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SubjectMy record show that you have not yet reply my last message sent to you since last week.
Dear Friend.

My record show that you have not yet reply my last message sent to you
since last week. I'm writing you once again because I asked myself
several unanswered questions today does it mean that my message was
diverted or you disregard it intentionally. I'm Ms Rosemar Matthew.
with both Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree as preferred in my
vocation. I'm working in Lloyd's Bank London as an Accountant. In our
anking system, I discovered that you are sharing the same Surname with
our deceased client who left a large fund in our bank guard.

Due to the Corona-virus Outbreak all over the world which have placed
confusion to all Financial sectors and Monitoring Pecuniary Unit, the
Lloyd's Bank want to use this great opportunity to relocate all
pending transfer to the right owner's which include the fund I'm
talking about here which have been in our position. I suggest that
your previous silent should not affect this message because of
uncertain personal situations facing the fund I'm talking about here,
I request that you should reply me this time at the soonest because we
need to complete this transfer.

Thank you and I’m sincerely looking forward to complete this fund

transfer with you.
With Regards,
From Ms Rosemar Matthew,

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  Last update: 2020-08-12 12:08    [W:0.023 / U:0.068 seconds]
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