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Subject[BENCHMARKS] on various filesystems with 2.5.69
Filesystem benchmarks on 2.5.69 for 5 filesystem types.
Same LUN (RAID0) and partition used for each filesystem.
QLogic 2200 Fibre channel.
Quad P3 700 Xeon with 3.75 GB RAM.
System not rebooted between filesystem runs.

Every filesystem was best in at least one test. Filesystems
exhibit very different performance characteristics for some

Results are similar to prior posting for 2.5.68. This time
reiserfs has notail, which helps some tests.

mount options
mount -t ext2 -o defaults,noatime /dev/sdc1 /fs1
mount -t ext3 -o defaults,noatime,data=writeback /dev/sdc1 /fs1
mount -t reiserfs -o defaults,noatime,notail /dev/sdc1 /fs1
mount -t jfs -o defaults,noatime /dev/sdc1 /fs1
mount -t xfs -o logbufs=8,logbsize=32768,noatime /dev/sdc1 /fs1

mkfs command
mke2fs -q /dev/sdc1
mke2fs -q -j -J size=400 /dev/sdc1
yes "y" | mkreiserfs /dev/sdc1 >/tmp/mkr.out 2>&1
jfs_mkfs -q /dev/sdc1
mkfs.xfs -l size=32768b -f /dev/sdc1

XFS mount/mkfs options came from the XFS FAQ and are very desireable
for these tests based on an earlier run without them. If anyone
knows better than default options for jfs, I'd like to hear.

dbench-1.3 executed 5 times.
Filesystems that did best on dbench 64 also did best on dbench 192.

dbench 64 processes Average High Low
2.5.69-ext2 253.13 254.51 251.55 MB/second
2.5.69-xfs 141.68 143.94 139.95
2.5.69-ext3 125.72 135.08 117.92
2.5.69-reiserfs 101.96 105.65 97.57
2.5.69-jfs 17.04 19.90 15.81

dbench 192 processes Average High Low
2.5.69-ext2 200.78 211.27 190.89 MB/second
2.5.69-xfs 111.85 112.79 110.42
2.5.69-ext3 108.97 122.37 96.27
2.5.69-reiserfs 68.63 70.06 65.95
2.5.69-jfs 10.33 10.78 9.86

bonnie++-1.02c with 8192 megabyte filesize.
One notable thing here is filesystems that did better in sequential block
writes had lower sequential re-writes.

--------------------- Sequential Output ------------------
---- Per Char ----- ------ Block ----- ---- Rewrite ----
Kernel MB/sec %CPU Eff MB/sec %CPU Eff MB/sec %CPU Eff
2.5.69-ext2 9.47 99.0 9.56 68.28 52.7 130 15.89 17.0 93
2.5.69-xfs 9.37 100.0 9.37 65.28 52.7 124 15.95 18.0 89
2.5.69-jfs 9.28 99.0 9.37 63.85 55.7 115 16.16 16.0 101
2.5.69-ext3 8.88 97.0 9.16 59.51 68.7 87 16.20 18.0 90
2.5.69-reiserfs 8.58 99.0 8.67 57.07 92.3 62 16.56 20.7 80

-------- Sequential Input ---------- ----- Random -----
---- Per Char --- ----- Block ----- ----- Seeks -----
Kernel MB/sec %CPU Eff MB/sec %CPU Eff /sec %CPU Eff
2.5.69-xfs 9.31 99.0 9.4 27.17 20.0 136 638.8 3.67 17423
2.5.69-reiserfs 9.24 99.0 9.3 27.14 21.7 125 519.1 3.33 15574
2.5.69-jfs 9.33 99.0 9.4 27.09 19.0 143 504.1 2.67 18902
2.5.69-ext2 9.33 99.0 9.4 27.00 19.3 140 496.7 2.67 18628
2.5.69-ext3 9.29 99.0 9.4 26.95 20.0 135 491.2 3.00 16373

bonnie++-1.02c creating 65536 small files
ext2 and ext3 have great numbers for sequential small file deletes.
reiserfs and jfs were faster at creating small files.

