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SubjectTux3 Report: Faster than tmpfs, what?
When something sounds to good to be true, it usually is. But not always. Today
Hirofumi posted some nigh on unbelievable dbench results that show Tux3
beating tmpfs. To put this in perspective, we normally regard tmpfs as
unbeatable because it is just a thin shim between the standard VFS mechanisms
that every filesystem must use, and the swap device. Our usual definition of
successful optimization is that we end up somewhere between Ext4 and Tmpfs,
or in other words, faster than Ext4. This time we got an excellent surprise.

The benchmark:

dbench -t 30 -c client2.txt 1 & (while true; do sync; sleep 4; done)


KVM with two CPUs and 4 GB memory running on a Sandy Bridge four core host
at 3.4 GHz with 8 GB of memory. Spinning disk. (Disk drive details
to follow.)

Summary of results:

tmpfs: Throughput 1489.00 MB/sec max_latency=1.758 ms
tux3: Throughput 1546.81 MB/sec max_latency=12.950 ms
ext4: Throughput 1017.84 MB/sec max_latency=1441.585 ms

Tux3 edged out Tmpfs and stomped Ext4 righteously. What is going on?
Simple: Tux3 has a frontend/backend design that runs on two CPUs. This
allows handing off some of the work of unlink and delete to the kernel tux3d,
which runs asynchronously from the dbench task. All Tux3 needs to do in the
dbench context is set a flag in the deleted inode and add it to a dirty
list. The remaining work like truncating page cache pages is handled by the
backend tux3d. The effect is easily visible in the dbench details below
(See the Unlink and Deltree lines).

It is hard to overstate how pleased we are with these results. Particularly
after our first dbench tests a couple of days ago were embarrassing: more than
five times slower than Ext4. The issue turned out to be inefficient inode
allocation. Hirofumi changed the horribly slow itable btree search to a
simple "allocate the next inode number" counter, and shazam! The slowpoke
became a superstar. Now, this comes with a caveat: the code that produces
this benchmark currently relies on this benchmark-specific hack to speed up
inode number allocation. However, we are pretty sure that our production inode
allocation algorithm will have insignificant additional overhead versus this
temporary hack. If only because "allocate the next inode number" is nearly
always the best strategy.

With directory indexing now considered a solved problem, the only big
issue we feel needs to be addressed before offering Tux3 for merge is
allocation. For now we use the same overly simplistic strategy to allocate
both disk blocks and inode numbers, which is trivially easy to defeat to
generate horrible benchmark numbers on spinning disk. So the next round
of work, which I hope will only take a few weeks, consists of improving
these allocators to at least a somewhat respectable level.

For inode number allocation, I have proposed a strategy that looks a lot
like Ext2/3/4 inode bitmaps. Tux3's twist is that these bitmaps are just
volatile cache objects, never transferred to disk. According to me, the
overhead of allocating from these bitmaps will hardly affect today's
benchmark numbers at all, but that remains to be proven.

Detailed dbench results:

Operation Count AvgLat MaxLat
NTCreateX 1477980 0.003 12.944
Close 1085650 0.001 0.307
Rename 62579 0.006 0.288
Unlink 298496 0.002 0.345
Deltree 38 0.083 0.157
Mkdir 19 0.001 0.002
Qpathinfo 1339597 0.002 0.468
Qfileinfo 234761 0.000 0.231
Qfsinfo 245654 0.001 0.259
Sfileinfo 120379 0.001 0.342
Find 517948 0.005 0.352
WriteX 736964 0.007 0.520
ReadX 2316653 0.002 0.499
LockX 4812 0.002 0.207
UnlockX 4812 0.001 0.221
Throughput 1546.81 MB/sec 1 clients 1 procs max_latency=12.950 ms

Operation Count AvgLat MaxLat
NTCreateX 1423080 0.004 1.155
Close 1045354 0.001 0.578
Rename 60260 0.007 0.470
Unlink 287392 0.004 0.607
Deltree 36 0.651 1.352
Mkdir 18 0.001 0.002
Qpathinfo 1289893 0.002 0.575
Qfileinfo 226045 0.000 0.346
Qfsinfo 236518 0.001 0.383
Sfileinfo 115924 0.001 0.405
Find 498705 0.007 0.614
WriteX 709522 0.005 0.679
ReadX 2230794 0.002 1.271
LockX 4634 0.002 0.021
UnlockX 4634 0.001 0.324
Throughput 1489 MB/sec 1 clients 1 procs max_latency=1.758 ms

Operation Count AvgLat MaxLat
NTCreateX 988446 0.005 29.226
Close 726028 0.001 0.247
Rename 41857 0.011 0.238
Unlink 199651 0.022 1441.552
Deltree 24 1.517 3.358
Mkdir 12 0.002 0.002
Qpathinfo 895940 0.003 15.849
Qfileinfo 156970 0.001 0.429
Qfsinfo 164303 0.001 0.210
Sfileinfo 80501 0.002 1.037
Find 346400 0.010 2.885
WriteX 492615 0.009 13.676
ReadX 1549654 0.002 0.808
LockX 3220 0.002 0.015
UnlockX 3220 0.001 0.010
Throughput 1017.84 MB/sec 1 clients 1 procs max_latency=1441.585 ms

Apologies for the formatting. I will get back to a real mailer soon.



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