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SubjectX windows
I am trying to use the X windows systems for the first time.  I am using
the NCD package on my PC as the server. I find if I run individual
programs like xterm on my linux box, it works just fine, openning a window
on my pc.

What I was hoping to be able to do, was to see the entire
gnome/enlightment desktop within a window on my PC. So far I am not able
to make that work. Apparnently, these windows managers are setup so only
one can run at a time. And since there is one running on my linux
(attached) monitor, I can't get another one to run over X to my PC.

Am I trying to do the impossible, or is there a trick to making this work?
Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a MS Windows Xserver, or is
NCD the best choice?

Best Regards,
Robert Laughlin

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