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Subjecttcp_ack(): Re: [Bug #11308] tbench regression on each kernel release from 2.6.22 -> 2.6.28

* Ingo Molnar <> wrote:

> 100.000000 total
> ................
> 1.997533 tcp_ack

hits (total: 199753)
ffffffff804c0b17: 452 <tcp_ack>:
ffffffff804c0b17: 452 41 57 push %r15
ffffffff804c0b19: 9569 41 56 push %r14
ffffffff804c0b1b: 0 41 55 push %r13
ffffffff804c0b1d: 0 49 89 f5 mov %rsi,%r13
ffffffff804c0b20: 493 41 54 push %r12
ffffffff804c0b22: 104 41 89 d4 mov %edx,%r12d
ffffffff804c0b25: 0 55 push %rbp
ffffffff804c0b26: 425 48 89 fd mov %rdi,%rbp
ffffffff804c0b29: 21 53 push %rbx
ffffffff804c0b2a: 0 48 81 ec 88 00 00 00 sub $0x88,%rsp
ffffffff804c0b31: 445 8b 87 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rdi),%eax
ffffffff804c0b37: 0 89 44 24 18 mov %eax,0x18(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0b3b: 443 48 8d 46 38 lea 0x38(%rsi),%rax
ffffffff804c0b3f: 18 8b 50 28 mov 0x28(%rax),%edx
ffffffff804c0b42: 2565 44 8b 70 18 mov 0x18(%rax),%r14d
ffffffff804c0b46: 358 89 54 24 1c mov %edx,0x1c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0b4a: 2 39 97 fc 03 00 00 cmp %edx,0x3fc(%rdi)
ffffffff804c0b50: 368 0f 88 af 13 00 00 js ffffffff804c1f05 <tcp_ack+0x13ee>
ffffffff804c0b56: 106 89 d1 mov %edx,%ecx
ffffffff804c0b58: 2 2b 4c 24 18 sub 0x18(%rsp),%ecx
ffffffff804c0b5c: 328 0f 88 83 13 00 00 js ffffffff804c1ee5 <tcp_ack+0x13ce>
ffffffff804c0b62: 1440 8b 44 24 18 mov 0x18(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c0b66: 2 29 d0 sub %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c0b68: 77 44 89 e2 mov %r12d,%edx
ffffffff804c0b6b: 398 89 c6 mov %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c0b6d: 3 80 ce 04 or $0x4,%dh
ffffffff804c0b70: 65 c1 ee 1f shr $0x1f,%esi
ffffffff804c0b73: 362 44 0f 45 e2 cmovne %edx,%r12d
ffffffff804c0b77: 1 83 3d ea 78 3f 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x3f78ea(%rip) # ffffffff808b8468 <sysctl_tcp_abc>
ffffffff804c0b7e: 64 74 27 je ffffffff804c0ba7 <tcp_ack+0x90>
ffffffff804c0b80: 0 8a 87 78 03 00 00 mov 0x378(%rdi),%al
ffffffff804c0b86: 0 3c 01 cmp $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c0b88: 0 77 08 ja ffffffff804c0b92 <tcp_ack+0x7b>
ffffffff804c0b8a: 0 01 8f dc 04 00 00 add %ecx,0x4dc(%rdi)
ffffffff804c0b90: 0 eb 15 jmp ffffffff804c0ba7 <tcp_ack+0x90>
ffffffff804c0b92: 0 3c 04 cmp $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c0b94: 0 75 11 jne ffffffff804c0ba7 <tcp_ack+0x90>
ffffffff804c0b96: 0 8b 87 4c 04 00 00 mov 0x44c(%rdi),%eax
ffffffff804c0b9c: 0 39 c1 cmp %eax,%ecx
ffffffff804c0b9e: 0 0f 46 c1 cmovbe %ecx,%eax
ffffffff804c0ba1: 0 01 87 dc 04 00 00 add %eax,0x4dc(%rdi)
ffffffff804c0ba7: 377 8b 9d d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0bad: 3672 41 f7 c4 00 01 00 00 test $0x100,%r12d
ffffffff804c0bb4: 282 89 5c 24 20 mov %ebx,0x20(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0bb8: 0 8b 85 74 04 00 00 mov 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c0bbe: 140 89 44 24 30 mov %eax,0x30(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0bc2: 7592 8b 95 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c0bc8: 1580 89 54 24 24 mov %edx,0x24(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0bcc: 3 8b 9d cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0bd2: 58 89 5c 24 28 mov %ebx,0x28(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0bd6: 419 8b 85 78 04 00 00 mov 0x478(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c0bdc: 0 89 44 24 2c mov %eax,0x2c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0be0: 65 75 4f jne ffffffff804c0c31 <tcp_ack+0x11a>
ffffffff804c0be2: 423 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c0be4: 55 74 4b je ffffffff804c0c31 <tcp_ack+0x11a>
ffffffff804c0be6: 36 44 89 b5 40 04 00 00 mov %r14d,0x440(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0bed: 368 8b 54 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c0bf1: 4 41 83 cc 02 or $0x2,%r12d
ffffffff804c0bf5: 32 be 05 00 00 00 mov $0x5,%esi
ffffffff804c0bfa: 392 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0bfd: 4 89 95 00 04 00 00 mov %edx,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0c03: 3341 44 89 64 24 5c mov %r12d,0x5c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0c08: 855 e8 98 dc ff ff callq ffffffff804be8a5 <tcp_ca_event>
ffffffff804c0c0d: 2018 48 8b 05 a4 0a 5f 00 mov 0x5f0aa4(%rip),%rax # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c0c14: 858 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff804c0c1b: 0 00
ffffffff804c0c1c: 0 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c0c1e: 0 48 f7 d0 not %rax
ffffffff804c0c21: 425 48 8b 04 d0 mov (%rax,%rdx,8),%rax
ffffffff804c0c25: 0 48 ff 80 e8 00 00 00 incq 0xe8(%rax)
ffffffff804c0c2c: 0 e9 1b 01 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c0d4c <tcp_ack+0x235>
ffffffff804c0c31: 41 45 3b 75 54 cmp 0x54(%r13),%r14d
ffffffff804c0c35: 360 74 06 je ffffffff804c0c3d <tcp_ack+0x126>
ffffffff804c0c37: 1 41 83 cc 01 or $0x1,%r12d
ffffffff804c0c3b: 80 eb 1f jmp ffffffff804c0c5c <tcp_ack+0x145>
ffffffff804c0c3d: 1 48 8b 05 74 0a 5f 00 mov 0x5f0a74(%rip),%rax # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c0c44: 303 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff804c0c4b: 0 00
ffffffff804c0c4c: 56 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c0c4e: 0 48 f7 d0 not %rax
ffffffff804c0c51: 4 48 8b 04 d0 mov (%rax,%rdx,8),%rax
ffffffff804c0c55: 13 48 ff 80 e0 00 00 00 incq 0xe0(%rax)
ffffffff804c0c5c: 12 41 8b 95 b8 00 00 00 mov 0xb8(%r13),%edx
ffffffff804c0c63: 300 49 03 95 d0 00 00 00 add 0xd0(%r13),%rdx
ffffffff804c0c6a: 17 66 8b 42 0e mov 0xe(%rdx),%ax
ffffffff804c0c6e: 0 66 c1 c0 08 rol $0x8,%ax
ffffffff804c0c72: 22 f6 42 0d 02 testb $0x2,0xd(%rdx)
ffffffff804c0c76: 13 0f b7 d8 movzwl %ax,%ebx
ffffffff804c0c79: 0 75 0b jne ffffffff804c0c86 <tcp_ack+0x16f>
ffffffff804c0c7b: 26 8a 8d 9d 04 00 00 mov 0x49d(%rbp),%cl
ffffffff804c0c81: 343 83 e1 0f and $0xf,%ecx
ffffffff804c0c84: 0 d3 e3 shl %cl,%ebx
ffffffff804c0c86: 82 8b 74 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c0c8a: 18 44 89 f2 mov %r14d,%edx
ffffffff804c0c8d: 0 89 d9 mov %ebx,%ecx
ffffffff804c0c8f: 12 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0c92: 12 e8 47 e6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf2de <tcp_may_update_window>
ffffffff804c0c97: 16 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c0c99: 66 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c0c9b: 0 74 48 je ffffffff804c0ce5 <tcp_ack+0x1ce>
ffffffff804c0c9d: 12 39 9d 44 04 00 00 cmp %ebx,0x444(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ca3: 29 44 89 b5 40 04 00 00 mov %r14d,0x440(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0caa: 0 74 34 je ffffffff804c0ce0 <tcp_ack+0x1c9>
ffffffff804c0cac: 7 89 9d 44 04 00 00 mov %ebx,0x444(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0cb2: 59 c7 85 ec 03 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x3ec(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0cb9: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c0cbc: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0cbf: 7 e8 13 e8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf4d7 <tcp_fast_path_check>
