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Subject(avc_has_perm_noaudit()) Re: [Bug #11308] tbench regression on each kernel release from 2.6.22 -> 2.6.28

* Ingo Molnar <> wrote:

> 100.000000 total
> ................
> 3.934833 avc_has_perm_noaudit

this one seems spread out:

hits (total: 393483 hits)
ffffffff80312af3: 1426 <avc_has_perm_noaudit>:
ffffffff80312af3: 1426 41 57 push %r15
ffffffff80312af5: 6124 41 56 push %r14
ffffffff80312af7: 0 41 55 push %r13
ffffffff80312af9: 1443 41 89 f5 mov %esi,%r13d
ffffffff80312afc: 1577 41 54 push %r12
ffffffff80312afe: 0 41 89 fc mov %edi,%r12d
ffffffff80312b01: 1310 55 push %rbp
ffffffff80312b02: 1531 53 push %rbx
ffffffff80312b03: 3 48 83 ec 68 sub $0x68,%rsp
ffffffff80312b07: 2202 85 c9 test %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff80312b09: 0 89 4c 24 0c mov %ecx,0xc(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b0d: 550 44 89 44 24 08 mov %r8d,0x8(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b12: 1572 4c 89 0c 24 mov %r9,(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b16: 0 66 89 54 24 12 mov %dx,0x12(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b1b: 588 75 04 jne ffffffff80312b21 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x2e>
ffffffff80312b1d: 0 0f 0b ud2a
ffffffff80312b1f: 0 eb fe jmp ffffffff80312b1f <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x2c>
ffffffff80312b21: 1646 0f b7 44 24 12 movzwl 0x12(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312b26: 829 48 c7 c2 d0 26 93 80 mov $0xffffffff809326d0,%rdx
ffffffff80312b2d: 589 89 44 24 14 mov %eax,0x14(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b31: 698 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff80312b38: 0 00
ffffffff80312b39: 791 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff80312b3b: 549 48 c1 e0 03 shl $0x3,%rax
ffffffff80312b3f: 791 48 03 05 fa 30 5a 00 add 0x5a30fa(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b5c40 <_cpu_pda>
ffffffff80312b46: 864 48 8b 00 mov (%rax),%rax
ffffffff80312b49: 533 48 03 50 08 add 0x8(%rax),%rdx
ffffffff80312b4d: 732 ff 02 incl (%rdx)
ffffffff80312b4f: 860 8b 54 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff80312b53: 1259 e8 54 fc ff ff callq ffffffff803127ac <avc_hash>
ffffffff80312b58: 2087 48 98 cltq
ffffffff80312b5a: 1015 48 89 44 24 18 mov %rax,0x18(%rsp)
ffffffff80312b5f: 0 48 c1 e0 04 shl $0x4,%rax
ffffffff80312b63: 2944 4c 8d b8 60 6b a9 80 lea -0x7f5694a0(%rax),%r15
ffffffff80312b6a: 71 48 8b 80 60 6b a9 80 mov -0x7f5694a0(%rax),%rax
ffffffff80312b71: 3943 eb 1a jmp ffffffff80312b8d <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x9a>
ffffffff80312b73: 5184 44 3b 23 cmp (%rbx),%r12d
ffffffff80312b76: 62007 75 11 jne ffffffff80312b89 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x96>
ffffffff80312b78: 11 66 8b 44 24 12 mov 0x12(%rsp),%ax
ffffffff80312b7d: 0 66 3b 43 08 cmp 0x8(%rbx),%ax
ffffffff80312b81: 11115 75 06 jne ffffffff80312b89 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x96>
ffffffff80312b83: 4 44 3b 6b 04 cmp 0x4(%rbx),%r13d
ffffffff80312b87: 14224 74 1a je ffffffff80312ba3 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xb0>
