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Subjectknfsd vs traditional nfsd
Hi there, I just compiled a 2.1.86 kernel on a RedHat 5.0 system of mine
with pgcc 1.01. Everything working nicely. How do I take advantage of
knfsd? I have it compiled as a module, and it seems that I am not using
it. I tried "modprobe nfsd", and the module inserted fine, but nothing
uses it and I havn't found any documentation in linux/Documentation that
might help me.



PS: Keep up the good work everyone. Day by day, I notice Linux is growing
stronger, and Windows well, isn't. I managed to impress the hell out of
my friends the other day playing 3dfx accelerated Quake2, mp3s with
x11amp, the latest WindowMaker and Gimp. They simply didn't believe that
it was that good, and that Linux was just a "toy for geeks"..
Unfortunately a common misconception. Or is it? :)

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