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SubjectRe: SMP Scheduling
> I also have a dual CPU machine.

I have 2 dual cpu boxes. One is a dual pII 450, the other is a dual
supersparc50. Both run 2.2.7 kernel and I see the pingpong effect when
running distributed-net on the machines.

> Under 2.0 if you ran a CPU hog it'd pretty well stick to one CPU.
> I.e. if you had xosview running you'd see one CPU at 100%, the other mostly
> idle. If there was a load burst, it might move to the other CPU, but that was
> pretty unusual.
> Under 2.2 you see that one CPU hog hopping CPU's and at regular intervals.
> Using xosview to track load what you see is a picket fence effect.
> And there are more than "3 processes" running, more like 80 on my machine,
> so running xosview alone shouldn't be enough to force this to happen and if
> it were, the other processes should be introducing enough noise to make the
> CPU swapping more erratic.
> This does seem to be "wrong", not so much that the process is changing CPU's,
> thats reasonable, but the fact that it's doing it with such regularity now.
> I know this has been reported before, and plausible explanations have been
> offered. However plausible isn't the same as "correct" and this does seem to
> be a symptom of a real problem, or at least a real change in behaviour.
> Peter
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: Peter Waltenberg <>
> Date: 09-Aug-99
> Time: 08:45:38
> This message was sent by XFMail
> ----------------------------------
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