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SubjectRe: Take a deep breath...
  Boy, am I going to regret this...

First off I'd like to apologize for having ever posted in this thread.

Secondly, I would like to point out that kernel development isn't for
everyone. It's not even for me. The code bits I've contributed are things
that I needed fixed for my own setup and figured that was probably not
significant enough to bother the developers with. Now that things are
working pretty well for me, I probably won't contribute anything further
until something else breaks and I think I can fix it. Hopefully that won't
ever happen.

I realize that kernel hacking is where the fun is, but it's not for
everyone. I think that really, if you can't understand the code then you
probably don't have any business mucking with it anyway. However like most
of the annoying people I know, you want total knowledge and you want it NOW!
You haven't the patience to learn it yourself, so you blame the developers
for their poor commenting style. Well tough patooties, sucks to be you
don't it?

If you _really_ want to contribute to Linux, well, Linux needs userland
code far far more than it needs kernel land code at this stage. If you
really wanted to make a difference you wouldn't be on this list bitching
about poor commenting in the linux kernel but would be coding THE NEXT GREAT
AMERICAN WORDPROCESSOR for Linux. Some userland developers are just as
admired as the kernel developers, you can be too.

Stable kernels are the least of Linux's concerns at this point.
Applications are. So the question is, why aren't you coding an application
instead of bitching about how you can't hack kernel code? Userland code
isn't macho enough for you? Do what you can instead of bitching about what
you can't if you ask me. If you don't have what it takes, get off this list
and leave the rest of us alone. This is no place for wimps.

Getting off this list might also move me up the queue a little so I get
the mails faster, which I would really appreciate.

Remember to unsubscribe, you send a mail to
with no subject and a message body of:

unsubscribe linux-kernel <your e-mail address>

Try it today.

- Steve

Anxiously awaiting his movement up the mail queue.

.------------------------------------------------. # * # # # # # #
| Steve Baker | Barely Working | # ## # # # # #
| | System Administrator | # # # # # # # #
| Red-Hat Rulz! | Will work for hardware | # # # ## # # # #
`-- SYS-ADMIN FOR HIRE, HAVE UNIX, WILL TRAVEL --' #### # # # ## # #

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