---------------- Sequential ---------- -------------- Random --------------
----- Create ----- ---- Delete ---- ----- Create ---- ---- Delete ----
/sec %CPU Eff /sec %CPU Eff /sec %CPU Eff /sec %CPU Eff
2.5.69-reiserfs 7884 90.3 8727 3244 45.7 7102 7672 91.3 8400 1159 20.3 5702
2.5.69-jfs 2885 16.3 17663 1278 8.0 1597 855 16.3 5233 436 5.3 8175
2.5.69-xfs 380 8.7 4385 280 3.3 8390 319 5.3 5975 943 14.7 6430
2.5.69-ext2 147 99.0 148 61857 99.7 6206 156 100.0 156 536 100.0 536
2.5.69-ext3 118 99.0 119 29789 98.7 3019 123 99.0 124 459 97.0 474

Unit information
File size = 8192 megabytes
Blk Size = 4096 bytes
Rate = megabytes per second
CPU% = percentage of CPU used during the test
Latency = milliseconds
Lat% = percent of requests that took longer than X seconds
CPU Eff = Rate divided by CPU% - throughput per cpu load

Sequential Reads
Num Avg Maximum Lat% Lat% CPU
Kernel Thr Rate (CPU%) Latency Latency >2s >10s Eff
-------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------
2.5.69-jfs 1 28.89 12.85% 0.403 692.53 0.00000 0.00000 225
2.5.69-ext2 1 28.68 13.23% 0.406 673.26 0.00000 0.00000 217
2.5.69-ext3 1 28.52 13.23% 0.408 725.09 0.00000 0.00000 215
2.5.69-xfs 1 28.51 13.84% 0.408 128.47 0.00000 0.00000 206
2.5.69-reiserfs 1 28.24 14.87% 0.412 117.86 0.00000 0.00000 190

2.5.69-xfs 8 55.78 29.21% 1.656 575.74 0.00000 0.00000 191
2.5.69-jfs 8 49.88 23.79% 1.845 750.77 0.00000 0.00000 210
2.5.69-ext2 8 34.10 16.51% 2.733 865.66 0.00000 0.00000 206
2.5.69-reiserfs 8 32.30 18.16% 2.868 298.62 0.00000 0.00000 178
2.5.69-ext3 8 17.69 9.63% 5.158 1668.87 0.00000 0.00000 184

2.5.69-xfs 16 52.14 26.31% 3.416 651.68 0.00000 0.00000 198
2.5.69-jfs 16 39.66 18.23% 4.710 1030.97 0.00000 0.00000 218
2.5.69-reiserfs 16 28.50 16.12% 6.540 751.46 0.00000 0.00000 177
2.5.69-ext2 16 26.93 12.98% 6.890 1204.62 0.00000 0.00000 207
2.5.69-ext3 16 11.36 6.33% 15.848 2862.65 0.00000 0.00000 179

2.5.69-xfs 32 51.03 26.25% 7.040 1076.62 0.00000 0.00000 194
2.5.69-jfs 32 38.78 18.15% 9.603 1511.39 0.00000 0.00000 214
2.5.69-reiserfs 32 28.72 16.49% 12.916 1358.22 0.00000 0.00000 174
2.5.69-ext2 32 26.08 12.79% 14.207 1552.67 0.00000 0.00000 204
2.5.69-ext3 32 7.74 4.38% 43.586 5152.95 0.00005 0.00000 177

2.5.69-xfs 64 48.04 24.88% 14.764 1413.14 0.00000 0.00000 193
2.5.69-jfs 64 39.41 18.70% 18.804 1662.55 0.00000 0.00000 211
2.5.69-reiserfs 64 27.64 16.18% 26.386 5739.81 0.00000 0.00000 171
2.5.69-ext2 64 26.66 13.41% 27.258 6090.32 0.00014 0.00000 199
2.5.69-ext3 64 7.94 4.42% 80.663 11676.94 0.64340 0.00000 179

2.5.69-xfs 128 50.91 26.69% 27.458 20455.48 0.01020 0.00000 191
2.5.69-reiserfs 128 28.01 16.33% 48.300 15901.49 0.06442 0.00000 171
2.5.69-ext2 128 26.53 13.30% 48.171 17099.00 0.26316 0.00000 199
2.5.69-jfs 128 22.23 11.53% 39.757 30947.48 0.18906 0.00019 193
2.5.69-ext3 128 7.19 4.10% 167.290 24500.71 4.14162 0.00000 175

