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Subjectpossible bug in shutdown(2) system call?

I'm forwarding this for Tom Christiansen, who posted the following on
the perl5-porter's list:

| From: Tom Christiansen <>
| Subject: Linux has a broken shutdown syscall!
| To: The Perl Porters Mailing List <>
| Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 06:37:38 -0600
| Normally, one can exchange
| for
| shutdown(READER, 1); # no more writing for reader
| shutdown(WRITER, 0); # no more reading for writer
| But guess what -- that doesn't work without fiddling!
| 1) The call to PF_UNIX must be PF_UNSPEC (or 0) on SunOS and BSD,
| even though it claims otherwise. There's some talk of PF_LOCAL,
| but that's not even documented outside BSD. Linux will accept
| either PF_UNIX or PF_UNSPEC there.
| 2) On Linux, shutdown is broken! You have to give it the opposite
| argument! You must perversely do this:
| shutdown(READER, 0);
| shutdown(WRITER, 1);
| Here's a suite that demonstrates this. Notice 1a and 1c, 2a and 2c.
| If you're on Linux, you'll have shutdown tell the reader not to
| read and the writer not to write. Very bizarre. On SunOS and BSD,
| you do the sane thing.
| Anybody have any clues about this?
| --tom

The full text of this article should be retrievable from:

Does anyone have more information to offer on this topic? It sounds
like Linux is not doing what the man page for shutdown(2) claims it's

| SHUTDOWN(2) Linux Programmer's Manual SHUTDOWN(2)
| shutdown - shut down part of a full-duplex connection [...]
| The shutdown call causes all or part of a full-duplex con-
| nection on the socket associated with s to be shut down.
| If how is 0, further receives will be disallowed. If how
| is 1, further sends will be disallowed. If how is 2, fur-
| ther sends and receives will be disallowed. [...]
| 4.4BSD (the shutdown function call first appeared in
| 4.2BSD). [...]
| BSD Man Page 24 July 1993 1

If this belongs to the glibc people, please tell me, and I'll try to
forward it to them. (Better yet, forward it for me -- I don't know
their address.)

I tried searching the archives for references to this, but didn't find
anything obvious. If I'm missing something, please be reasonably
gentle with your enlightenment. :)

Tkil * <URL:> * hopelessly hopeless romantic.
"So amplify this little one | She hears as much as she can see
She's a volume freak | And what she sees, she can't believe."
-- Catherine Wheel, _Happy Days_, "Judy Staring At The Sun"

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