ffffffff80312b89: 1 48 8b 43 28 mov 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312b8d: 6921 48 8d 58 d8 lea -0x28(%rax),%rbx
ffffffff80312b91: 9654 48 8b 43 28 mov 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312b95: 414 0f 18 08 prefetcht0 (%rax)
ffffffff80312b98: 227 48 8d 43 28 lea 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312b9c: 9617 4c 39 f8 cmp %r15,%rax
ffffffff80312b9f: 1402 75 d2 jne ffffffff80312b73 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x80>
ffffffff80312ba1: 0 eb 41 jmp ffffffff80312be4 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xf1>
ffffffff80312ba3: 0 83 7b 20 01 cmpl $0x1,0x20(%rbx)
ffffffff80312ba7: 671 0f 84 70 02 00 00 je ffffffff80312e1d <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x32a>
ffffffff80312bad: 0 c7 43 20 01 00 00 00 movl $0x1,0x20(%rbx)
ffffffff80312bb4: 0 e9 64 02 00 00 jmpq ffffffff80312e1d <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x32a>
ffffffff80312bb9: 2118 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff80312bc0: 0 00
ffffffff80312bc1: 8245 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff80312bc3: 0 48 c7 c0 d0 26 93 80 mov $0xffffffff809326d0,%rax
ffffffff80312bca: 511 48 c1 e2 03 shl $0x3,%rdx
ffffffff80312bce: 11308 48 03 15 6b 30 5a 00 add 0x5a306b(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff808b5c40 <_cpu_pda>
ffffffff80312bd5: 0 48 8b 12 mov (%rdx),%rdx
ffffffff80312bd8: 35 48 03 42 08 add 0x8(%rdx),%rax
ffffffff80312bdc: 2224 ff 40 04 incl 0x4(%rax)
ffffffff80312bdf: 1 e9 06 01 00 00 jmpq ffffffff80312cea <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1f7>
ffffffff80312be4: 0 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff80312beb: 0 00
ffffffff80312bec: 0 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff80312bee: 0 48 c7 c0 d0 26 93 80 mov $0xffffffff809326d0,%rax
ffffffff80312bf5: 0 48 8d 6c 24 30 lea 0x30(%rsp),%rbp
ffffffff80312bfa: 0 48 c1 e2 03 shl $0x3,%rdx
ffffffff80312bfe: 0 48 03 15 3b 30 5a 00 add 0x5a303b(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff808b5c40 <_cpu_pda>
ffffffff80312c05: 0 44 89 ee mov %r13d,%esi
ffffffff80312c08: 0 4c 8d 45 0c lea 0xc(%rbp),%r8
ffffffff80312c0c: 0 44 89 e7 mov %r12d,%edi
ffffffff80312c0f: 0 48 8b 12 mov (%rdx),%rdx
ffffffff80312c12: 0 48 03 42 08 add 0x8(%rdx),%rax
ffffffff80312c16: 0 ff 40 08 incl 0x8(%rax)
ffffffff80312c19: 0 8b 4c 24 0c mov 0xc(%rsp),%ecx
ffffffff80312c1d: 0 8b 54 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff80312c21: 0 e8 ee 0a 01 00 callq ffffffff80323714 <security_compute_av>
ffffffff80312c26: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff80312c28: 0 41 89 c6 mov %eax,%r14d
ffffffff80312c2b: 0 0f 85 02 02 00 00 jne ffffffff80312e33 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x340>
ffffffff80312c31: 0 8b 7c 24 4c mov 0x4c(%rsp),%edi
ffffffff80312c35: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff80312c3a: 0 e8 a5 fb ff ff callq ffffffff803127e4 <avc_latest_notif_update>
ffffffff80312c3f: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff80312c41: 0 0f 85 9c 00 00 00 jne ffffffff80312ce3 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1f0>
