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SubjectMultiple 1.3.75 oopses

Here's the info:

Ksymoops information follows

general protection: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<0010a629>]
EFLAGS: 00253046
eax: ffffffff ebx: ffffffff ecx: 03194b68 edx: ffff0ff0
esi: ffffffff edi: ffffffff ebp: 010b3ef4 esp: 0109ffe8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
Corrupted stack page
Process in.identd (pid: 8997, process nr: 133, stackpage=010b3000)
Stack: 0109fff0 ffffffff ffffffff 03194b68 ffff0ff0 ffffffff
Call Trace:
Code: ff d3 83 c4 08 e9 8d fe ff ff 8d b6 00 00 00 00 8d b4 26 00
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<00000007>]
EFLAGS: 00253402
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 020fb018 edx: 020fb018
esi: 00000000 edi: 00000000 ebp: 00000000 esp: 0109ff30
ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
Process in.identd (pid: 8997, process nr: 133, stackpage=010b3000)
Stack: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Call Trace:
Code: f0 c3 e2 00 f0 fd 00 00 f0 fd 00 00 f0 54 ff 00 f0 fd 00 00

>>EIP: 10a629 <error_code+49/60>

Code: 10a629 <error_code+49/60> call *%ebx
Code: 10a62b <error_code+4b/60> addl $0x8,%esp
Code: 10a62e <error_code+4e/60> jmp fffffe97 <_EIP+fffffe97>
Code: 10a633 <error_code+53/60> leal 0x0(%esi),%esi
Code: 10a639 <error_code+59/60> leal 0x90900000(%esi,1),%esi
Code: 10a640 <coprocessor_error> nop

OOps 2:

general protection: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<00110523>]
EFLAGS: 00010002
eax: 00470d64 ebx: 726f2073 ecx: 02ce4770 edx: 02c9b770
esi: 00000001 edi: 000003ed ebp: 696e6167 esp: 012dcef8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
Corrupted stack page
Process in.identd (pid: 2832, process nr: 25, stackpage=012dc000)
Stack: 6974617a 61206e6f 6920646e 6c207374 6c61636f 61686320 72657470 61200a73
66206572 206d6f72 20656874 2c796167 73656c20 6e616962 6e61202c 69622064
75786573 63206c61 756d6d6f 7974696e 7469202c 20736920 75746361 796c6c61
Call Trace:
Code: c3 55 89 e5 53 8b 4d 08 31 c0 9c 5b fa 8b 11 85 d2 74 1a 8b

>>EIP: 110523 <add_timer+33/34>

Code: 110523 <add_timer+33/34> ret
Code: 110524 <del_timer> pushl %ebp
Code: 110525 <del_timer+1/38> movl %esp,%ebp
Code: 110527 <del_timer+3/38> pushl %ebx
Code: 110528 <del_timer+4/38> movl 0x8(%ebp),%ecx
Code: 11052b <del_timer+7/38> xorl %eax,%eax
Code: 11052d <del_timer+9/38> pushf
Code: 11052e <del_timer+a/38> popl %ebx
Code: 11052f <del_timer+b/38> cli
Code: 110530 <del_timer+c/38> movl (%ecx),%edx
Code: 110532 <del_timer+e/38> testl %edx,%edx
Code: 110534 <del_timer+10/38> je 110550 <del_timer+2c/38>
Code: 110536 <del_timer+12/38> movl (%eax),%eax
Code: 110538 <del_timer+14/38> nop
Code: 110539 <del_timer+15/38> nop
Code: 11053a <del_timer+16/38> nop
Trace: 120c2e <clear_inode+e/108>
Trace: 17c568 <sprintf+14/18>
Trace: 13bcf8 <get__netinfo+1a8/248>
Trace: 13bd0d <get__netinfo+1bd/248>
Trace: 13bdb9 <tcp_get_info+21/28>
Trace: 157f21 <proc_readnet+ad/144>
Trace: 1206b4 <sys_read+80/90>
Trace: 10a479 <system_call+59/a0>

invalid operand: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<00000007>]
EFLAGS: 00010402
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00d063c0 ecx: 03c68798 edx: 03c68798
esi: 00000000 edi: 00d063c0 ebp: 0019b118 esp: 012dce78
ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
Process in.identd (pid: 2832, process nr: 25, stackpage=012dc000)
Stack: 0000000a ffffffff 00000000 00000002 02ce460c 00000001 0000039f 00000001
001933f4 00120c2e 00e6cc30 00000002 00181bf8 00000000 0017c568 0161539f
00181bf9 012dcf00 0013bcf8 0161539f 00181bb7 00000017 023b6cc6 00000017
Call Trace: [<00120c2e>] [<0017c568>] [<0013bcf8>] [<0013bd0d>] [<0013bdb9>] [<00157f21>] [<001206b4>]
Code: f0 c3 e2 00 f0 fd 00 00 f0 fd 00 00 f0 54 ff 00 f0 fd 00 00

Using `' to map addresses to symbols.

Trace: 120c2e <clear_inode+e/108>
Trace: 17c568 <sprintf+14/18>
Trace: 13bcf8 <get__netinfo+1a8/248>
Trace: 13bd0d <get__netinfo+1bd/248>
Trace: 13bdb9 <tcp_get_info+21/28>
Trace: 157f21 <proc_readnet+ad/144>
Trace: 1206b4 <sys_read+80/90>
Trace: 10a479 <system_call+59/a0>

Code: lock ret
Code: loop 00000004 <_EIP+4>
Code: lock std
Code: addb %al,(%eax)
Code: lock std
Code: addb %al,(%eax)
Code: lock pushl %esp
Code: incl (%eax)
Code: lock std
Code: addb %al,(%eax)

 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:36    [W:0.026 / U:0.348 seconds]
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