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>There would have to be someplace (not in available RAM) to store statistics
>about corrections that occur. Old VAXen do that. The memory controller
>chips have "ports" than can be read by the OS to obtain statistics. VAX/VMS
>will write an error log message about what was done and what "page" of
>memory failed or had to be corrected. If the pages were in kernel space,

My old SGI 440 does this - if I run a program called /etc/ecc, I get
a list of momory corrections:

ECC errors logged:
Legend: DBxx - single data bit corrected
CBx - single check bit corrected
2bit - double bit uncorrected
unc - multi-bit uncorrected
SIM locations assuming only 1Mbit SIM boards
<phys address 272-274Mb a3 = 1, syndrome = DB03> SIM:address OOR for configuration

SIM locations assuming 1Mbit SIM & 4Mbit SIM boards
<phys address 272-274Mb a3 = 1, syndrome = DB03> SIM:2nd memory board:M4K0

SIM locations assuming only 4Mbit SIM boards
<phys address 272-274Mb a3 = 1, syndrome = DB03> SIM:2nd memory board:M4O8


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