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Subjectw35und: remove key management

key management isdone by softmac, so it became dead code.

key management is dead code that can be removed

commit 72ef967c3bdda42a1b39e533650b1588003cbb08
tree e9308481d119bfe6a85144849e88ace82431614b
parent ce03f9f145abf2e8be4b69f9ee56cd0e49c8770d
author Pavel <> Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:53:31 +0200
committer Pavel <> Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:53:31 +0200

drivers/net/wireless/winbond/winbondport/wbhal.c | 335 ----------------------
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 335 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/winbond/winbondport/wbhal.c b/drivers/net/wireless/winbond/winbondport/wbhal.c
index 0177bc0..55eccde 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/winbond/winbondport/wbhal.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/winbond/winbondport/wbhal.c
@@ -8,340 +8,6 @@ void hal_start_tx0(phw_data_t pHwData)
Wb35Tx_start( pHwData );

-void hal_remove_mapping_key( phw_data_t pHwData, PUCHAR pmac_addr )
- u32 i;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_remove_mapping_key\n"));
- #endif
- if( OS_MEMORY_COMPARE( pmac_addr, pHwData->Key_slot[i], MAC_ADDR_LENGTH ) )
- break;
- }
- if (i != MAX_KEY_TABLE) { //Find the same index
- // Clear the mac address
- memset(pHwData->Key_slot[i], 0, MAC_ADDR_LENGTH);
- // Writing into register to clear the valid bit
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0x0 );//Value
- i<<=4;
- i |= 0x4000000;
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x081c, i );
- }
-void hal_remove_default_key( phw_data_t pHwData, u32 i )
- u32 ltmp;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_remove_default_key\n"));
- #endif
- if (i < 4) { // For default key index 0 ~ 3
- //Writing into register to clear the valid bit
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0x0 );//Value
- ltmp = i<<4;
- ltmp |= 0x4000000;
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x081c, ltmp );
- memset(pHwData->Key_slot[i], 0, MAC_ADDR_LENGTH);
- }
-unsigned char hal_set_mapping_key( phw_data_t pHwData, PUCHAR pmac_addr, u8 null_key,
- u8 wep_on, PUCHAR ptx_tsc, PUCHAR prx_tsc,
- u8 key_type, u8 key_len, PUCHAR pkey_data )
- PWB35REG pWb35Reg = &pHwData->Wb35Reg;
- PULONG pltmp;
- u32 ltmp;
- u8 Key_content[sizeof(KEY_TABLE)+ 16 + 8 ]; //16 bytes for key content, 8 bytes for burst writing
- u8 i, j;
- PUCHAR pValue; //20060926 anson's endian
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return FALSE;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal mapping key set\n"));
- for( i=0; i<key_len; i++ )
- WBDEBUG(("%x ", pkey_data[i] ));
- WBDEBUG(("\n"));
- #endif
- // Turn off the reply ACK ability 930409.2
- // Due to DI-624. If user uses the WPA-PSK mode, driver doesn't
- // have enough time to setup the pairwise key into hardware.
- // For getting more time, disable the ACK ability to let the
- // AP retry to send the next packet which contains the group key data.
- pWb35Reg->M40_MacControl |= 0x4000;
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0840, pWb35Reg->M40_MacControl );
- // Set key table contain
- memset(Key_content, 0, sizeof(KEY_TABLE)+ 16 + 8); // 8 bytes for burst writing
- pKey = (PKEY_TABLE)(Key_content + 4 ); // Space 4 byte for burst command
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey;
- *pValue = 0x01; //bit 0
- *pValue |= ((null_key ? 0: 1) << 1); //bit 1, 35 hardware different with 33
- *pValue |= (key_type << 2); //bit 2~3
- *pValue |= (wep_on << 4); //bit 4
- pValue += 2;
- memcpy(pValue, pmac_addr, sizeof(u16)); //addr 1
- memcpy( &(pKey->DW1_Address2), pmac_addr + 2, sizeof(u32) );
- if (prx_tsc) {
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey +8 ; //20060926 anson's endian
- memcpy( pValue, prx_tsc, 6 ); //20060926 anson's endian
- }
- if (ptx_tsc) {
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey +16; //20060926 anson's endian
