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SubjectRe: 2.1.98 Netscape hangs and more
Hi George.

>>I've been running Netscape under various kernels from 2.0.27 through
>>2.0.33 and have only had it hang once, which was when I did a "swapoff
>>-a" whilst it was running under 2.0.30 - and in my opinion, hangs
>>caused by doing that are EXTREMELY unlikely to be kernel bugs...

> I must be unlucky, my 2.0.29 used to do it around once or twice a
> night...with a completely idle machine (28MB RAM) except for
> browsing in X.

> Highly annoying. Sometimes it would be the EGAIN war, other times
> it would be a infinitely restarting signal alarm problem...

For reference, here's the kernels I've used and what under...

Q> Hardware: Intel P166 with 4.5G of HD space, 126M swap partition.

Q> 2.0.27 - RedHat 4.1, 32M RAM.
Q> 2.0.28 - RedHat 4.1, 32M RAM.
Q> 2.0.30 - RedHat 4.1, 32M RAM.
Q> 96M RAM.
Q> 2.0.30 - RedHat 5.0, 96M RAM.
Q> 2.0.32 - RedHat 5.0, 96M RAM.
Q> 2.0.33 - RedHat 5.0, 96M RAM.

As you can see from the table, I missed 2.0.29 out, simply because I
was away when it was released, and 2.0.30 had been released when I got
back. I also upgraded my machine from 32M to 96M of RAM whilst running
2.0.30 with RedHat 4.1, then lost my root partition due to a general
power failure (most of Scotland lost its power during a storm that
night), and reinstalled with an NFS install of RH 5.0. I was offline
when 2.0.31 was current due to my ISP going bankrupt, and together
with other problems, didn't get back online until after 2.0.32 came

Hopefully, the above description helps...

Best wishes from Riley.

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