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SubjectI Need Your Help In Investment Project;;
Greetings Dear Friend,

Please do not be embarrassed for contacting you through this medium; I
got your contact from Google people search and then decided to contact
you. My goal is to establish a viable business relationship with you
there in your country.

I am Stepan l. CHERNOVETSKYI, from Kyiv (Ukraine); I was a
businessman, Investor and Founder of Chernovetskyi Investment Group
(CIG) in Kyiv before Russia’s Invasion of my country. My business has
been destroyed by the Russian military troops and there are no
meaningful economic activities going on in my country.

I am looking for your help and assistance to buy properties and other
investment projects, I consider it necessary to diversify my
investment project in your country, due to the invasion of Russia to
my country, Ukraine and to safeguard the future of my family.

Please, I would like to discuss with you the possibility of how we can
work together as business partners and invest in your country through
your assistance, if you can help me.

Please, if you are interested in partnering with me, please respond
urgently for more information.

Yours Sincerely,
Chairman and founder of Chernovetskyi Investment Group (CIG)

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  Last update: 2023-03-27 00:46    [W:1.826 / U:0.032 seconds]
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