- memcpy( pValue, ptx_tsc, 6 ); //20060926 anson's endian
- }
- //fill key content [20060623]
- memcpy( ((PUCHAR)pKey+sizeof(KEY_TABLE)), pkey_data, key_len );
- j = 0xff;
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey + 2; //20060926 anson's endian
- if (!memcpy(pValue, pHwData->Key_slot[i], 6)) {
- pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index = i + 1;
- if( pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index == MAX_KEY_TABLE )
- pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index = MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX;
- break;
- }
- if (!memcpy(pHwData->Key_slot[i], "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", MAC_ADDR_LENGTH ))
- if (j == 0xff)
- j = i;//Storing the index which can be used
- }
- if (i == MAX_KEY_TABLE) { //Not found the entry, get one to use
- if( j == 0xff )//Is out of resource? If yes, get an elder one index to be replaced
- i = pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index;
- else
- i = j;
- pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index = i + 1;
- if( pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index == MAX_KEY_TABLE )
- pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index = MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX;
- //storing data
- //--- 20060926 anson's endian
- // *(PUSHORT)pHwData->Key_slot[i] = (u16)pKey->DW0_Address1; // @@
- //memcpy( pHwData->Key_slot[i] + 2, &(pKey->DW1_Address2), sizeof(u32) );
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey + 2; //20060926 add by anson's endian
- memcpy( pHwData->Key_slot[i], pValue, 6); //20060926 add by anson's endian
- }
- // For new hardware supported. Using Burst register write
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("35: Key set start..\n"));
- #endif
- pltmp = (PULONG)Key_content;
- ltmp = i<<4;
- ltmp |= 0x4000000;
- pltmp[0] = ltmp; // Burst command
- pltmp[11] = pltmp[1]; // The last, valid bit set
- pltmp[1] = 0;// The first, clear the valid bit
- memcpy( pHwData->Key_content[i], pltmp, sizeof(u32)*12 ); // 20060214 for recover
- //--- 20060926 add by anson's endian
- pltmp[0] = cpu_to_le32( ltmp );
- for (i=0; i<=11; i++)
- pltmp[i] = cpu_to_le32( pltmp[i] );
- //--- end 20060926 add by anson's endian
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x881c, pltmp, 12, IGNORE_INCREMENT );
- // Turn on the reply ACK ability
- pWb35Reg->M40_MacControl &= ~0x4000;
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0840, pWb35Reg->M40_MacControl );
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_set_mapping_key[%d]\n", i));
- #endif
- return TRUE;
-unsigned char hal_set_default_key( phw_data_t pHwData, u8 index, u8 null_key,
- u8 wep_on, PUCHAR ptx_tsc, PUCHAR prx_tsc,
- u8 key_type, u8 key_len, PUCHAR pkey_data )
- PULONG pltmp;
- u32 ltmp;
- u8 Key_content[sizeof(KEY_TABLE)+ 16 + 8 ]; //16 bytes for key content, 8 bytes for burst writing
- PUCHAR pValue; //20060926 add by anson's endian
- u8 i; //20060926 add by anson's endian
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return FALSE;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- {
- int i;
- WBDEBUG(("hal default key set\n"));
- for( i=0; i<key_len; i++ )
- WBDEBUG(("%x ", pkey_data[i] ));
- WBDEBUG(("\n"));
- }
- #endif
- // Set key table contain
- memset( Key_content, 0, sizeof(KEY_TABLE) + 16 + 8 ); // 8 bytes for burst writing
- pKey = (PKEY_TABLE)(Key_content + 4 );
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey;
- *pValue = 0x01; //bit 0
- *pValue |= ((null_key ? 0: 1) << 1); //bit 1, 35 hardware different with 33
- *pValue |= (key_type << 2); //bit 2~3
- *pValue |= (wep_on << 4); //bit 4
- if (prx_tsc) {
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey +8; //20060926 anson's endian
- memcpy( pValue, prx_tsc, 6 ); //20060926 anson's endian
- }
- if( ptx_tsc ) {
- pValue = (u8 *)pKey+ 16; //20060926 anson's endian
- memcpy( pValue, ptx_tsc, 6 ); //20060926 anson's endian
