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SubjectThe Fair Pay OS, for an online Technocracy.
The Fair Pay OS, for an online Technocracy.

The Fair Pay OS represents democratic wishes, labour party politics, and work union efforts for fair pay, with the original principle of Fair Pay being from monotheism, respecting this, and using a zën-concept of the godh, as spirituality is best understood in the west, with egolessness and transcendence, and this concept is the same as Allah Almighty in the east aswell, where "muslim" represents the same.

Hoping to take centralized efforts to decentralized areas, for a technoeconomy there, in a finely granluated digital economic flow,
intergrating all of this in one coherent solution, with one coherent Ibrahimic background, replacing The Bible, with The Quran, as we still have this revelation intact, and we find it to be what we are looking for.

Conformant with both theocracy and democracy, and is even more democratic, and everybody gets what they want, in what will be an
online technocracy, with specialists representing the
people, managed by a léad. (imam).

This is the practical implementation of 15 years of research, that was top 1% research on

I hope you will enjoy, and come to understand, or indeed pray to the
authority of reality.

An ultimate conclusion on all that is done of politics, in "the age of



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