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Subjectv2.4.19-rmk4 slab.c: /proc/slabinfo uses broken instead of slab labels
In the 2.4.18-2.4.19 timeframe:

brcl (Ben LaHaise, I think) pushed in a change to mm/slab.c which
(amongst other things) adds the following code:

name = cachep->name;
===> {
===> char tmp;
===> if (__get_user(tmp, name))
===> name = "broken";
===> }

seq_printf(m, "%-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4lu %4lu %4u",
name, active_objs, num_objs, cachep->objsize,
active_slabs, num_slabs, (1<<cachep->gfporder));

to s_show() (the stuff that gets called when somebody cat's /proc/slabinfo)

Trouble is that on my ARM platform, the __get_user() call always fails
and all the slabinfo entries are labelled "broken".

For my purposes, ifdef'ing the offending block out will likely be
sufficient (and safe?) but I'd like to know:

1. Is the ARM __get_user() broken?
2. Could I be doing something else broken that is confusing __get_user()?
3. What was/is the intent of the test? Or stated differently, why on earth
would cachep->name be a user address?

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