2.5.69-xfs 256 49.01 26.05% 42.521 216893.18 0.03920 0.03653 188
2.5.69-ext2 256 30.27 15.04% 76.573 51905.04 1.35470 0.00377 201
2.5.69-reiserfs 256 26.78 15.60% 98.770 39730.71 2.29430 0.00119 172
2.5.69-jfs 256 13.30 7.43% 106.094 75753.19 1.62244 0.17771 179
2.5.69-ext3 256 7.66 4.38% 305.493 53661.66 4.59085 0.03228 175

Random Reads
Num Avg Maximum Lat% Lat% CPU
Kernel Thr Rate (CPU%) Latency Latency >2s >10s Eff
-------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------
2.5.69-jfs 1 1.03 0.85% 11.364 98.64 0.00000 0.00000 121
2.5.69-xfs 1 1.03 0.88% 11.319 109.80 0.00000 0.00000 118
2.5.69-reiserfs 1 0.96 0.94% 12.201 113.33 0.00000 0.00000 103
2.5.69-ext2 1 0.71 0.66% 16.500 109.32 0.00000 0.00000 108
2.5.69-ext3 1 0.66 0.63% 17.875 130.42 0.00000 0.00000 104

2.5.69-xfs 8 5.29 4.87% 16.496 116.95 0.00000 0.00000 109
2.5.69-reiserfs 8 5.23 5.03% 16.950 127.86 0.00000 0.00000 104
2.5.69-jfs 8 4.29 3.47% 20.283 161.44 0.00000 0.00000 124
2.5.69-ext3 8 3.93 3.78% 21.154 160.03 0.00000 0.00000 104
2.5.69-ext2 8 3.78 3.84% 23.510 178.01 0.00000 0.00000 98

2.5.69-xfs 16 5.56 4.24% 32.024 139.29 0.00000 0.00000 131
2.5.69-reiserfs 16 5.35 5.51% 33.111 176.50 0.00000 0.00000 97
2.5.69-ext3 16 4.53 3.46% 36.799 195.72 0.00000 0.00000 131
2.5.69-jfs 16 4.02 2.88% 44.453 217.44 0.00000 0.00000 140
2.5.69-ext2 16 3.11 2.40% 56.441 304.68 0.00000 0.00000 129

2.5.69-xfs 32 5.55 4.34% 62.371 214.31 0.00000 0.00000 128
2.5.69-ext3 32 4.61 3.75% 64.795 270.41 0.00000 0.00000 123
2.5.69-reiserfs 32 4.58 4.54% 75.188 328.87 0.00000 0.00000 101
2.5.69-jfs 32 4.05 2.96% 87.559 278.97 0.00000 0.00000 137
2.5.69-ext2 32 3.41 2.71% 102.938 453.10 0.00000 0.00000 126

2.5.69-xfs 64 4.98 3.86% 127.462 395.93 0.00000 0.00000 129
2.5.69-ext3 64 4.66 4.05% 123.913 462.04 0.00000 0.00000 115
2.5.69-reiserfs 64 4.59 4.57% 146.642 690.82 0.00000 0.00000 100
2.5.69-jfs 64 4.01 2.74% 171.711 440.13 0.00000 0.00000 146
2.5.69-ext2 64 3.92 2.96% 169.214 821.28 0.00000 0.00000 133

2.5.69-xfs 128 5.41 4.46% 225.327 687.04 0.00000 0.00000 121
2.5.69-ext3 128 5.08 4.28% 219.591 755.29 0.00000 0.00000 119
2.5.69-reiserfs 128 5.01 5.52% 237.218 3535.45 0.00000 0.00000 91
2.5.69-ext2 128 4.48 3.93% 254.929 4204.91 0.00000 0.00000 114
2.5.69-jfs 128 4.13 3.32% 226.459 1026.05 0.00000 0.00000 124