ffffffff80312c47: 0 e8 23 fd ff ff callq ffffffff8031296f <avc_alloc_node>
ffffffff80312c4c: 0 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
ffffffff80312c4f: 0 48 89 c3 mov %rax,%rbx
ffffffff80312c52: 0 0f 84 8b 00 00 00 je ffffffff80312ce3 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1f0>
ffffffff80312c58: 0 8b 4c 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%ecx
ffffffff80312c5c: 0 49 89 e8 mov %rbp,%r8
ffffffff80312c5f: 0 44 89 e6 mov %r12d,%esi
ffffffff80312c62: 0 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
ffffffff80312c65: 0 44 89 ea mov %r13d,%edx
ffffffff80312c68: 0 e8 5d fb ff ff callq ffffffff803127ca <avc_node_populate>
ffffffff80312c6d: 0 48 8b 44 24 18 mov 0x18(%rsp),%rax
ffffffff80312c72: 0 48 8d 2c 85 60 8b a9 lea -0x7f5674a0(,%rax,4),%rbp
ffffffff80312c79: 0 80
ffffffff80312c7a: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff80312c7d: 0 e8 44 3c 20 00 callq ffffffff805168c6 <_spin_lock_irqsave>
ffffffff80312c82: 0 49 8b 37 mov (%r15),%rsi
ffffffff80312c85: 0 49 89 c6 mov %rax,%r14
ffffffff80312c88: 0 eb 24 jmp ffffffff80312cae <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1bb>
ffffffff80312c8a: 0 44 39 26 cmp %r12d,(%rsi)
ffffffff80312c8d: 0 75 1b jne ffffffff80312caa <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1b7>
ffffffff80312c8f: 0 44 39 6e 04 cmp %r13d,0x4(%rsi)
ffffffff80312c93: 0 75 15 jne ffffffff80312caa <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1b7>
ffffffff80312c95: 0 66 8b 44 24 12 mov 0x12(%rsp),%ax
ffffffff80312c9a: 0 66 39 46 08 cmp %ax,0x8(%rsi)
ffffffff80312c9e: 0 75 0a jne ffffffff80312caa <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1b7>
ffffffff80312ca0: 0 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
ffffffff80312ca3: 0 e8 9e fb ff ff callq ffffffff80312846 <avc_node_replace>
ffffffff80312ca8: 0 eb 2c jmp ffffffff80312cd6 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1e3>
ffffffff80312caa: 0 48 8b 76 28 mov 0x28(%rsi),%rsi
ffffffff80312cae: 0 48 83 ee 28 sub $0x28,%rsi
ffffffff80312cb2: 0 48 8b 56 28 mov 0x28(%rsi),%rdx
ffffffff80312cb6: 0 48 8d 46 28 lea 0x28(%rsi),%rax
ffffffff80312cba: 0 4c 39 f8 cmp %r15,%rax
ffffffff80312cbd: 0 0f 18 0a prefetcht0 (%rdx)
ffffffff80312cc0: 0 75 c8 jne ffffffff80312c8a <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x197>
ffffffff80312cc2: 0 48 8d 43 28 lea 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312cc6: 0 48 89 53 28 mov %rdx,0x28(%rbx)
ffffffff80312cca: 0 4c 89 78 08 mov %r15,0x8(%rax)
ffffffff80312cce: 0 48 89 46 28 mov %rax,0x28(%rsi)
ffffffff80312cd2: 0 48 89 42 08 mov %rax,0x8(%rdx)
ffffffff80312cd6: 0 4c 89 f6 mov %r14,%rsi
ffffffff80312cd9: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff80312cdc: 0 e8 20 3d 20 00 callq ffffffff80516a01 <_spin_unlock_irqrestore>
ffffffff80312ce1: 0 eb 07 jmp ffffffff80312cea <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1f7>
ffffffff80312ce3: 0 48 8d 44 24 30 lea 0x30(%rsp),%rax
ffffffff80312ce8: 0 eb 06 jmp ffffffff80312cf0 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x1fd>
ffffffff80312cea: 2116 48 89 d8 mov %rbx,%rax