ffffffff804c0cc4: 23 3b 9d 48 04 00 00 cmp 0x448(%rbp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0cca: 48 76 14 jbe ffffffff804c0ce0 <tcp_ack+0x1c9>
ffffffff804c0ccc: 0 8b b5 5c 03 00 00 mov 0x35c(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c0cd2: 0 89 9d 48 04 00 00 mov %ebx,0x448(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0cd8: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0cdb: 0 e8 40 41 00 00 callq ffffffff804c4e20 <tcp_sync_mss>
ffffffff804c0ce0: 6 ba 02 00 00 00 mov $0x2,%edx
ffffffff804c0ce5: 141 8b 5c 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0ce9: 1 44 09 e2 or %r12d,%edx
ffffffff804c0cec: 3 89 9d 00 04 00 00 mov %ebx,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0cf2: 34 89 54 24 5c mov %edx,0x5c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0cf6: 0 41 80 7d 5d 00 cmpb $0x0,0x5d(%r13)
ffffffff804c0cfb: 6 74 13 je ffffffff804c0d10 <tcp_ack+0x1f9>
ffffffff804c0cfd: 0 8b 54 24 18 mov 0x18(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c0d01: 0 4c 89 ee mov %r13,%rsi
ffffffff804c0d04: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0d07: 0 e8 b4 f5 ff ff callq ffffffff804c02c0 <tcp_sacktag_write_queue>
ffffffff804c0d0c: 0 09 44 24 5c or %eax,0x5c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d10: 29 41 8b 85 b8 00 00 00 mov 0xb8(%r13),%eax
ffffffff804c0d17: 128 49 03 85 d0 00 00 00 add 0xd0(%r13),%rax
ffffffff804c0d1e: 0 8a 40 0d mov 0xd(%rax),%al
ffffffff804c0d21: 33 83 e0 42 and $0x42,%eax
ffffffff804c0d24: 0 3c 40 cmp $0x40,%al
ffffffff804c0d26: 0 75 17 jne ffffffff804c0d3f <tcp_ack+0x228>
ffffffff804c0d28: 0 8b 44 24 5c mov 0x5c(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c0d2c: 0 83 c8 40 or $0x40,%eax
ffffffff804c0d2f: 0 f6 85 7e 04 00 00 01 testb $0x1,0x47e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0d36: 0 0f 44 44 24 5c cmove 0x5c(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c0d3b: 0 89 44 24 5c mov %eax,0x5c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d3f: 36 be 06 00 00 00 mov $0x6,%esi
ffffffff804c0d44: 167 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0d47: 1 e8 59 db ff ff callq ffffffff804be8a5 <tcp_ca_event>
ffffffff804c0d4c: 581 c7 85 48 01 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x148(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0d53: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c0d56: 6076 c6 85 7d 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x37d(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0d5d: 0 48 8b 05 1c 8b 3f 00 mov 0x3f8b1c(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b9880 <jiffies>
ffffffff804c0d64: 443 89 85 08 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x408(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0d6a: 0 8b 85 74 04 00 00 mov 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c0d70: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c0d72: 845 89 44 24 14 mov %eax,0x14(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d76: 0 0f 84 fb 10 00 00 je ffffffff804c1e77 <tcp_ack+0x1360>
ffffffff804c0d7c: 0 48 8b 05 fd 8a 3f 00 mov 0x3f8afd(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b9880 <jiffies>
ffffffff804c0d83: 586 8b 54 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c0d87: 1 41 83 cc ff or $0xffffffffffffffff,%r12d
ffffffff804c0d8b: 2 89 44 24 48 mov %eax,0x48(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d8f: 879 89 54 24 34 mov %edx,0x34(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d93: 1 8b 9d d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0d99: 0 89 5c 24 40 mov %ebx,0x40(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0d9d: 889 e8 e2 e8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf684 <net_invalid_timestamp>
ffffffff804c0da2: 0 48 89 44 24 08 mov %rax,0x8(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0da7: 16 48 8d 85 c0 00 00 00 lea 0xc0(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c0dae: 445 c7 44 24 44 01 00 00 movl $0x1,0x44(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0db5: 0 00
ffffffff804c0db6: 0 c7 44 24 50 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0dbd: 0 00
ffffffff804c0dbe: 10 c7 44 24 38 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x38(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0dc5: 0 00
ffffffff804c0dc6: 1308 44 89 64 24 4c mov %r12d,0x4c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0dcb: 225 48 89 04 24 mov %rax,(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0dcf: 2 e9 8b 02 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c105f <tcp_ack+0x548>
ffffffff804c0dd4: 488 4d 8d 7d 38 lea 0x38(%r13),%r15
ffffffff804c0dd8: 2298 41 8a 57 25 mov 0x25(%r15),%dl
ffffffff804c0ddc: 0 88 54 24 3f mov %dl,0x3f(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0de0: 6 41 8b 77 1c mov 0x1c(%r15),%esi
ffffffff804c0de4: 455 8b 95 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c0dea: 3 49 8b 8d d0 00 00 00 mov 0xd0(%r13),%rcx
ffffffff804c0df1: 0 41 8b 85 c8 00 00 00 mov 0xc8(%r13),%eax
ffffffff804c0df8: 440 39 f2 cmp %esi,%edx
ffffffff804c0dfa: 0 79 6f jns ffffffff804c0e6b <tcp_ack+0x354>
ffffffff804c0dfc: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c0dfe: 39 8b 5c 08 08 mov 0x8(%rax,%rcx,1),%ebx
ffffffff804c0e02: 0 66 83 fb 01 cmp $0x1,%bx
ffffffff804c0e06: 2 0f 84 77 02 00 00 je ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c0e0c: 0 41 8b 47 18 mov 0x18(%r15),%eax
ffffffff804c0e10: 0 39 d0 cmp %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c0e12: 0 0f 89 6b 02 00 00 jns ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c0e18: 0 29 c2 sub %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c0e1a: 0 4c 89 ee mov %r13,%rsi
ffffffff804c0e1d: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0e20: 0 e8 8f 4f 00 00 callq ffffffff804c5db4 <tcp_trim_head>
ffffffff804c0e25: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c0e27: 0 0f 85 56 02 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c0e2d: 0 41 8b 85 c8 00 00 00 mov 0xc8(%r13),%eax
ffffffff804c0e34: 0 0f b7 d3 movzwl %bx,%edx
ffffffff804c0e37: 0 49 03 85 d0 00 00 00 add 0xd0(%r13),%rax
ffffffff804c0e3e: 0 41 89 d6 mov %edx,%r14d
ffffffff804c0e41: 0 8b 48 08 mov 0x8(%rax),%ecx
ffffffff804c0e44: 0 0f b7 c1 movzwl %cx,%eax
ffffffff804c0e47: 0 41 29 c6 sub %eax,%r14d
ffffffff804c0e4a: 0 0f 84 33 02 00 00 je ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c0e50: 0 66 85 c9 test %cx,%cx
ffffffff804c0e53: 0 75 04 jne ffffffff804c0e59 <tcp_ack+0x342>
ffffffff804c0e55: 0 0f 0b ud2a
ffffffff804c0e57: 0 eb fe jmp ffffffff804c0e57 <tcp_ack+0x340>
ffffffff804c0e59: 0 41 8b 5f 1c mov 0x1c(%r15),%ebx
ffffffff804c0e5d: 0 41 39 5f 18 cmp %ebx,0x18(%r15)
ffffffff804c0e61: 0 0f 88 d6 10 00 00 js ffffffff804c1f3d <tcp_ack+0x1426>
ffffffff804c0e67: 0 0f 0b ud2a
ffffffff804c0e69: 0 eb fe jmp ffffffff804c0e69 <tcp_ack+0x352>
ffffffff804c0e6b: 0 83 7c 24 44 00 cmpl $0x0,0x44(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0e70: 6326 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c0e72: 348 44 0f b7 74 08 08 movzwl 0x8(%rax,%rcx,1),%r14d
ffffffff804c0e78: 0 0f 84 8f 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c0f0d <tcp_ack+0x3f6>
