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Subject[PATCH 00/13] hv: clean up dev_attr usage

Here's a set of 13 patches to get rid of the dev_attrs use in the hv bus
code, as it will be going away soon. It's _way_ bigger than all other
conversions I've had to do so far in the kernel, as you were using a
"multiplexor" function for all of these files.

So, I've broken it up into individual show/store sysfs functions, and
cleaned up a bunch of debug structures that aren't needed and shouldn't
be exported to the rest of the kernel.

I've also fixed up some void * usage in the hv core, in patch 07, to
make things simpler and not so "magic" when dealing with these pages.
If you could review that one closely to ensure I didn't mess anything
up, I would appreciate it.

Also, are all of these files really needed for sysfs? They seem to be
all debugging stuff, shouldn't they go into debugfs if you really
need/use them anymore?

KY, could you test these out? I don't have access to a hv system at the
moment. I'll wait for your ack before applying them to any of my trees.


greg k-h

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  Last update: 2013-09-13 21:41    [W:0.138 / U:0.032 seconds]
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