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SubjectRe: Colour blindness & the Linux Kernel Version History
Hi Mark.

>> I am of course willing to listen to any criticism on this front,

> darkblue, royalblue and green look OK on cyan.

One thing I absolutely HATE is the fact that Netscape responds to
"BGColor=DarkBlue" by producing DIFFERENT colours depending on whether
it's being run under Linux or Windows, and IE5 produces different
colours for "BGColor=RoyalBlue" under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.
Those are just the ones I've found so far (both confirmed by some
non-colourblind friends of mine), and I'm sure there are others, but
it makes it very difficult to devise a colour scheme that works on all
combinations of browser and operating system !!!

> yellow, lightblue are near-illegible on cyan.
> red and orange are readable but somewhat irritating on cyan.

Incidentally, the colour scheme I'm looking for is one where the text
can remain either Black or NavyBlue, but the background colour can
vary to indicate different things. Basically, I need four different
background colours that satisfy ALL of the following requirements:

1. Provides a good contrast to the text colour under all of
the various colour blindness options.

2. Does so equally well under all graphical web browsers, and
especially under both Netscape and Internet Explod^Hrer.

3. Does so equally well under all combinations of operating
system for each of those browsers.

Any suggestions relating to this will be very much appreciated.

Also, a friend of mine has asked me how his pages fare with people
suffering from colour blindness, and I am sure he would appreciate
opinions on this matter from other than myself. His homepage is for those wishing to comment...

Best wishes from Riley.

PS: The kernel versions page is now back online at the URL below, and
includes separate sublists both for each kernel series, and for
each year of development.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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