ffffffff804c0e7e: 132 83 bd a4 03 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x3a4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0e85: 5840 0f 84 82 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c0f0d <tcp_ack+0x3f6>
ffffffff804c0e8b: 0 3b b5 b4 05 00 00 cmp 0x5b4(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c0e91: 0 78 7a js ffffffff804c0f0d <tcp_ack+0x3f6>
ffffffff804c0e93: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0e96: 0 e8 21 da ff ff callq ffffffff804be8bc <tcp_current_ssthresh>
ffffffff804c0e9b: 0 8b b5 4c 04 00 00 mov 0x44c(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c0ea1: 0 44 8b a5 ac 04 00 00 mov 0x4ac(%rbp),%r12d
ffffffff804c0ea8: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0eab: 0 89 85 6c 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x56c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0eb1: 0 e8 c7 3e 00 00 callq ffffffff804c4d7d <tcp_mss_to_mtu>
ffffffff804c0eb6: 0 8b 9d a4 03 00 00 mov 0x3a4(%rbp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0ebc: 0 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c0ebe: 0 c7 85 b0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4b0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ec5: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c0ec8: 0 41 0f af c4 imul %r12d,%eax
ffffffff804c0ecc: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0ecf: 0 f7 f3 div %ebx
ffffffff804c0ed1: 0 89 85 ac 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ed7: 0 48 8b 05 a2 89 3f 00 mov 0x3f89a2(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b9880 <jiffies>
ffffffff804c0ede: 0 89 85 bc 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4bc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ee4: 0 e8 d3 d9 ff ff callq ffffffff804be8bc <tcp_current_ssthresh>
ffffffff804c0ee9: 0 8b b5 5c 03 00 00 mov 0x35c(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c0eef: 0 89 85 54 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x454(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ef5: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c0ef8: 0 89 9d a0 03 00 00 mov %ebx,0x3a0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0efe: 0 c7 85 a4 03 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x3a4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0f05: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c0f08: 0 e8 13 3f 00 00 callq ffffffff804c4e20 <tcp_sync_mss>
ffffffff804c0f0d: 945 0f b6 44 24 3f movzbl 0x3f(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c0f12: 6361 a8 82 test $0x82,%al
ffffffff804c0f14: 0 74 30 je ffffffff804c0f46 <tcp_ack+0x42f>
ffffffff804c0f16: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c0f18: 0 74 07 je ffffffff804c0f21 <tcp_ack+0x40a>
ffffffff804c0f1a: 0 44 29 b5 78 04 00 00 sub %r14d,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0f21: 0 83 4c 24 50 08 orl $0x8,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f26: 0 f6 44 24 50 04 testb $0x4,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f2b: 0 75 06 jne ffffffff804c0f33 <tcp_ack+0x41c>
ffffffff804c0f2d: 0 41 83 fe 01 cmp $0x1,%r14d
ffffffff804c0f31: 0 76 08 jbe ffffffff804c0f3b <tcp_ack+0x424>
ffffffff804c0f33: 0 81 4c 24 50 00 10 00 orl $0x1000,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f3a: 0 00
ffffffff804c0f3b: 0 41 83 cc ff or $0xffffffffffffffff,%r12d
ffffffff804c0f3f: 0 44 89 64 24 4c mov %r12d,0x4c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f44: 0 eb 38 jmp ffffffff804c0f7e <tcp_ack+0x467>
ffffffff804c0f46: 0 44 8b 64 24 48 mov 0x48(%rsp),%r12d
ffffffff804c0f4b: 5837 45 2b 67 20 sub 0x20(%r15),%r12d
ffffffff804c0f4f: 1 83 7c 24 4c 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f54: 167 8b 5c 24 4c mov 0x4c(%rsp),%ebx
ffffffff804c0f58: 514 49 8b 55 18 mov 0x18(%r13),%rdx
ffffffff804c0f5c: 0 41 0f 48 dc cmovs %r12d,%ebx
ffffffff804c0f60: 164 a8 01 test $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c0f62: 413 48 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f67: 0 89 5c 24 4c mov %ebx,0x4c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f6b: 148 75 11 jne ffffffff804c0f7e <tcp_ack+0x467>
ffffffff804c0f6d: 1608 8b 54 24 38 mov 0x38(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c0f71: 0 39 54 24 34 cmp %edx,0x34(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f75: 272 0f 46 54 24 34 cmovbe 0x34(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c0f7a: 266 89 54 24 34 mov %edx,0x34(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0f7e: 0 a8 01 test $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c0f80: 164 74 07 je ffffffff804c0f89 <tcp_ack+0x472>
ffffffff804c0f82: 0 44 29 b5 d0 04 00 00 sub %r14d,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0f89: 3955 a8 04 test $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c0f8b: 8510 74 07 je ffffffff804c0f94 <tcp_ack+0x47d>
ffffffff804c0f8d: 0 44 29 b5 cc 04 00 00 sub %r14d,0x4cc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0f94: 11 44 29 b5 74 04 00 00 sub %r14d,0x474(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0f9b: 1426 44 01 74 24 38 add %r14d,0x38(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0fa0: 6 41 f6 47 24 02 testb $0x2,0x24(%r15)
ffffffff804c0fa5: 548 75 07 jne ffffffff804c0fae <tcp_ack+0x497>
ffffffff804c0fa7: 2 83 4c 24 50 04 orl $0x4,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0fac: 0 eb 0f jmp ffffffff804c0fbd <tcp_ack+0x4a6>
ffffffff804c0fae: 0 83 4c 24 50 10 orl $0x10,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0fb3: 0 c7 85 74 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x574(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0fba: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c0fbd: 517 83 7c 24 44 00 cmpl $0x0,0x44(%rsp)
ffffffff804c0fc2: 6012 0f 84 bb 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c0fc8: 1111 48 8b 34 24 mov (%rsp),%rsi
ffffffff804c0fcc: 0 4c 89 ef mov %r13,%rdi
ffffffff804c0fcf: 184 e8 0d d8 ff ff callq ffffffff804be7e1 <__skb_unlink>
ffffffff804c0fd4: 5 41 8b 45 68 mov 0x68(%r13),%eax
ffffffff804c0fd8: 517 05 e8 00 00 00 add $0xe8,%eax
ffffffff804c0fdd: 0 41 39 85 e0 00 00 00 cmp %eax,0xe0(%r13)
ffffffff804c0fe4: 31 7d 08 jge ffffffff804c0fee <tcp_ack+0x4d7>
ffffffff804c0fe6: 0 4c 89 ef mov %r13,%rdi
ffffffff804c0fe9: 0 e8 d4 66 fc ff callq ffffffff804876c2 <skb_truesize_bug>
ffffffff804c0fee: 1142 0f ba ad 10 01 00 00 btsl $0xe,0x110(%rbp)
ffffffff804c0ff5: 0 0e
ffffffff804c0ff6: 2576 8b 85 f0 00 00 00 mov 0xf0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c0ffc: 433 41 2b 85 e0 00 00 00 sub 0xe0(%r13),%eax
ffffffff804c1003: 4843 89 85 f0 00 00 00 mov %eax,0xf0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1009: 1730 48 8b 45 30 mov 0x30(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c100d: 311 41 8b 95 e0 00 00 00 mov 0xe0(%r13),%edx
ffffffff804c1014: 0 48 83 b8 b0 00 00 00 cmpq $0x0,0xb0(%rax)
ffffffff804c101b: 0 00
ffffffff804c101c: 418 74 06 je ffffffff804c1024 <tcp_ack+0x50d>
ffffffff804c101e: 37 01 95 f4 00 00 00 add %edx,0xf4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1024: 2 4c 89 ef mov %r13,%rdi
ffffffff804c1027: 432 e8 56 7b fc ff callq ffffffff80488b82 <__kfree_skb>
ffffffff804c102c: 44 4c 3b ad f0 04 00 00 cmp 0x4f0(%rbp),%r13
ffffffff804c1033: 511 48 c7 85 e8 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4e8(%rbp)
