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SubjectSystem stalls using usb-storage
Many people, including myself, have observed system stalls when using
usb-storage. It happens when copying large amounts of data to a USB device
-- everything (except the USB access) just stops for a little while. My
best guess is that the block cache is filling up (easy since USB is so

The question is, what is the best way to handle this. I'm guessing that
increasing the priority of the usb-storage control thread will help, but
that's just a guess. I'm not even sure how to go about doing that, tho...

This is seen on 2.4 and 2.5/6 kernels.

Anyone have any ideas?


Matthew Dharm Home:
Maintainer, Linux USB Mass Storage Driver

M: No, Windows doesn't have any nag screens.
C: Then what are those blue and white screens I get every day?
-- Mike and Cobb
User Friendly, 1/4/1999
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