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Greeting to you my Dearest,

Please I need your help and Assistance. Permit me to inform you of my
desire of going into business relationship with you. I am Miss.Esther
Gabriel, the only Daughter of late Mr. and Mrs.Gabriel Kadjo. My
father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan; the economic
capital of Ivory Coast, my father was poisoned to death by his
business associates on one of their outings on a business trip.

My mother died when I was a baby and since then my father took me so
special. Before the death of my father in a private hospital here in
Abidjan he secretly called me on his bed side and told me that he has
the sum of SIXTY FIVE Million United State Dollars (USD.$65.000,000)
deposited in one of the largest security company here in Abidjan, that
he used my name as his only Daughter for the next of Kin in depositing
of the fund to the security company.

He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was
poisoned by his business associates. That I should seek for a look
foreign partner in a country of my choice who will assist me for
investment purpose. And the money is in six 6 trunk boxes there in the
security company now.

I am deeply here seeking your assistance in the following ways:

(1) To stand as my late father's foreign partner before the security
company for them to deliver the 6 six trunk boxes that contain the
found to you in your country.

(2) To serve as a guardian of this fund in the trunk box and invest
them into a good business investments that can benefit you and me
since I am only 24 years old girl, I do not have any idea of any
business investment!

(3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further
my education/study and to secure a resident permit and my travelling
Visa to come over and stay in your country.

Moreover, I am willing to offer you 20% percent of the total sum as
compensation for your effort/input after the successful delivering of
the trunk boxes from the security company While 80% percent will be
for me and my Education in your country.

Furthermore, please indicate your interest off helping me out for I
believe that this transaction would be concluded within fourteen (14)
days from the day you signify your interest to assist me.

Anticipating to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


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  Last update: 2020-03-17 15:16    [W:0.035 / U:0.176 seconds]
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