ffffffff804c103a: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c103e: 1 75 0b jne ffffffff804c104b <tcp_ack+0x534>
ffffffff804c1040: 0 48 c7 85 f0 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4f0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1047: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c104b: 0 4c 3b ad e0 04 00 00 cmp 0x4e0(%rbp),%r13
ffffffff804c1052: 518 75 0b jne ffffffff804c105f <tcp_ack+0x548>
ffffffff804c1054: 0 48 c7 85 e0 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4e0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c105b: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c105f: 439 4c 8b ad c0 00 00 00 mov 0xc0(%rbp),%r13
ffffffff804c1066: 5655 4c 3b 2c 24 cmp (%rsp),%r13
ffffffff804c106a: 0 75 05 jne ffffffff804c1071 <tcp_ack+0x55a>
ffffffff804c106c: 0 45 31 ed xor %r13d,%r13d
ffffffff804c106f: 810 eb 12 jmp ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c1071: 0 4d 85 ed test %r13,%r13
ffffffff804c1074: 2574 74 0d je ffffffff804c1083 <tcp_ack+0x56c>
ffffffff804c1076: 0 4c 3b ad d8 01 00 00 cmp 0x1d8(%rbp),%r13
ffffffff804c107d: 0 0f 85 51 fd ff ff jne ffffffff804c0dd4 <tcp_ack+0x2bd>
ffffffff804c1083: 454 8b 8d 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%ecx
ffffffff804c1089: 497 8b 85 80 04 00 00 mov 0x480(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c108f: 0 2b 44 24 18 sub 0x18(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c1093: 0 89 ca mov %ecx,%edx
ffffffff804c1095: 534 2b 54 24 18 sub 0x18(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c1099: 0 39 c2 cmp %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c109b: 0 72 06 jb ffffffff804c10a3 <tcp_ack+0x58c>
ffffffff804c109d: 458 89 8d 80 04 00 00 mov %ecx,0x480(%rbp)
ffffffff804c10a3: 0 4d 85 ed test %r13,%r13
ffffffff804c10a6: 0 74 15 je ffffffff804c10bd <tcp_ack+0x5a6>
ffffffff804c10a8: 0 8b 44 24 50 mov 0x50(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c10ac: 2 80 cc 20 or $0x20,%ah
ffffffff804c10af: 3 41 f6 45 5d 01 testb $0x1,0x5d(%r13)
ffffffff804c10b4: 0 0f 44 44 24 50 cmove 0x50(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c10b9: 0 89 44 24 50 mov %eax,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c10bd: 444 f6 44 24 50 14 testb $0x14,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c10c2: 551 0f 84 e1 01 00 00 je ffffffff804c12a9 <tcp_ack+0x792>
ffffffff804c10c8: 1 f6 85 9c 04 00 00 01 testb $0x1,0x49c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c10cf: 2 48 8b 9d 60 03 00 00 mov 0x360(%rbp),%rbx
ffffffff804c10d6: 462 74 17 je ffffffff804c10ef <tcp_ack+0x5d8>
ffffffff804c10d8: 0 83 bd 98 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x498(%rbp)
ffffffff804c10df: 0 74 0e je ffffffff804c10ef <tcp_ack+0x5d8>
ffffffff804c10e1: 451 8b 74 24 50 mov 0x50(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c10e5: 43 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c10e8: 0 e8 ea e8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf9d7 <tcp_ack_saw_tstamp>
ffffffff804c10ed: 66 eb 47 jmp ffffffff804c1136 <tcp_ack+0x61f>
ffffffff804c10ef: 0 83 7c 24 4c 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4c(%rsp)
ffffffff804c10f4: 0 78 40 js ffffffff804c1136 <tcp_ack+0x61f>
ffffffff804c10f6: 0 f6 44 24 50 08 testb $0x8,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c10fb: 0 75 39 jne ffffffff804c1136 <tcp_ack+0x61f>
ffffffff804c10fd: 0 8b 74 24 4c mov 0x4c(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c1101: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1104: 0 e8 b5 e7 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf8be <tcp_rtt_estimator>
ffffffff804c1109: 0 8b 85 60 04 00 00 mov 0x460(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c110f: 0 c6 85 7b 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x37b(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1116: 0 c1 e8 03 shr $0x3,%eax
ffffffff804c1119: 0 03 85 6c 04 00 00 add 0x46c(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c111f: 0 3d 30 75 00 00 cmp $0x7530,%eax
ffffffff804c1124: 0 89 85 58 03 00 00 mov %eax,0x358(%rbp)
ffffffff804c112a: 0 76 0a jbe ffffffff804c1136 <tcp_ack+0x61f>
ffffffff804c112c: 0 c7 85 58 03 00 00 30 movl $0x7530,0x358(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1133: 0 75 00 00
ffffffff804c1136: 732 83 bd 74 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x474(%rbp)
ffffffff804c113d: 1833 75 0f jne ffffffff804c114e <tcp_ack+0x637>
ffffffff804c113f: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1144: 493 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1147: 0 e8 07 d7 ff ff callq ffffffff804be853 <inet_csk_clear_xmit_timer>
ffffffff804c114c: 0 eb 18 jmp ffffffff804c1166 <tcp_ack+0x64f>
ffffffff804c114e: 0 8b 95 58 03 00 00 mov 0x358(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1154: 0 b9 30 75 00 00 mov $0x7530,%ecx
ffffffff804c1159: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c115e: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1161: 0 e8 7d e4 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf5e3 <inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer>
ffffffff804c1166: 881 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c116c: 845 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c116f: 1 75 63 jne ffffffff804c11d4 <tcp_ack+0x6bd>
ffffffff804c1171: 0 83 7c 24 38 00 cmpl $0x0,0x38(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1176: 0 7e 29 jle ffffffff804c11a1 <tcp_ack+0x68a>
ffffffff804c1178: 0 8b 44 24 38 mov 0x38(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c117c: 0 8b 95 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1182: 0 ff c8 dec %eax
ffffffff804c1184: 0 39 d0 cmp %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1186: 0 72 0c jb ffffffff804c1194 <tcp_ack+0x67d>
ffffffff804c1188: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c118f: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1192: 0 eb 0d jmp ffffffff804c11a1 <tcp_ack+0x68a>
ffffffff804c1194: 0 8d 42 01 lea 0x1(%rdx),%eax
ffffffff804c1197: 0 2b 44 24 38 sub 0x38(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c119b: 0 89 85 d0 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c11a1: 0 8b 74 24 38 mov 0x38(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c11a5: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c11a8: 0 e8 2d dd ff ff callq ffffffff804beeda <tcp_check_reno_reordering>
ffffffff804c11ad: 0 8b 85 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c11b3: 0 03 85 d0 04 00 00 add 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c11b9: 0 3b 85 74 04 00 00 cmp 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c11bf: 0 76 5e jbe ffffffff804c121f <tcp_ack+0x708>
ffffffff804c11c1: 0 be b0 06 00 00 mov $0x6b0,%esi
ffffffff804c11c6: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c11cd: 0 e8 e3 4f d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c11d2: 0 eb 4b jmp ffffffff804c121f <tcp_ack+0x708>
ffffffff804c11d4: 414 8b 44 24 20 mov 0x20(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c11d8: 1591 39 44 24 34 cmp %eax,0x34(%rsp)
ffffffff804c11dc: 2 73 14 jae ffffffff804c11f2 <tcp_ack+0x6db>
