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SubjectRe: [Resubmit] Read battery voltage from Logitech Gaming mice
On Fri, 2019-08-23 at 10:22 -0400, Pedro Vanzella wrote:
> I actually resubmitted by Filipe's request, since the patches weren't
> applying cleanly anymore. The idea was to apply these patches and in the
> future refactor the code to use the feature discovery routines.

Yes, I want to refactor everything so I though there was no point in us
changing the patch set again. I did not review the first revision of
the patch set so if that works for you (Benjamin) we can just merge

> So we (you, me and Filipe) should probably come up with an action plan
> here. The way I see it there are two issues here: one is adding this
> feature, and the other is refactoring to use feature discovery for all
> features. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing one or another
> first and we might want to discuss that.
> By merging this first (probably after I resubmit it as a single squashed
> patch) we get to test it a bit better and have a usable feature sooner.
> Plenty of people have been requesting this and there is plenty of stuff
> that can be built on top of it, but only once this is actually merged I
> think.
> On the other hand, by first refactoring the rest of the code to use
> 0x0001 we avoid some rework on this patch. It should be minor, as most
> functions here do all the heavy lifting after the initial feature
> discovery, and are thus mostly independent from how that is done.
> I'm happy either way, so just let me know what you guys decide.

I am also fine either way so I think we should just re-send the first
revision of your patch set as Benjamin requested.

Thank you,
Filipe Laíns
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