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Subject[PATCH 1/1] Calculate the monotonic clock from the timespec clock to genereate pps PPS elapsed realtime event value and stores the result into /sys/class/pps/pps0/assert_elapsed.
Hi  ,

I created the PPS patch and it was sent PPS maintainer Rodolfo and to to include these changes into official ML
kernel for

Here are PPS patch and cover letter in the following locations:
 - [PATCH 1/1] Calculate the monotonic clock from the timespec clock
 - [New] [PATCH 1/1] Calculate the monotonic clock from the timespec clock

 Rodolfo's Ack for inclusion is below.

 Can you check the PPS patch on your side  because we need to have
into official ML kernel and share the commit id with Google.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rodolfo Giometti []
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2021 2:53 AM
To: Alex Komrakov <>
Cc: Hoi Kim <>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/1] Calculate the monotonic clock from the timespec
clock to genereate pps PPS elapsed realtime event value and stores the
result into /sys/class/pps/pps0/assert_elapsed.

On 26/11/21 11:26, Alex Komrakov wrote:
> Hi Rodolfo,
> Please give me a response about last my steps about sending
> <>.
> Does patch is ready for official ML kernel?


Sorry for the delay... ^__^"



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