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SubjectFinding memory leaks

I am running 2.0.33 on several machines which are being used as network
routers. They all have 8Mb of memory. I wrote small userspace programm that
is reporting amount of free memory every 10 seconds. It is decreasing all
the time. The longest time I have seen them up is approx. 10 hours. I
suppose it is memory leak in kernel because there are no any serious
userspace programs running (except inetd because I administer them remotely).

And now my question: which is the best/fastest way to find memory leaks
(which function should I patch to log some information, maybe there already
is some patch), also what could be possible reasons of leaks. I am using ne
device driver. Maybe that is hardware problem (I thought so and compiled
kernel for 386, no changes...)?

Please, give me a hand (I suppose I can do most of searching myself, I just
have to start from somewhere)


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