2.5.69-reiserfs 256 5.38 6.00% 358.590 6620.91 0.57292 0.00000 90
2.5.69-ext3 256 5.18 4.70% 368.793 6503.31 0.65104 0.00000 110
2.5.69-ext2 256 4.94 4.33% 368.978 6564.52 0.96354 0.00000 114
2.5.69-xfs 256 4.65 4.59% 381.852 6953.11 1.84896 0.00000 101
2.5.69-jfs 256 4.47 4.17% 385.960 6963.52 1.71875 0.00000 107

Sequential Writes
Num Avg Maximum Lat% Lat% CPU
Kernel Thr Rate (CPU%) Latency Latency >2s >10s Eff
-------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------
2.5.69-xfs 1 56.19 45.83% 0.173 70307.02 0.00025 0.00025 123
2.5.69-jfs 1 55.60 47.60% 0.197 2912.30 0.00000 0.00000 117
2.5.69-ext2 1 55.38 41.92% 0.173 3325.07 0.00000 0.00000 132
2.5.69-reiserfs 1 54.50 88.65% 0.203 1781.72 0.00000 0.00000 61
2.5.69-ext3 1 53.07 62.68% 0.210 15303.42 0.00105 0.00000 85

2.5.69-xfs 8 57.26 66.91% 1.021 173095.36 0.00430 0.00272 86
2.5.69-jfs 8 56.18 77.32% 1.306 22005.56 0.00414 0.00000 73
2.5.69-ext2 8 30.59 29.69% 2.481 19463.29 0.05675 0.00000 103
2.5.69-reiserfs 8 25.41 90.84% 2.900 70100.86 0.05269 0.00204 28
2.5.69-ext3 8 5.55 10.07% 13.528 106484.56 0.06676 0.05312 55

2.5.69-xfs 16 56.86 71.35% 2.089 212980.06 0.00834 0.00515 80
2.5.69-jfs 16 54.96 71.08% 2.600 28339.70 0.01917 0.00024 77
2.5.69-ext2 16 30.08 30.95% 4.608 34246.15 0.07085 0.00024 97
2.5.69-reiserfs 16 24.09 89.08% 6.279 117800.21 0.07777 0.00672 27
2.5.69-ext3 16 3.95 8.28% 32.668 197166.88 0.10915 0.06881 48

2.5.69-xfs 32 56.62 78.23% 3.909 223550.92 0.01502 0.01016 72
2.5.69-jfs 32 54.61 73.68% 4.759 62624.50 0.09513 0.00262 74
2.5.69-ext2 32 27.75 31.48% 9.625 71499.00 0.09336 0.04287 88
2.5.69-reiserfs 32 26.38 93.89% 10.773 48079.01 0.11229 0.02532 28
2.5.69-ext3 32 3.08 8.06% 87.427 436590.16 0.24333 0.10415 38

2.5.69-xfs 64 56.53 80.82% 7.759 275777.12 0.04525 0.01912 70
2.5.69-jfs 64 54.04 78.09% 9.481 88872.21 0.14224 0.01131 69
2.5.69-ext2 64 25.49 32.20% 19.103 129407.11 0.13690 0.07219 79
2.5.69-reiserfs 64 23.68 91.67% 22.228 91150.38 0.14729 0.09446 26
2.5.69-ext3 64 3.26 8.88% 162.219 953244.56 0.46191 0.12464 37

2.5.69-xfs 128 56.10 80.57% 15.469 257121.14 0.09298 0.04115 70
2.5.69-ext2 128 24.46 33.21% 38.365 302714.90 0.23523 0.10219 74
2.5.69-reiserfs 128 23.80 95.85% 41.340 202903.22 0.28315 0.10938 25
2.5.69-jfs 128 18.96 30.66% 47.620 854754.60 0.25796 0.05523 62
2.5.69-ext3 128 2.96 9.25% 347.714 1815860.71 1.03125 0.30684 32

2.5.69-xfs 256 55.29 83.76% 28.330 304285.48 0.14419 0.08334 66
2.5.69-ext2 256 28.45 41.95% 65.916 484980.73 0.47846 0.13266 68
2.5.69-reiserfs 256 21.69 113.2% 90.434 371051.39 0.61755 0.18215 19
2.5.69-jfs 256 9.01 17.95% 201.918 2260340.59 0.44389 0.07214 50
2.5.69-ext3 256 3.10 12.81% 637.843 3904635.30 1.62105 0.61188 24

