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SubjectRe: Huge patches such as ISDN
On Sun, Aug 22, 1999 at 04:15:52AM -0700, M Carling wrote:
> I've been thinking about the huge ISDN patch for a few weeks now.
> I agree completely with Linus that huge patches should not be accepted at
> feature freeze time.


> Adding a huge patch now to 2.3 risks delaying 2.4. It also jeopardizes the
> stability of 2.4. Either of these suffice, IMO, to justify postponing a
> huge patch updating feature that is used by relatively few people (most of
> whom probably compile their own kernels) until 2.5.1.

Relatively few people. Mmm... ISDN is very important in some small
countries (like The Netherlands) and some larger (largest) countries (like
Germany, France)) in Europe. Here in Europe the use of ISDN is very wide-
spread. (I haven't checked which continent you are from..).

We DO benefit from the inclusion of the new ISDN patch which has not been
updated as far back as the stable 2.0.x series. Commercial companies like
SuSE which have a very big share in the Linux distribution market here
will probably also like to see the ISDN patch included. Ofcourse, due to
the fact that they're very close to the ISDN developpers they will
include it somehow in their upcoming releases (as they did with 2.2.x).

Just my 2 Euro-cents... ;)

Best regards,

Pascal van Dam

> M Carling
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