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SubjectPROBLEM: Network interface fails after RX packet count cycles back to zero
I have a problem which I think may originate in the kernel.
Below is the problem in the format recommended in the

Thanks for your time.

Jon Rifkin
Data Communications
University of Connecticut


[1.] One line summary of the problem:

Cannot read network interface after RX packet count cycles back
to zero.

[2.] Full description of the problem/report:

My eth1 interface listens continuously to a busy link
in promiscuous mode. At first ifconfig reports the
number of RX packets as steadily increasing. Once this number
reaches 2147483647 (2^31-1) after about 6 days it stops
increasing and remains constant. After another 6 days, presumably
when 2^32 packets have passed by, the interface stops reading packets.
The only solution I've found it to reboot the system.

This problem has happened regularly every 12 days or so and has repeated
at least half a dozen times.

[3.] Keywords (i.e., modules, networking, kernel):

Network, promiscuous mode, ip, kernel

[4.] Kernel version (from /proc/version):

Linux version 2.2.13 ( (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 199903
14/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #2 SMP Mon Oct 25 13:40:24 EDT 1999

[5.] Output of Oops.. message (if applicable) with symbolic information
resolved (see Documentation/oops-tracing.txt)

No oops message.

[6.] A small shell script or example program which triggers the
problem (if possible)

Try putting your interface into promiscuous mode on a busy link.


Below is the output of scripts/ver_linux under the linux source
tree which might be useful.

-- Versions installed: (if some fields are empty or looks
-- unusual then possibly you have very old versions)
Linux 2.2.13 #2 SMP Mon Oct 25 13:40:24 EDT 1999 i686 unknown
Kernel modules 2.1.121
Gnu C egcs-2.91.66
Linux C Library 2.1.2
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.1.2
Procps 2.0.4
Mount 2.9u
Net-tools 1.53
Console-tools 1999.03.02
Sh-utils 2.0
Sh-utils Parker.
Sh-utils Inc.
Sh-utils NO
Sh-utils PURPOSE.
Modules Loaded

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