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SubjectAlpha SX164 reboot problems
I have an alpha sx164 which has a problem when it rebooted via
shutdown -r. This has happened with kernels 2.2.5 2.2.11 2.2.12 and
2.2.13, under RedHat6.0. It appears to be a problem in resetting the
bus correctly. The symptoms are:
1. The UDMA disk connected to my Promise 20262 spins forever early
on in the boot sequence. I am booting from the builtin ide controllers
but the root is on hde.
2. The 8 SCSI disks connected to a 2940UW controller encounter parity
errors and require many timeouts/resets before stabilizing. This of
course destroyed the RAID5 disk that I had created with them.
These symptoms are on different two machines with exactly the
same motherboards, but different AlphaBioses and amount of memory.
Is this a known problem with milo/kernel is it possible to get a
colder boot.
Boots from a powered down state exhibit none of these problems.


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