- }
- //fill key content [20060623]
- memcpy(((PUCHAR)pKey+sizeof(KEY_TABLE)), pkey_data, key_len );
- // 950301.3.a modify
- pHwData->CurrentDefaultKeyIndex = index;// Backup default key 941130.2
- pHwData->CurrentDefaultKeyLength = key_len;
- // For new hardware supported. Using Burst register write
- pltmp = (PULONG)Key_content;
- ltmp = index<<4;
- ltmp |= 0x4000000;
- pltmp[0] = ltmp; // Burst command
- pltmp[11] = pltmp[1]; // The last, valid bit set
- pltmp[1] = 0;// The first, clear the valid bit
- memcpy( pHwData->Key_content[index], pltmp, sizeof(u32)*12 );
- //---20060926 add by anson's endian
- pltmp[0] = cpu_to_le32( ltmp );
- for( i=0; i<=11; i++)
- pltmp[i]=cpu_to_le32( pltmp[i]);
- //--- end 20060926 add by anson's endian
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x881c, pltmp, 12, IGNORE_INCREMENT );
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_set_default_key[%d]\n", index));
- #endif
- return TRUE;
-void hal_clear_all_default_key( phw_data_t pHwData )
- u8 i;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_clear_all_default_key\n"));
- #endif
- // M20 KEY data, set to 0
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0 );
- // M1c KEY write operation
- for( i=0; i<GROUP_KEY_START_INDEX; i++ ) {
- pltmp[i] = i<<4;
- pltmp[i] |= 0x4000000;
- }
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x081c, pltmp, GROUP_KEY_START_INDEX, NO_INCREMENT );
- memset( pHwData->Key_slot[0], 0, GROUP_KEY_START_INDEX*8 ); // 20060214 for recover
-void hal_clear_all_group_key(phw_data_t pHwData)
- u8 i;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_clear_all_group_key\n"));
- #endif
- // M20 KEY data, set to 0
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0 );
- // M1c KEY write operation
- {
- pltmp[i-GROUP_KEY_START_INDEX] = i<<4;
- pltmp[i-GROUP_KEY_START_INDEX] |= 0x4000000;
- }
-void hal_clear_all_mapping_key( phw_data_t pHwData )
- u8 i;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_clear_all_mapping_key\n"));
- #endif
- // M20 KEY data, set to 0
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0 );
- // M1c KEY write operation
- {
- pltmp[i-MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX] = i<<4;
- pltmp[i-MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX] |= 0x4000000;
- }
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x081c, pltmp, MAX_KEY_TABLE-MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX, NO_INCREMENT );
- pHwData->mapping_key_replace_index = MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX;
- memset( pHwData->Key_slot[MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX], 0, (MAX_KEY_TABLE-MAPPING_KEY_START_INDEX)*8 ); // Modify due to enlarge data struct 6 -> 8
-void hal_clear_all_key( phw_data_t pHwData )
- u32 pltmp[MAX_KEY_TABLE];
- u8 i;
- if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
- #ifdef _PE_STATE_DUMP_
- WBDEBUG(("hal_clear_all_key\n"));
- #endif
- // M20 KEY data, set to 0
- Wb35Reg_Write( pHwData, 0x0820, 0 );
- // M1c KEY write operation
- for( i=0; i<MAX_KEY_TABLE; i++ )
- {
- pltmp[i] = i<<4;
- pltmp[i] |= 0x4000000;
- }
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x081c, pltmp, 16, NO_INCREMENT );
- Wb35Reg_BurstWrite( pHwData, 0x081c, pltmp+16, MAX_KEY_TABLE-16, NO_INCREMENT );
- memset( pHwData->Key_slot[0], 0, MAX_KEY_TABLE*8 ); // 20060214 for recover
void hal_get_ethernet_address( phw_data_t pHwData, PUCHAR current_address )
if( pHwData->SurpriseRemove ) return;
@@ -390,7 +56,6 @@ u8 hal_init_hardware(phw_data_t pHwData,
pHwData->InitialResource = 4;
OS_TIMER_INITIAL( &pHwData->LEDTimer, hal_led_control, pHwData );
OS_TIMER_SET( &pHwData->LEDTimer, 1000 ); // 20060623
- hal_clear_all_key( pHwData );//Because HW doesn't clear the WEP KEY table

// For restrict to vendor's hardware
(cesky, pictures)

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  Last update: 2008-04-19 15:01    [W:0.047 / U:1.312 seconds]
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