ffffffff80312ced: 7632 45 31 f6 xor %r14d,%r14d
ffffffff80312cf0: 1 48 83 3c 24 00 cmpq $0x0,(%rsp)
ffffffff80312cf5: 404 74 10 je ffffffff80312d07 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x214>
ffffffff80312cf7: 1804 48 8d 70 0c lea 0xc(%rax),%rsi
ffffffff80312cfb: 0 b9 05 00 00 00 mov $0x5,%ecx
ffffffff80312d00: 378 48 8b 3c 24 mov (%rsp),%rdi
ffffffff80312d04: 8174 fc cld
ffffffff80312d05: 26860 f3 a5 rep movsl %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
ffffffff80312d07: 11573 8b 40 0c mov 0xc(%rax),%eax
ffffffff80312d0a: 1997 f7 d0 not %eax
ffffffff80312d0c: 0 85 44 24 0c test %eax,0xc(%rsp)
ffffffff80312d10: 0 0f 84 1d 01 00 00 je ffffffff80312e33 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x340>
ffffffff80312d16: 0 f6 44 24 08 01 testb $0x1,0x8(%rsp)
ffffffff80312d1b: 0 0f 85 f4 00 00 00 jne ffffffff80312e15 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x322>
ffffffff80312d21: 0 83 3d 5c 66 78 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x78665c(%rip) # ffffffff80a99384 <selinux_enforcing>
ffffffff80312d28: 0 74 10 je ffffffff80312d3a <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x247>
ffffffff80312d2a: 0 44 89 e7 mov %r12d,%edi
ffffffff80312d2d: 0 e8 87 f9 00 00 callq ffffffff803226b9 <security_permissive_sid>
ffffffff80312d32: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff80312d34: 0 0f 84 db 00 00 00 je ffffffff80312e15 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x322>
ffffffff80312d3a: 0 e8 30 fc ff ff callq ffffffff8031296f <avc_alloc_node>
ffffffff80312d3f: 0 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
ffffffff80312d42: 0 48 89 c5 mov %rax,%rbp
ffffffff80312d45: 0 0f 84 e8 00 00 00 je ffffffff80312e33 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x340>
ffffffff80312d4b: 0 48 8b 44 24 18 mov 0x18(%rsp),%rax
ffffffff80312d50: 0 48 8d 04 85 60 8b a9 lea -0x7f5674a0(,%rax,4),%rax
ffffffff80312d57: 0 80
ffffffff80312d58: 0 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
ffffffff80312d5b: 0 48 89 44 24 28 mov %rax,0x28(%rsp)
ffffffff80312d60: 0 e8 61 3b 20 00 callq ffffffff805168c6 <_spin_lock_irqsave>
ffffffff80312d65: 0 49 8b 1f mov (%r15),%rbx
ffffffff80312d68: 0 48 89 44 24 20 mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
ffffffff80312d6d: 0 eb 1a jmp ffffffff80312d89 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x296>
ffffffff80312d6f: 0 44 3b 23 cmp (%rbx),%r12d
ffffffff80312d72: 0 75 11 jne ffffffff80312d85 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x292>
ffffffff80312d74: 0 44 3b 6b 04 cmp 0x4(%rbx),%r13d
ffffffff80312d78: 0 75 0b jne ffffffff80312d85 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x292>
ffffffff80312d7a: 0 66 8b 44 24 12 mov 0x12(%rsp),%ax
ffffffff80312d7f: 0 66 3b 43 08 cmp 0x8(%rbx),%ax
ffffffff80312d83: 0 74 1a je ffffffff80312d9f <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x2ac>
ffffffff80312d85: 0 48 8b 5b 28 mov 0x28(%rbx),%rbx
ffffffff80312d89: 0 48 83 eb 28 sub $0x28,%rbx
ffffffff80312d8d: 0 48 8b 43 28 mov 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312d91: 0 0f 18 08 prefetcht0 (%rax)
ffffffff80312d94: 0 48 8d 43 28 lea 0x28(%rbx),%rax
