review process may point out places where
this should be changed.

Ross Philipson (2):
x86: Check return values from early_memremap calls
x86: Check return values from early_ioremap calls

arch/x86/kernel/apic/x2apic_uv_x.c | 2 ++
arch/x86/kernel/devicetree.c | 10 ++++++++++
arch/x86/kernel/e820.c | 5 +++++
arch/x86/kernel/early_printk.c | 2 ++
arch/x86/kernel/jailhouse.c | 6 ++++++
arch/x86/kernel/mpparse.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
arch/x86/kernel/setup.c | 5 +++++
arch/x86/kernel/vsmp_64.c | 3 +++
arch/x86/xen/enlighten_hvm.c | 2 ++
arch/x86/xen/mmu_pv.c | 8 ++++++++
arch/x86/xen/setup.c | 2 ++
11 files changed, 68 insertions(+)


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