Random Writes
Num Avg Maximum Lat% Lat% CPU
Kernel Thr Rate (CPU%) Latency Latency >2s >10s Eff
-------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------
2.5.69-jfs 1 3.79 2.90% 0.061 1.02 0.00000 0.00000 131
2.5.69-xfs 1 3.12 2.84% 0.078 4.04 0.00000 0.00000 110
2.5.69-ext2 1 3.06 2.74% 0.710 56.74 0.00000 0.00000 111
2.5.69-reiserfs 1 2.86 2.89% 1.106 48.02 0.00000 0.00000 99
2.5.69-ext3 1 2.49 2.38% 1.595 71.83 0.00000 0.00000 104

2.5.69-jfs 8 3.75 6.05% 0.167 62.66 0.00000 0.00000 62
2.5.69-ext2 8 3.53 3.63% 1.779 91.15 0.00000 0.00000 97
2.5.69-reiserfs 8 3.52 4.25% 2.870 774.95 0.00000 0.00000 83
2.5.69-xfs 8 3.17 5.65% 0.409 758.32 0.00000 0.00000 56
2.5.69-ext3 8 2.92 2.89% 5.755 161.96 0.00000 0.00000 101

2.5.69-reiserfs 16 3.66 4.54% 2.825 1275.73 0.00000 0.00000 81
2.5.69-jfs 16 3.63 6.00% 0.176 119.88 0.00000 0.00000 60
2.5.69-xfs 16 3.62 6.03% 0.582 846.52 0.00000 0.00000 60
2.5.69-ext2 16 3.37 3.58% 2.840 477.59 0.00000 0.00000 94
2.5.69-ext3 16 3.17 3.36% 7.213 485.61 0.00000 0.00000 94

2.5.69-xfs 32 3.87 6.77% 0.209 192.18 0.00000 0.00000 57
2.5.69-reiserfs 32 3.60 4.15% 6.343 1761.01 0.00000 0.00000 87
2.5.69-jfs 32 3.49 5.97% 0.395 669.25 0.00000 0.00000 58
2.5.69-ext2 32 3.44 4.53% 2.627 417.56 0.00000 0.00000 76
2.5.69-ext3 32 3.15 3.47% 9.351 1457.12 0.00000 0.00000 91

2.5.69-reiserfs 64 3.64 5.18% 8.353 1561.56 0.00000 0.00000 70
2.5.69-xfs 64 3.61 6.72% 0.446 1094.24 0.00000 0.00000 54
2.5.69-ext2 64 3.52 5.57% 2.282 719.30 0.00000 0.00000 63
2.5.69-jfs 64 3.43 5.89% 0.910 1409.02 0.00000 0.00000 58
2.5.69-ext3 64 3.09 4.74% 11.068 1246.89 0.00000 0.00000 65

2.5.69-reiserfs 128 3.69 6.51% 3.604 1283.12 0.00000 0.00000 57
2.5.69-xfs 128 3.68 6.67% 0.160 5.15 0.00000 0.00000 55
2.5.69-ext2 128 3.57 6.54% 0.963 167.28 0.00000 0.00000 55
2.5.69-jfs 128 3.35 6.15% 0.991 2140.53 0.00000 0.00000 54
2.5.69-ext3 128 3.15 6.35% 17.863 1005.55 0.00000 0.00000 50

2.5.69-reiserfs 256 3.75 7.53% 1.818 3603.06 0.00000 0.00000 50
2.5.69-ext2 256 3.66 7.35% 2.078 3413.62 0.00000 0.00000 50
2.5.69-xfs 256 3.45 6.57% 1.863 3204.17 0.00000 0.00000 53
2.5.69-ext3 256 3.40 8.70% 23.478 1476.74 0.00000 0.00000 39
2.5.69-jfs 256 3.35 6.74% 1.913 3532.44 0.02604 0.00000 50
Randy Hron

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