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SubjectProcess for severe early stable bugs?
The latest file system corruption issue (Nominally fixed by
ffe81d45322c ("blk-mq: fix corruption with direct issue") later
fixed by c616cbee97ae ("blk-mq: punt failed direct issue to dispatch
list")) brought a lot of rightfully concerned users asking about
release schedules. 4.18 went EOL on Nov 21 and Fedora rebased to
4.19.3 on Nov 23. When the issue started getting visibility,
users were left with the option of running known EOL 4.18.x
kernels or running a 4.19 series that could corrupt their
data. Admittedly, the risk of running the EOL kernel was pretty
low given how recent it was, but it's still not a great look
to tell people to run something marked EOL.

I'm wondering if there's anything we can do to make things easier
on kernel consumers. Bugs will certainly happen but it really
makes it hard to push the "always run the latest stable" narrative
if there isn't a good fallback when things go seriously wrong. I
don't actually have a great proposal for a solution here other than
retroactively bringing back 4.18 (which I don't think Greg would
like) but I figured I should at least bring it up.


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  Last update: 2018-12-08 01:33    [W:0.051 / U:0.472 seconds]
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