ffffffff804c11de: 0 8b b5 d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c11e4: 0 2b 74 24 34 sub 0x34(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c11e8: 0 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c11ea: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c11ed: 0 e8 9c db ff ff callq ffffffff804bed8e <tcp_update_reordering>
ffffffff804c11f2: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c11f8: 865 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c11fb: 3 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c11fd: 0 8b 85 60 05 00 00 mov 0x560(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1203: 453 74 06 je ffffffff804c120b <tcp_ack+0x6f4>
ffffffff804c1205: 8 2b 44 24 38 sub 0x38(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c1209: 0 eb 0e jmp ffffffff804c1219 <tcp_ack+0x702>
ffffffff804c120b: 0 8b 95 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1211: 0 29 54 24 40 sub %edx,0x40(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1215: 0 2b 44 24 40 sub 0x40(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c1219: 423 89 85 60 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x560(%rbp)
ffffffff804c121f: 492 8b 85 d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1225: 489 39 44 24 38 cmp %eax,0x38(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1229: 0 8b 54 24 38 mov 0x38(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c122d: 0 0f 47 d0 cmova %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c1230: 438 29 d0 sub %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1232: 0 89 85 d4 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4d4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1238: 1 48 83 7b 58 00 cmpq $0x0,0x58(%rbx)
ffffffff804c123d: 446 74 6a je ffffffff804c12a9 <tcp_ack+0x792>
ffffffff804c123f: 0 f6 44 24 50 08 testb $0x8,0x50(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1244: 3 75 54 jne ffffffff804c129a <tcp_ack+0x783>
ffffffff804c1246: 441 f6 43 10 02 testb $0x2,0x10(%rbx)
ffffffff804c124a: 8 74 3f je ffffffff804c128b <tcp_ack+0x774>
ffffffff804c124c: 0 e8 33 e4 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf684 <net_invalid_timestamp>
ffffffff804c1251: 0 48 39 44 24 08 cmp %rax,0x8(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1256: 0 74 33 je ffffffff804c128b <tcp_ack+0x774>
ffffffff804c1258: 0 e8 17 8b d8 ff callq ffffffff80249d74 <ktime_get_real>
ffffffff804c125d: 0 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
ffffffff804c1260: 0 48 2b 7c 24 08 sub 0x8(%rsp),%rdi
ffffffff804c1265: 0 e8 e3 8e d7 ff callq ffffffff8023a14d <ns_to_timeval>
ffffffff804c126a: 0 48 89 44 24 60 mov %rax,0x60(%rsp)
ffffffff804c126f: 0 48 89 44 24 70 mov %rax,0x70(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1274: 0 48 69 c0 40 42 0f 00 imul $0xf4240,%rax,%rax
ffffffff804c127b: 0 48 89 54 24 78 mov %rdx,0x78(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1280: 0 48 89 54 24 68 mov %rdx,0x68(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1285: 0 03 44 24 78 add 0x78(%rsp),%eax
ffffffff804c1289: 0 eb 12 jmp ffffffff804c129d <tcp_ack+0x786>
ffffffff804c128b: 89 45 85 e4 test %r12d,%r12d
ffffffff804c128e: 414 7e 0a jle ffffffff804c129a <tcp_ack+0x783>
ffffffff804c1290: 0 49 63 fc movslq %r12d,%rdi
ffffffff804c1293: 65 e8 a8 8b d7 ff callq ffffffff80239e40 <jiffies_to_usecs>
ffffffff804c1298: 0 eb 03 jmp ffffffff804c129d <tcp_ack+0x786>
ffffffff804c129a: 0 83 c8 ff or $0xffffffffffffffff,%eax
ffffffff804c129d: 1136 89 c2 mov %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c129f: 7 8b 74 24 38 mov 0x38(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c12a3: 444 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c12a6: 1 ff 53 58 callq *0x58(%rbx)
ffffffff804c12a9: 305 83 bd d0 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c12b0: 518 79 11 jns ffffffff804c12c3 <tcp_ack+0x7ac>
ffffffff804c12b2: 0 be ac 0b 00 00 mov $0xbac,%esi
ffffffff804c12b7: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c12be: 0 e8 f2 4e d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c12c3: 415 83 bd cc 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4cc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c12ca: 2204 79 11 jns ffffffff804c12dd <tcp_ack+0x7c6>
ffffffff804c12cc: 0 be ad 0b 00 00 mov $0xbad,%esi
ffffffff804c12d1: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c12d8: 0 e8 d8 4e d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c12dd: 0 83 bd 78 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c12e4: 1747 79 11 jns ffffffff804c12f7 <tcp_ack+0x7e0>
ffffffff804c12e6: 0 be ae 0b 00 00 mov $0xbae,%esi
ffffffff804c12eb: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c12f2: 0 e8 be 4e d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c12f7: 0 83 bd 74 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x474(%rbp)
ffffffff804c12fe: 878 0f 85 86 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c138a <tcp_ack+0x873>
ffffffff804c1304: 4721 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c130a: 968 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c130d: 2 74 7b je ffffffff804c138a <tcp_ack+0x873>
ffffffff804c130f: 171 8b b5 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c1315: 282 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1317: 0 74 1f je ffffffff804c1338 <tcp_ack+0x821>
ffffffff804c1319: 0 0f b6 95 78 03 00 00 movzbl 0x378(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1320: 0 48 c7 c7 b2 d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad9b2,%rdi
ffffffff804c1327: 0 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1329: 0 e8 46 5a d7 ff callq ffffffff80236d74 <printk>
ffffffff804c132e: 0 c7 85 cc 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4cc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1335: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1338: 198 8b b5 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c133e: 257 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1340: 0 74 1f je ffffffff804c1361 <tcp_ack+0x84a>
ffffffff804c1342: 0 0f b6 95 78 03 00 00 movzbl 0x378(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1349: 0 48 c7 c7 c3 d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad9c3,%rdi
ffffffff804c1350: 0 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1352: 0 e8 1d 5a d7 ff callq ffffffff80236d74 <printk>
ffffffff804c1357: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c135e: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1361: 2524 8b b5 78 04 00 00 mov 0x478(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c1367: 1825 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1369: 0 74 1f je ffffffff804c138a <tcp_ack+0x873>
ffffffff804c136b: 0 0f b6 95 78 03 00 00 movzbl 0x378(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1372: 0 48 c7 c7 d4 d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad9d4,%rdi
ffffffff804c1379: 0 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c137b: 0 e8 f4 59 d7 ff callq ffffffff80236d74 <printk>
ffffffff804c1380: 0 c7 85 78 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1387: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c138a: 46 44 8b 64 24 50 mov 0x50(%rsp),%r12d
ffffffff804c138f: 7369 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff804c1391: 348 44 0b 64 24 5c or 0x5c(%rsp),%r12d
