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Subjectwas: Fair Pay / Anti-Schizophrenic Measures
Some more afterthoughts on my research that came to me:

In the early indie homecomputing environment such as Amiga we see anti-schizophrenic designs, and an anti-pop ("nerd") culture, that also is anti-schizophrenic.

Lesser schizophrenia seems to be based in un-accurate thinking. Greater Schizophrenia is drug-based and cannot be cured. Lesser Schizophrenia can be defeated to some extent, maybe wholly, and a computer programmer needs to have accurate thinking, for a good O.S. That is why we see a popular anti-schizophrenic culture such as The Amiga, be accurate in thinking, and of high quality. And remembered for this.

Unfortunately the drinking culture of Amiga was that of daily tavern visits which was reflected in atleast common weekend partying for many of its fans, making way for windows which was atleast as drunk.

In 2000, we see the peoples belief move further toward popculture as popularity becomes great, and so the anti-schizophrenic angle is lost. And typically the LSD/Psilocybin angle gets greater. Clearly see in Apple Mac. And Steve Jobs (rip), still selling flashy phones.

So I have included the forementioned cider, as this is the mushroom god reduced to Cider, which is the least one can do, and needs to have popularity of its kind, taking over this again, with an anti-schizophrenic measure, more like that of The Amiga, but now being the Source Available Unix-derivative I am working on.

Furthermore historically the mushroom god was reduced to minimal, the regressions of Adams god to Odn, and then Tor, which the Varangers again changed to Tyr, which is an empty concept, as much as a god can be.

Tyr again still compatbile with the kind of quality measures we want, and Varanger culture, a big culture wanting so.

And what if we further change the useless threeletter gods to an economic system, which CAN be three letters. Indeed if you want serious religion they you need a 500-page book like The Quran, and ALLAH.

Three letters will never be this, nor a mushroom regressed bible.

And Varanger culture indeed was more like muslims, having once believed in Adams god.

A computer OS with up and download of files, can be a three letter system, and I have renamed it to TSX O.S. "Transaction Streaming Unix-derivative". Supporting all ciderproduction in the world, for a an anti-schizophrenic force, as much as can be in pop culture.

Still ofcourse with the fair pay princples this began with. So much better than regressed churches and facist kings. Let this money stream through here instead, For The People, as a democracy supposedly should be.

Truly Peace,

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