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SubjectZelo zelo nujno prosim !!!
Od: Mr.Frank Taylor. 
Tel: +44 704 574 7992.

Sprejmi moje iskreno opravičilo, če moj mail ne ustreza vašim personalethics.

Bom se predstavim kot Mr.Frank Taylor, jaz sem državljan Deviški otoki
Britanski režiser prebivajo v London.A pri vodenju računov
oddelku, spremljanje finančno mrežo tukaj v Združenem kraljestvu.

To je podrobnost o tem, kaj hočem, da mi pomagajo pri doing.One naših računov
z gospodarstva, bilance funtov 20,500,000.00 (dvajset milijonov petsto tisoč funtov)
je v mirujočem stanju in ni deloval v zadnjih dvanajstih (12) let.

Iz mojih raziskav in potrditev, lastnik thisaccount,
Tujec z imenom Ost Bob) je umrl 31. januarja 2000.

glej to:

In od takrat se nihče ni naredil ničesar v zvezi z zahtevo po tem
denar, ker je nima družinskih članov, ki se zavedajo obstoja
ne upošteva niti sredstev.

Sem iskati vaše privoljenje, da vam predstavi kot ožjih sorodnikov / bo upravičenec do
umrlega, tako da se izkupiček od tega računa vrednotijo ​​na 20,5 milijonov funtov funtov
lahko plača (prenos) na vaš račun v vaši državi.

To bo izplačana ali delijo v teh odstotkih, 60% za mene in 40% za vas.
vse potrebne pravne dokumente, ki se lahko uporabljajo za nazaj do tega zahtevka smo kar bo zagotovljeno.

Prosim, da mi naslednje, kot smo 7 dni teči, da through.This je zelo zelo NUJNO prosim.

1. Ime in priimek.
2. Vaš Direct Mobile številka.
3. Vaš kontaktni naslov.
4. Vaš Age.
5. Vaš poklic.

S spoštovanjem,
Mr.Frank Taylor
Tel: +44 704 574 7992.


From: Mr.Frank Taylor.
Tel: +44 704 574 7992.

Accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personalethics.

I will introduce myself as Mr.Frank Taylor, I am a citizen Virgin Islands
A British residing in London.A director in the accounts management
section, monitoring financial network here in the United Kingdom.

This is the detail of what i want you to assist me in doing.One of our accounts
with holding balance of £20,500,000.00(Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand pounds)
has been dormant and has not been operated for the past twelve(12)years.

From my investigations and confirmations,the owner of thisaccount,
a foreigner by name (Ost Bob)died On January 31 2000.

see this:

And since then nobody has done anything as regards the claiming of this
money because he has no family members who are aware of the existence of
neither the account nor the funds.

I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin/Will Beneficiary to
the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at £20.5 Million Pounds
can be paid (transfer) to your Account in your country.

This will be disbursed or shared in these percentage, 60% to me and 40% to you.
all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up this claim we are making will be secured.

Please, provide me the following, as we have 7 days to run it through.This is very very URGENT PLEASE.

1. Full Name.
2. Your Direct Mobile Number.
3. Your Contact Address.
4. Your Age.
5. Your Occupation.

Mr.Frank Taylor
Tel: +44 704 574 7992.
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