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Subject[ANNOUNCE] Cogito-0.8 (former git-pasky, big changes!)

here goes Cogito-0.8, my SCMish layer over Linus Torvald's git tree
history tracker. This package was formerly called git-pasky, however
this release brings big changes. The usage is significantly different,
as well as some basic concepts; the history changed again (hopefully the
last time?) because of fixing dates of some old commits. The .git/
directory layout changed too.

Upgrading through pull is possible, but rather difficult and requires
some intimacy with both git, git-pasky and Cogito. So probably the best
way to go is to just get cogito-0.8 tarball at


build and install it, and do

cg-clone rsync://

Yes, this is a huge change. No, I don't expect any further changes of
similar scale. I think the new interface is significantly simpler _and_
cleaner than the old one.

First for the concept changes. There is no concept of tracking
anymore; you just do either cg-pull to just fetch the changes, or
cg-update to fetch them as well as merge them to your working tree.
Even more significant change is that Cogito does not directly support
local branches anymore - git fork is gone, you just go to new directory
and do

cg-init ~/path/to/your/original/repository

(or cg-clone, which will try to create a new subdirectory for itself).
This now acts as a separate repository, except that it is hardlinked
with the original one; therefore you get no additional disk usage. To
get new changes to it from the original repository, you have to
cg-update origin. If you decide you want to merge back, go to the
original repository, add your new one as a branch and pull/update from

As for the interface changes, you will probably find out on your own;
cg-help should be of some help. All the scripts now start with 'cg-',
and you should ignore the 'cg-X*' ones. The non-trivial mapping is:

git addremote -> cg-branch-add
git lsremote -> cg-branch-ls
git patch -> cg-mkpatch
git apply -> cg-patch
git lsobj -> cg-admin-lsobj

Commands that are gone:

git fork
git track

New commands:


Of course other changes include various bugfixes, and latest Linus'
stuff (although we do not make use of Linus' tags yet).

Note that I don't know how many time will I have for hacking Cogito
until the next Sunday/Monday. I hope I will get some time to at least
apply bugfixes etc, but I don't know how much more will I be able to do.
You would make me a happy man if you could please port your pending
patches from git-pasky to Cogito; I promise to apply them and I hope
there isn't going to be another so big change in the foreseeable future,
which would cause major conflicts for your patches etc.

Note that I cc'd LKML since it is going to break stuff for anyone
using git-pasky now (apologies for that; it won't happen another time).
Please try not to keep it in the cc' list unless it is really relevant.

Have fun,

Petr "Pasky" Baudis
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