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SubjectRe: moving a window makes the system 'hang' until button is released
Nick Piggin ( wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> Can you give my scheduler a try if you have time?

After discussion with Paul Cassella and some more experimentation
on my side, I've concluded that this is not a Linux kernel issue
at all -- it's a "feature" of fvwm. Specifically, fvwm grabs the
entire X server when it's doing a non-opaque move, and xmms only
keeps playing music until its buffer is drained. The xmms buffer
size seems to be dramatically smaller under ALSA, which is why I
never saw the problem until I moved to 2.6.0-test4 and ALSA.

I've changed "OpaqueMoveSize" in my .fvwm2rc file to 90, so it will
only use outline-mode for moving windows which are 90% of the size
of the screen -- i.e. never, for me. (Another workaround might be
to increase xmms's buffer size, but I haven't pursued that side yet.) is also
relevant here.

Greg Wooledge | "Truth belongs to everybody." | - The Red Hot Chili Peppers |
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