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SubjectProcess statistics questions
I have a server (kernel 2.0.35, debian 2.0 installation) which is under a
rather heavy total load, even though no single subsystem seems to be under
excessive load. So what we're trying to do is find out what's causing the
load and that's where my questions come in. To this end I have some
questions I hope that someone out there might take pity on me and answer
these questions:

1) The machine in question is doing quite a few context switches; around
1300-1400 per second in average, sometimes topping 4500 or more (as
reported by vmstat). This is a P2-266, and my question is: how many
context switches is it reasonable to expect from such a CPU? I realize
the answer depends a lot on the tasks the machine performs, any opinions
on the matter would be appreciated.

2) Is it possible to see how much time a single process spends waiting for
I/O reads and writes? I understand top on both solaris and HP/UX reports a
percentage measurement for this.

I know these questions are a bit off-topic and that everyone resents being
disturbed in their bashing of the only slightly esoterical issues of
virtual memory management algorithms, but I would appreciate any input in
the matter as this is a rather important project to us. We have invested a
lot of prestige in this project and it would greatly further the GNU/Linux
cause in Sweden if it became successful (as it is a rather high profile

Please reply cc to me, as I am not normally on the kernel mailing list.


| Three servers for the admins under the influence of rye, |
| seven routers for the network techs in their halls of stone |
| Nine workstations for mortal lusers doomed to die |
| One NT box from the dark lord on his throne |
| in the land of Redmond where the shadows lie |
| One box to run them all, one box to blind them |
| one box to control them all and in the darkness grind them |
| from the land of Redmond where the shadows lie. |
| --- Bram Smits / alt.sysadmin.recovery |

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