ffffffff804c1396: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c139d: 96 0f 84 26 02 00 00 je ffffffff804c15c9 <tcp_ack+0xab2>
ffffffff804c13a3: 0 8b 85 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c13a9: 0 03 85 d0 04 00 00 add 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c13af: 0 3b 85 74 04 00 00 cmp 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c13b5: 0 76 11 jbe ffffffff804c13c8 <tcp_ack+0x8b1>
ffffffff804c13b7: 0 be 58 0c 00 00 mov $0xc58,%esi
ffffffff804c13bc: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c13c3: 0 e8 ed 4d d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c13c8: 0 44 89 e3 mov %r12d,%ebx
ffffffff804c13cb: 0 83 e3 04 and $0x4,%ebx
ffffffff804c13ce: 0 74 07 je ffffffff804c13d7 <tcp_ack+0x8c0>
ffffffff804c13d0: 0 c6 85 79 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x379(%rbp)
ffffffff804c13d7: 0 41 f7 c4 00 10 00 00 test $0x1000,%r12d
ffffffff804c13de: 0 75 0f jne ffffffff804c13ef <tcp_ack+0x8d8>
ffffffff804c13e0: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c13e7: 0 76 10 jbe ffffffff804c13f9 <tcp_ack+0x8e2>
ffffffff804c13e9: 0 41 f6 c4 08 test $0x8,%r12b
ffffffff804c13ed: 0 74 0a je ffffffff804c13f9 <tcp_ack+0x8e2>
ffffffff804c13ef: 0 c7 85 78 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c13f6: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c13f9: 0 8b 85 58 04 00 00 mov 0x458(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c13ff: 0 39 85 00 04 00 00 cmp %eax,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1405: 0 78 12 js ffffffff804c1419 <tcp_ack+0x902>
ffffffff804c1407: 0 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1409: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1410: 0 40 0f 95 c6 setne %sil
ffffffff804c1414: 0 83 c6 02 add $0x2,%esi
ffffffff804c1417: 0 eb 37 jmp ffffffff804c1450 <tcp_ack+0x939>
ffffffff804c1419: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c141c: 0 e8 e0 da ff ff callq ffffffff804bef01 <tcp_is_sackfrto>
ffffffff804c1421: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1423: 0 75 3b jne ffffffff804c1460 <tcp_ack+0x949>
ffffffff804c1425: 0 41 f7 c4 34 04 00 00 test $0x434,%r12d
ffffffff804c142c: 0 75 0a jne ffffffff804c1438 <tcp_ack+0x921>
ffffffff804c142e: 0 41 f6 c4 17 test $0x17,%r12b
ffffffff804c1432: 0 0f 85 8c 01 00 00 jne ffffffff804c15c4 <tcp_ack+0xaad>
ffffffff804c1438: 0 85 db test %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c143a: 0 0f 85 8d 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c14cd <tcp_ack+0x9b6>
ffffffff804c1440: 0 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1442: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1449: 0 40 0f 95 c6 setne %sil
ffffffff804c144d: 0 8d 34 76 lea (%rsi,%rsi,2),%esi
ffffffff804c1450: 0 44 89 e2 mov %r12d,%edx
ffffffff804c1453: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1456: 0 e8 b8 e7 ff ff callq ffffffff804bfc13 <tcp_enter_frto_loss>
ffffffff804c145b: 0 e9 64 01 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c15c4 <tcp_ack+0xaad>
ffffffff804c1460: 0 85 db test %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1462: 0 75 37 jne ffffffff804c149b <tcp_ack+0x984>
ffffffff804c1464: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c146b: 0 75 2e jne ffffffff804c149b <tcp_ack+0x984>
ffffffff804c146d: 0 8b 85 78 04 00 00 mov 0x478(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1473: 0 03 85 74 04 00 00 add 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1479: 0 2b 85 d0 04 00 00 sub 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c147f: 0 8b 95 ac 04 00 00 mov 0x4ac(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1485: 0 2b 85 cc 04 00 00 sub 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c148b: 0 39 d0 cmp %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c148d: 0 0f 47 c2 cmova %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1490: 0 89 85 ac 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1496: 0 e9 29 01 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c15c4 <tcp_ack+0xaad>
ffffffff804c149b: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c14a2: 0 76 29 jbe ffffffff804c14cd <tcp_ack+0x9b6>
ffffffff804c14a4: 0 41 f6 c4 34 test $0x34,%r12b
ffffffff804c14a8: 0 74 0f je ffffffff804c14b9 <tcp_ack+0x9a2>
ffffffff804c14aa: 0 44 89 e0 mov %r12d,%eax
ffffffff804c14ad: 0 25 20 02 00 00 and $0x220,%eax
ffffffff804c14b2: 0 83 f8 20 cmp $0x20,%eax
ffffffff804c14b5: 0 75 16 jne ffffffff804c14cd <tcp_ack+0x9b6>
ffffffff804c14b7: 0 eb 0a jmp ffffffff804c14c3 <tcp_ack+0x9ac>
ffffffff804c14b9: 0 41 f6 c4 17 test $0x17,%r12b
ffffffff804c14bd: 0 0f 85 01 01 00 00 jne ffffffff804c15c4 <tcp_ack+0xaad>
ffffffff804c14c3: 0 44 89 e2 mov %r12d,%edx
ffffffff804c14c6: 0 be 03 00 00 00 mov $0x3,%esi
ffffffff804c14cb: 0 eb 86 jmp ffffffff804c1453 <tcp_ack+0x93c>
ffffffff804c14cd: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c14d4: 0 75 45 jne ffffffff804c151b <tcp_ack+0xa04>
ffffffff804c14d6: 0 8b 85 78 04 00 00 mov 0x478(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c14dc: 0 03 85 74 04 00 00 add 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c14e2: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c14e5: 0 c6 85 5e 04 00 00 02 movb $0x2,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c14ec: 0 83 c0 02 add $0x2,%eax
ffffffff804c14ef: 0 2b 85 cc 04 00 00 sub 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c14f5: 0 2b 85 d0 04 00 00 sub 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c14fb: 0 89 85 ac 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1501: 0 e8 0a 3e 00 00 callq ffffffff804c5310 <tcp_may_send_now>
ffffffff804c1506: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1508: 0 0f 85 b6 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c15c4 <tcp_ack+0xaad>
ffffffff804c150e: 0 44 89 e2 mov %r12d,%edx
ffffffff804c1511: 0 be 02 00 00 00 mov $0x2,%esi
ffffffff804c1516: 0 e9 38 ff ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c1453 <tcp_ack+0x93c>
ffffffff804c151b: 0 8b 05 3f 6f 3f 00 mov 0x3f6f3f(%rip),%eax # ffffffff808b8460 <sysctl_tcp_frto_response>
ffffffff804c1521: 0 83 f8 01 cmp $0x1,%eax
ffffffff804c1524: 0 74 1a je ffffffff804c1540 <tcp_ack+0xa29>
ffffffff804c1526: 0 83 f8 02 cmp $0x2,%eax
ffffffff804c1529: 0 75 5d jne ffffffff804c1588 <tcp_ack+0xa71>
ffffffff804c152b: 0 41 f6 c4 40 test $0x40,%r12b
ffffffff804c152f: 0 75 57 jne ffffffff804c1588 <tcp_ack+0xa71>
ffffffff804c1531: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1536: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1539: 0 e8 5a db ff ff callq ffffffff804bf098 <tcp_undo_cwr>
ffffffff804c153e: 0 eb 50 jmp ffffffff804c1590 <tcp_ack+0xa79>
ffffffff804c1540: 0 8b 85 ac 04 00 00 mov 0x4ac(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1546: 0 8b 95 a8 04 00 00 mov 0x4a8(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c154c: 0 c7 85 b0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4b0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1553: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1556: 0 c7 85 dc 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4dc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c155d: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1560: 0 39 c2 cmp %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c1562: 0 0f 46 c2 cmovbe %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1565: 0 89 85 ac 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c156b: 0 8a 85 7e 04 00 00 mov 0x47e(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1571: 0 a8 01 test $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c1573: 0 74 09 je ffffffff804c157e <tcp_ack+0xa67>