ffffffff80312d98: 0 4c 39 f8 cmp %r15,%rax
ffffffff80312d9b: 0 75 d2 jne ffffffff80312d6f <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x27c>
ffffffff80312d9d: 0 eb 29 jmp ffffffff80312dc8 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x2d5>
ffffffff80312d9f: 0 8b 4c 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%ecx
ffffffff80312da3: 0 44 89 e6 mov %r12d,%esi
ffffffff80312da6: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff80312da9: 0 49 89 d8 mov %rbx,%r8
ffffffff80312dac: 0 44 89 ea mov %r13d,%edx
ffffffff80312daf: 0 e8 16 fa ff ff callq ffffffff803127ca <avc_node_populate>
ffffffff80312db4: 0 8b 44 24 0c mov 0xc(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312db8: 0 09 45 0c or %eax,0xc(%rbp)
ffffffff80312dbb: 0 48 89 de mov %rbx,%rsi
ffffffff80312dbe: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff80312dc1: 0 e8 80 fa ff ff callq ffffffff80312846 <avc_node_replace>
ffffffff80312dc6: 0 eb 3c jmp ffffffff80312e04 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x311>
ffffffff80312dc8: 0 48 8b 3d a9 65 78 00 mov 0x7865a9(%rip),%rdi # ffffffff80a99378 <avc_node_cachep>
ffffffff80312dcf: 0 48 89 ee mov %rbp,%rsi
ffffffff80312dd2: 0 e8 7b c6 f7 ff callq ffffffff8028f452 <kmem_cache_free>
ffffffff80312dd7: 0 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff80312dde: 0 00
ffffffff80312ddf: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff80312de1: 0 48 c7 c2 d0 26 93 80 mov $0xffffffff809326d0,%rdx
ffffffff80312de8: 0 48 c1 e0 03 shl $0x3,%rax
ffffffff80312dec: 0 48 03 05 4d 2e 5a 00 add 0x5a2e4d(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b5c40 <_cpu_pda>
ffffffff80312df3: 0 48 8b 00 mov (%rax),%rax
ffffffff80312df6: 0 48 03 50 08 add 0x8(%rax),%rdx
ffffffff80312dfa: 0 ff 42 14 incl 0x14(%rdx)
ffffffff80312dfd: 0 f0 ff 0d 60 65 78 00 lock decl 0x786560(%rip) # ffffffff80a99364 <avc_cache+0x2804>
ffffffff80312e04: 0 48 8b 74 24 20 mov 0x20(%rsp),%rsi
ffffffff80312e09: 0 48 8b 7c 24 28 mov 0x28(%rsp),%rdi
ffffffff80312e0e: 0 e8 ee 3b 20 00 callq ffffffff80516a01 <_spin_unlock_irqrestore>
ffffffff80312e13: 0 eb 1e jmp ffffffff80312e33 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x340>
ffffffff80312e15: 0 41 be f3 ff ff ff mov $0xfffffff3,%r14d
ffffffff80312e1b: 0 eb 16 jmp ffffffff80312e33 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x340>
ffffffff80312e1d: 35502 8b 44 24 0c mov 0xc(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312e21: 4360 23 43 10 and 0x10(%rbx),%eax
ffffffff80312e24: 0 3b 44 24 0c cmp 0xc(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312e28: 0 0f 85 b6 fd ff ff jne ffffffff80312be4 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xf1>
ffffffff80312e2e: 104641 e9 86 fd ff ff jmpq ffffffff80312bb9 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xc6>
ffffffff80312e33: 2106 48 83 c4 68 add $0x68,%rsp
ffffffff80312e37: 1 44 89 f0 mov %r14d,%eax
ffffffff80312e3a: 2068 5b pop %rbx
ffffffff80312e3b: 0 5d pop %rbp
ffffffff80312e3c: 8 41 5c pop %r12
ffffffff80312e3e: 2001 41 5d pop %r13
ffffffff80312e40: 0 41 5e pop %r14
ffffffff80312e42: 162 41 5f pop %r15
ffffffff80312e44: 2107 c3 retq

