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SubjectRe: moving a window makes the system 'hang' until button is released

Greg Wooledge wrote:

>[1.] One line summary of the problem:
>Dragging a window in X makes the system "hang" until button is released.
>[2.] Full description of the problem/report:
>"Hang" means xmms's sound output stops, and if I'm running something
>like "while :; do echo hi; sleep 1; done" in a different window, that
>also stops writing "hi" until I release the mouse button. (Then I
>get a whole bunch of them all at once.) This seems to rule out ALSA
>being the cause, which was originally my first thought.
>I've tried with and without CONFIG_PREEMPT enabled. I've tried changing
>X to be un-niced. I've tried applying the patch-test4-O20int patch from
>Con Kolivas. That last patch seems to have increased the time it takes
>for the problem to kick in (it's on the order of 5 seconds now instead
>of 3 seconds), but it didn't fix it.

Hi Greg,
Can you give my scheduler a try if you have time?

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