ffffffff804c1575: 0 83 c8 02 or $0x2,%eax
ffffffff804c1578: 0 88 85 7e 04 00 00 mov %al,0x47e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c157e: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1581: 0 e8 27 da ff ff callq ffffffff804befad <tcp_moderate_cwnd>
ffffffff804c1586: 0 eb 08 jmp ffffffff804c1590 <tcp_ack+0xa79>
ffffffff804c1588: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c158b: 0 e8 78 dd ff ff callq ffffffff804bf308 <tcp_ratehalving_spur_to_response>
ffffffff804c1590: 0 c6 85 5e 04 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1597: 0 c7 85 78 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c159e: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c15a1: 0 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff804c15a3: 0 48 8b 05 0e 01 5f 00 mov 0x5f010e(%rip),%rax # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c15aa: 0 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff804c15b1: 0 00
ffffffff804c15b2: 0 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c15b4: 0 48 f7 d0 not %rax
ffffffff804c15b7: 0 48 8b 04 d0 mov (%rax,%rdx,8),%rax
ffffffff804c15bb: 0 48 ff 80 28 02 00 00 incq 0x228(%rax)
ffffffff804c15c2: 0 eb 05 jmp ffffffff804c15c9 <tcp_ack+0xab2>
ffffffff804c15c4: 0 b9 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%ecx
ffffffff804c15c9: 466 8b 95 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c15cf: 5645 39 95 58 04 00 00 cmp %edx,0x458(%rbp)
ffffffff804c15d5: 176 79 0a jns ffffffff804c15e1 <tcp_ack+0xaca>
ffffffff804c15d7: 24 c7 85 58 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x458(%rbp)
ffffffff804c15de: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c15e1: 620 8b 54 24 2c mov 0x2c(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c15e5: 639 03 54 24 30 add 0x30(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c15e9: 2 44 89 e3 mov %r12d,%ebx
ffffffff804c15ec: 283 2b 54 24 28 sub 0x28(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c15f0: 154 2b 54 24 24 sub 0x24(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c15f4: 0 83 e3 17 and $0x17,%ebx
ffffffff804c15f7: 266 89 5c 24 54 mov %ebx,0x54(%rsp)
ffffffff804c15fb: 168 74 13 je ffffffff804c1610 <tcp_ack+0xaf9>
ffffffff804c15fd: 0 41 f6 c4 60 test $0x60,%r12b
ffffffff804c1601: 6575 75 0d jne ffffffff804c1610 <tcp_ack+0xaf9>
ffffffff804c1603: 20 80 bd 78 03 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c160a: 1417 0f 84 3a 09 00 00 je ffffffff804c1f4a <tcp_ack+0x1433>
ffffffff804c1610: 0 44 89 e0 mov %r12d,%eax
ffffffff804c1613: 0 c1 e8 02 shr $0x2,%eax
ffffffff804c1616: 0 88 c3 mov %al,%bl
ffffffff804c1618: 0 80 e3 01 and $0x1,%bl
ffffffff804c161b: 0 41 88 de mov %bl,%r14b
ffffffff804c161e: 0 74 36 je ffffffff804c1656 <tcp_ack+0xb3f>
ffffffff804c1620: 0 85 c9 test %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff804c1622: 0 75 32 jne ffffffff804c1656 <tcp_ack+0xb3f>
ffffffff804c1624: 0 41 f6 c4 40 test $0x40,%r12b
ffffffff804c1628: 0 74 0e je ffffffff804c1638 <tcp_ack+0xb21>
ffffffff804c162a: 0 8b 85 a8 04 00 00 mov 0x4a8(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1630: 0 39 85 ac 04 00 00 cmp %eax,0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1636: 0 73 1e jae ffffffff804c1656 <tcp_ack+0xb3f>
ffffffff804c1638: 0 0f b6 8d 78 03 00 00 movzbl 0x378(%rbp),%ecx
ffffffff804c163f: 0 b8 0c 00 00 00 mov $0xc,%eax
ffffffff804c1644: 0 d3 f8 sar %cl,%eax
ffffffff804c1646: 0 a8 01 test $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c1648: 0 75 0c jne ffffffff804c1656 <tcp_ack+0xb3f>
ffffffff804c164a: 0 8b 74 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c164e: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1651: 0 e8 6b dc ff ff callq ffffffff804bf2c1 <tcp_cong_avoid>
ffffffff804c1656: 0 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1658: 0 41 f7 c4 17 04 00 00 test $0x417,%r12d
ffffffff804c165f: 0 44 8b bd 74 04 00 00 mov 0x474(%rbp),%r15d
ffffffff804c1666: 0 0f 94 c3 sete %bl
ffffffff804c1669: 0 41 bd 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%r13d
ffffffff804c166f: 0 85 db test %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1671: 0 75 21 jne ffffffff804c1694 <tcp_ack+0xb7d>
ffffffff804c1673: 0 45 30 ed xor %r13b,%r13b
ffffffff804c1676: 0 41 f6 c4 20 test $0x20,%r12b
ffffffff804c167a: 0 74 18 je ffffffff804c1694 <tcp_ack+0xb7d>
ffffffff804c167c: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c167f: 0 45 31 ed xor %r13d,%r13d
ffffffff804c1682: 0 e8 cf d8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef56 <tcp_fackets_out>
ffffffff804c1687: 0 0f b6 95 7f 04 00 00 movzbl 0x47f(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c168e: 0 39 d0 cmp %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1690: 0 41 0f 9f c5 setg %r13b
ffffffff804c1694: 0 83 bd 74 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x474(%rbp)
ffffffff804c169b: 0 75 24 jne ffffffff804c16c1 <tcp_ack+0xbaa>
ffffffff804c169d: 0 83 bd d0 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c16a4: 0 74 1b je ffffffff804c16c1 <tcp_ack+0xbaa>
ffffffff804c16a6: 0 be 16 0a 00 00 mov $0xa16,%esi
ffffffff804c16ab: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c16b2: 0 e8 fe 4a d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c16b7: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c16be: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c16c1: 0 83 bd d0 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c16c8: 0 75 24 jne ffffffff804c16ee <tcp_ack+0xbd7>
ffffffff804c16ca: 0 83 bd d4 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4d4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c16d1: 0 74 1b je ffffffff804c16ee <tcp_ack+0xbd7>
ffffffff804c16d3: 0 be 18 0a 00 00 mov $0xa18,%esi
ffffffff804c16d8: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c16df: 0 e8 d1 4a d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c16e4: 0 c7 85 d4 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c16eb: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c16ee: 0 44 89 e0 mov %r12d,%eax
ffffffff804c16f1: 0 83 e0 40 and $0x40,%eax
ffffffff804c16f4: 0 89 44 24 58 mov %eax,0x58(%rsp)
ffffffff804c16f8: 0 74 0a je ffffffff804c1704 <tcp_ack+0xbed>
ffffffff804c16fa: 0 c7 85 6c 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x56c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1701: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1704: 0 41 f7 c4 00 20 00 00 test $0x2000,%r12d
ffffffff804c170b: 0 0f 84 50 08 00 00 je ffffffff804c1f61 <tcp_ack+0x144a>
ffffffff804c1711: 0 48 8b 15 a0 ff 5e 00 mov 0x5effa0(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c1718: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c171b: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1720: 0 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff804c1727: 0 00
ffffffff804c1728: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c172a: 0 48 f7 d2 not %rdx
ffffffff804c172d: 0 48 8b 04 c2 mov (%rdx,%rax,8),%rax