its main callsite is:

ffffffff8031368c: 2809 <avc_has_perm>:
ffffffff803136b6: 651 e8 38 f4 ff ff callq ffffffff80312af3 <avc_has_perm_noaudit>

avc_has_perm() usage is spread out amongst 3 callsites in 2 selinux

ffffffff80314d02: 491 e8 85 e9 ff ff callq ffffffff8031368c <avc_has_perm>

ffffffff80314eea: 461 e8 9d e7 ff ff callq ffffffff8031368c <avc_has_perm>
ffffffff80314faf: 476 e8 d8 e6 ff ff callq ffffffff8031368c <avc_has_perm>

related to networking.

regarding avc_has_perm_noaudit() itself, it has a couple of hot spots:

ffffffff80312b73: 5184 44 3b 23 cmp (%rbx),%r12d
ffffffff80312b76: 62007 75 11 jne ffffffff80312b89 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0x96>

quick guess: cache-cold-miss site.

ffffffff80312d04: 8174 fc cld
ffffffff80312d05: 26860 f3 a5 rep movsl %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)

quick guess: unnecessary initialization of something largish via
memset. Probably:

if (avd)
memcpy(avd, &p_ae->avd, sizeof(*avd));

but one of the fattest ones:

ffffffff80312e28: 0 0f 85 b6 fd ff ff jne ffffffff80312be4 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xf1>
ffffffff80312e2e: 104641 e9 86 fd ff ff jmpq ffffffff80312bb9 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xc6>
ffffffff80312e33: 2106 48 83 c4 68 add $0x68,%rsp

that seems to be either a branch mispredict (seems a tad expensive for
that though), or a cachemiss delayed to the first non-predicted
branch. Ah, that's most likely the case, we fall through straight from

ffffffff80312dfd: 0 f0 ff 0d 60 65 78 00 lock decl 0x786560(%rip)

that's an atomic op of some global address, in the hotpath. Not good.

the wider context is:

ffffffff80312e1d: 35502 8b 44 24 0c mov 0xc(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312e21: 4360 23 43 10 and 0x10(%rbx),%eax
ffffffff80312e24: 0 3b 44 24 0c cmp 0xc(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff80312e28: 0 0f 85 b6 fd ff ff jne ffffffff80312be4 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xf1>
ffffffff80312e2e: 104641 e9 86 fd ff ff jmpq ffffffff80312bb9 <avc_has_perm_noaudit+0xc6>
ffffffff80312e33: 2106 48 83 c4 68 add $0x68,%rsp

ah, yes. My guess is that the "and (%rbx)" at ffffffff80312e21
generated this miss, and this all is avc_update_node()'s
for-each-list-loop, and:

spin_lock_irqsave(&avc_cache.slots_lock[hvalue], flag);

that hash doesnt seem to be working well here. It's done via:

static inline int avc_hash(u32 ssid, u32 tsid, u16 tclass)
return (ssid ^ (tsid<<2) ^ (tclass<<4)) & (AVC_CACHE_SLOTS - 1);

AVC_CACHE_SLOTS is 512 - but my usecase is likely has a much narrower
hash key space than that. Increasing the hash wont work, these kind of
things really only start scaling once some natural per-CPU construct
is found to it.

And things like this:

/* cache hit */
if (atomic_read(&ret->ae.used) != 1)
atomic_set(&ret->ae.used, 1);

in avc_search_node() dont really help either as they immediately dirty
the cacheline in the cache-hit case. Hashed fastpath lookup really
should only be used to validate security rules in a read-mostly way,
and cachelines should never be dirtied, as long as it can be avoided.

Anyway, this function needs a good scalability look as it represents
3.9% of the total tbench cost. I'd not be surprised if it was possible
more than half of that cost via not too ugly changes.


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