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Subject[Question] How to reliably get BuildIDs from bpf prog
Dear BPF experts,

I'm working on collecting some kernel performance data using BPF
tracing prog. Our performance profiling team wants to associate the
data with user stack information. One of the requirements is to
reliably get BuildIDs from bpf_get_stackid() and other similar helpers

As part of an early investigation, we found that there are a couple
issues that make bpf_get_stackid() much less reliable than we'd like
for our use:

1. The first page of many binaries (which contains the ELF headers and
thus the BuildID that we need) is often not in memory. The failure of
find_get_page() (called from build_id_parse()) is higher than we would

2. When anonymous huge pages are used to hold some regions of process
text, build_id_parse() also fails to get a BuildID because
vma->vm_file is NULL.

These two issues are critical blockers for us to use BPF in
production. Can we do better? What do other users do to reliably get
build ids?

Thanks very much,


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