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SubjectRe: Fairness in love and swapping

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> I noticed something rather unfortunate when starting up two of these
> tests simultaneously, each test using a bit less than total physical
> memory. The first test gobbled up the whole of ram as expected, but the
> second test did not. What happened was that the contention for memory
> was keeping swap active all the time, but the processes which were
> already all in memory just kept running at full speed and so their pages
> all remained fresh in the page age table. The newcomer processes were
> never able to keep a page in memory long enough for their age to compete
> with the old process' pages, and so I had a number of identical
> processes, half of which were fully swapped in and half of which were
> swapping madly.
> Needless to say, this is highly unfair, but I'm not sure whether there
> is any easy way round it --- any clock algorithm will have the same
> problem, unless we start implementing dynamic resident set size limits.

Yes. This is similar to what I observed when I (a long time ago) made the
swap-out a lot more strictly "least recently used": what that ended up
showing very clearly was that interactive processes got swapped out very
aggressively indeed, because they had tended to touch their pages much
less than the memory-hogging ones..

What I _think_ should be done is that every time the accessed bit is
cleared in a process during the clock scan, the "swap-out priority" of
that process is _increased_. Right now it works the other way around:
having the accessed bit set _decreases_ the priority for swapping, because
the pager thinks that that page shouldn't be paged out.

Note that these are two different priorities: you have a "per-page"
priority and a "per-process" priority, and they should have a reverse
relationship: being accessed should obviously make the "per-page" thing
less likely to page out, but it should make the "per process" thing _more_
likely to page out.

The per-page thing we already obviously have. And we currently have
something that comes close to being a "per process" priority, which is
the "p->swap_cnt" thing. But it is not updated on accessed bits, but
rather differently based on the rss, and there is precious little
interaction between the two: at some point we should make the comparison
between "is the per-page priority lower than the per-process priority"?
Right now we have a "absolute" comparison of the per-page priority for
determining whether to throw the page out or not, which isn't associated
with the per-process priority at all.

(Note: in this context "per-process" really is "per-page-table", ie it
should probably be in p->mm->swap_cnt rather than in p->swap_cnt..)

I think this is something to look at..


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