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SubjectRe: kernel-hacking-HOWTO: An lk primer seeks feedback
Paul Rusty Russell wrote:
> `This document describes the common routines, locking systems
> and general requirements for kernel code: its goal is to serve as a
> primer for Linux kernel development.'

Excellent ! Some things that should probably be added:
- 8.4 "GNU Extensions": Labeled Elements (very useful for some of our
fairly monstrous struct foo_ops)
- 5.2: you may want to discuss disable_irq, disable_irq_nosync, and
enable_irq. On most (all?) architectures, they are reasonably
inexpensive ways to block specific interrupts. (BTW, why don't we
actually have some kind of interrupt blocking that doesn't go down
to the interrupt controller hardware ? Is the PIC part considered
to be cheap enough in all possible cases ?)
- maybe 2.1: synchronize_irq and synchronize_bh to wait that whatever
change that made some interrupts or bhs go away has actually taken

> I won't expand this into a book (it'd be unmaintainable, and hence
> useless), but additions, comments and gotchyas appreciated.

I could see some market potential nevertheless ;-)

- Werner

/ Werner Almesberger, ICA, EPFL, CH /

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