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SubjectRe: A patch for linux 2.1.127
On Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 05:37:02PM -0500, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> Any/all of this stuff could be done with a real assembler. You get
> real performance benefits if entire procedures (functions) are written
> in the native machine-language. Portability-buffs can use 'C' substitutes
> to keep their noses "clean", but those who wanted to save every CPU
> cycle for user-mode work, could get their rocks off by making the
> fastest (name your machine) kernel in the world.

Richard, what does GNU as not having your preferred syntax standard have
to do with the performance benefits of real assembler? And if you
hadn't noticed, speed critical bits of the kernel _are_ written in pure
assembler (see entry.S et al.).

BTW, there are both Intel-syntax and ATT-syntax pure assembler files in
the Linux source tree already. If you want to use Intel syntax, there
are enough assemblers around.

Are for the bit about macros, GNU as has had .macro and .rept built in
for some time. Plenty of preprocessors were available (including one
specially designed for GNU as) before that.

Oh yes, from a speed perspective we use GCC asms because they're faster
than putting entire assembler procedures out of line and/or with
non-optimal operand allocation.

And one final thing ;-), in my experience the most speed-tweaked
assembly language tends not to run to well on newer processor
generations. I've written really speedy 386 code in my time, only to
find a straightforward C implementation runs much faster on a 486
(though much slower on a 386). So there.

My philosophy: if the code isn't quite speedy enough, fix the compiler.

-- Jamie

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