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SubjectIt is my intention to inform you of your legal rights. - Yes you can rescind your code license.
It is my intention to inform you of your legal rights.

A license is revocable by the property owner.
Others are suggesting to you otherwise. They are being disingenuous.

With both Linux and BSD there is no attached interest (no one paid you)
There is no detrimental reliance (you never promised anyone you would
forfeit your default property rights, and they never payed you for this

I waited two months for Eben Moglen's promised refutation. It never

You concoct some conspiracy theory about "trolling" because you simply
do not understand
the very simple legal principals. You furthermore imagine it impossible
a lawyer to waste his time informing you, because you see such a
(one you did not obtain) as too lofty for any to waste their time with

I'm wasting my time. With you. To try to get it through your ignorant
that you can rescind the grant, and that it is a partial remedy to
getting thrown
out for whatever CoC is being foisted upon both the FreeBSD and Linux

Suffice to say: you are too stupid to understand that you do not know
what you do not know
and that your leaders are blowing smoke up your ass in an attempt to get
you to sign
a pledge against your current legal rights before you might make use of

That is: You are a Stupid Man. Like many of the weak twig like men in
the movement.
You are little more than employees: and you accept being treated like
You accept being dominated by women, and revel in it: it is all you
You accept being dominated by bosses, and revel in it: it is all you

You also accept that you cannot take young girls as brides.
You accept that "your" wives dominate you.
You celebrate this.

You hate YHWH's law, which allows men to take girls (female children) as
including in cases of rape (5th book of the law, 22nd chapter, 28th
verse, in the Greek Septuagint or the Hebrew MT)

You are an enemy of the god. You are an enemy of man.
You are a friend to women, and their support groups.
You design to convert all the intellectual property of the men who
created the edifice into the hands of the women and
the entrenched interests that support them.

Men who do not like this have an option: Band together as a Bloc, and
rescind license to your code.

On 2018-12-28 19:10, Ralf Mardorf via freebsd-chat wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 14:51:04 +0000 (UTC), Robbie Herb wrote:
>> Would it be possible to blacklist those domains? I was wondering that
>> from the first mail in this thread.
> This is my first and last reply regarding this topic.
> This troll sends this kind of spam to more mailing lists, than "just"
> those BSD and the Linux kernel lists we see in the headers here. I've
> noticed it at e.g. an Ubuntu mailing list, too.
> At one or the other mailing list, a list admin might not maintain the
> mailing list during festive season and several subscribers retrieve
> mails less often than usual, so instead getting one by one, they get
> tons of them at once, since an untrained spam filter can't work.
> However, 1. there are lists of those and other disposable-email-domains
> on git hub or similar sources available. 2. I'm not using such a list,
> but after reading half of the first sentence of one of the first mails
> from this spammer, a single mouse click to teach bogofilter was enough
> to get rid of all following emails immediately, excepted of replies to
> this malicious grinch.
> It is intended by this person to do it during festive season. We need
> to stand that this is an unfortunate moment to maintain spam filters
> and mailing lists. It gets even more worth, if people reply to those
> mindless mails. I can't understand that anybody takes the time to read
> more than one sentence, let alone to reply to it.
> _______________________________________________
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

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