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SubjectInfinite looping in omap2430.c USB driver

Hello `./scripts/ -f drivers/usb/musb/omap2430.c`

omap2430_musb_set_vbus in omap2430.c contains:

while (musb_readb(musb->mregs, MUSB_DEVCTL) & 0x80) {


if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
"configured as A device timeout");
ret = -EINVAL;

having set
unsigned long timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000);

so it can busy-loop for up to 1 second. Probably not ideal, but if it works
I wouldn't complain.

if (int_usb & MUSB_INTR_SESSREQ) {
branch of musb_stage0_irq() called from musb_interrupt (from
generic_interrupt) calls this:

if (musb->int_usb)
retval |= musb_stage0_irq(musb, musb->int_usb,
devctl, power);

so the busy loop can happen in an interrupt handler (not a threaded interrupt
handler), which is probably less ideal.

However this can be called with interrupt disabled, as happens at least
during resume when resume_irqs() calls:

raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&desc->lock, flags);
__enable_irq(desc, irq, true);
raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&desc->lock, flags);

and an interrupt is found to be IRQS_PENDING.

In this case interrupts are disabled so 'jiffies' never changes so this loop
can continue forever.

This happens on my (GTA04) phone fairly regularly - between 1 in 10 and 1 in
30 resumes. The musb-hdrc interrupt is pending and reports

[ 4957.624176] musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: ** IRQ peripheral usb0040 tx0000 rx0000

'usb0040' is MUSB_INTR_SESSREQ. I think this is triggered by detecting a
voltage change on the USB ID pin - is that right? A short-to-earth would be
a request to switch to host mode, which is why it tries to enable VBUS.
Maybe there is some electrical noise which is being picked up?

In any case I get the interrupt despite nothing being plugged in, and the 0x80
bit of MUSB_DEVCTL never gets cleared.

I've added a simple loop counter which aborts the loop after 1000 loops -
this takes about 5 seconds, but includes some printks which probably slow it

In 2 out of 2 cases, subsequent messages show that the hsmmc driver for the
uSD card that holds my root filesystem is messed up. It seems to be waiting
for a request that is never going to complete.
So maybe the hsmmc is causing the noise that triggers the musb issue.

I can send a patch which add a loop count if you like, but I suspect you can
come up with a much better approach.

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