ffffffff804c1731: 0 48 ff 80 00 01 00 00 incq 0x100(%rax)
ffffffff804c1738: 0 e8 df e2 ff ff callq ffffffff804bfa1c <tcp_enter_loss>
ffffffff804c173d: 0 48 8b b5 c0 00 00 00 mov 0xc0(%rbp),%rsi
ffffffff804c1744: 0 fe 85 79 03 00 00 incb 0x379(%rbp)
ffffffff804c174a: 0 48 8d 85 c0 00 00 00 lea 0xc0(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c1751: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1754: 0 48 39 c6 cmp %rax,%rsi
ffffffff804c1757: 0 b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
ffffffff804c175c: 0 48 0f 44 f0 cmove %rax,%rsi
ffffffff804c1760: 0 e8 2d 4b 00 00 callq ffffffff804c6292 <tcp_retransmit_skb>
ffffffff804c1765: 0 8b 95 58 03 00 00 mov 0x358(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c176b: 0 b9 30 75 00 00 mov $0x7530,%ecx
ffffffff804c1770: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1775: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1778: 0 e8 66 de ff ff callq ffffffff804bf5e3 <inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer>
ffffffff804c177d: 0 e9 dd 06 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1782: 0 45 84 e4 test %r12b,%r12b
ffffffff804c1785: 0 79 51 jns ffffffff804c17d8 <tcp_ack+0xcc1>
ffffffff804c1787: 0 8b 95 70 05 00 00 mov 0x570(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c178d: 0 39 95 00 04 00 00 cmp %edx,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1793: 0 79 43 jns ffffffff804c17d8 <tcp_ack+0xcc1>
ffffffff804c1795: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c179c: 0 74 3a je ffffffff804c17d8 <tcp_ack+0xcc1>
ffffffff804c179e: 0 0f b6 85 7f 04 00 00 movzbl 0x47f(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c17a5: 0 8b b5 d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c17ab: 0 39 c6 cmp %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c17ad: 0 76 29 jbe ffffffff804c17d8 <tcp_ack+0xcc1>
ffffffff804c17af: 0 29 c6 sub %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c17b1: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c17b4: 0 e8 58 e6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bfe11 <tcp_mark_head_lost>
ffffffff804c17b9: 0 48 8b 05 f8 fe 5e 00 mov 0x5efef8(%rip),%rax # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c17c0: 0 65 8b 14 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%edx
ffffffff804c17c7: 0 00
ffffffff804c17c8: 0 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c17ca: 0 48 f7 d0 not %rax
ffffffff804c17cd: 0 48 8b 04 d0 mov (%rax,%rdx,8),%rax
ffffffff804c17d1: 0 48 ff 80 48 01 00 00 incq 0x148(%rax)
ffffffff804c17d8: 0 8b 85 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c17de: 0 03 85 d0 04 00 00 add 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c17e4: 0 3b 85 74 04 00 00 cmp 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c17ea: 0 76 11 jbe ffffffff804c17fd <tcp_ack+0xce6>
ffffffff804c17ec: 0 be 2e 0a 00 00 mov $0xa2e,%esi
ffffffff804c17f1: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c17f8: 0 e8 b8 49 d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c17fd: 0 8a 85 78 03 00 00 mov 0x378(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1803: 0 84 c0 test %al,%al
ffffffff804c1805: 0 75 29 jne ffffffff804c1830 <tcp_ack+0xd19>
ffffffff804c1807: 0 83 bd 78 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c180e: 0 74 11 je ffffffff804c1821 <tcp_ack+0xd0a>
ffffffff804c1810: 0 be 33 0a 00 00 mov $0xa33,%esi
ffffffff804c1815: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c181c: 0 e8 94 49 d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c1821: 0 c7 85 74 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x574(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1828: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c182b: 0 e9 c4 00 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c1830: 0 8b 8d 70 05 00 00 mov 0x570(%rbp),%ecx
ffffffff804c1836: 0 8b 95 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c183c: 0 39 ca cmp %ecx,%edx
ffffffff804c183e: 0 0f 88 b0 00 00 00 js ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c1844: 0 3c 02 cmp $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1846: 0 74 31 je ffffffff804c1879 <tcp_ack+0xd62>
ffffffff804c1848: 0 77 0a ja ffffffff804c1854 <tcp_ack+0xd3d>
ffffffff804c184a: 0 fe c8 dec %al
ffffffff804c184c: 0 0f 85 a2 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c1852: 0 eb 33 jmp ffffffff804c1887 <tcp_ack+0xd70>
ffffffff804c1854: 0 3c 03 cmp $0x3,%al
ffffffff804c1856: 0 74 6f je ffffffff804c18c7 <tcp_ack+0xdb0>
ffffffff804c1858: 0 3c 04 cmp $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c185a: 0 0f 85 94 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c1860: 0 c6 85 79 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x379(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1867: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c186a: 0 e8 fb d8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf16a <tcp_try_undo_recovery>
ffffffff804c186f: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1871: 0 0f 85 e8 05 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1877: 0 eb 7b jmp ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c1879: 0 39 ca cmp %ecx,%edx
ffffffff804c187b: 0 74 77 je ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c187d: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1880: 0 e8 b8 d9 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf23d <tcp_complete_cwr>
ffffffff804c1885: 0 eb 34 jmp ffffffff804c18bb <tcp_ack+0xda4>
ffffffff804c1887: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c188a: 0 e8 63 d9 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf1f2 <tcp_try_undo_dsack>
ffffffff804c188f: 0 83 bd 78 05 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1896: 0 74 19 je ffffffff804c18b1 <tcp_ack+0xd9a>
ffffffff804c1898: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c189e: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c18a1: 0 74 0e je ffffffff804c18b1 <tcp_ack+0xd9a>
ffffffff804c18a3: 0 8b 85 70 05 00 00 mov 0x570(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c18a9: 0 39 85 00 04 00 00 cmp %eax,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c18af: 0 74 43 je ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c18b1: 0 c7 85 78 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c18b8: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c18bb: 0 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c18bd: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c18c0: 0 e8 b4 cf ff ff callq ffffffff804be879 <tcp_set_ca_state>
ffffffff804c18c5: 0 eb 2d jmp ffffffff804c18f4 <tcp_ack+0xddd>
ffffffff804c18c7: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c18cd: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c18d0: 0 75 0a jne ffffffff804c18dc <tcp_ack+0xdc5>
ffffffff804c18d2: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c18d9: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c18dc: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c18df: 0 e8 86 d8 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf16a <tcp_try_undo_recovery>
ffffffff804c18e4: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c18e6: 0 0f 85 73 05 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c18ec: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c18ef: 0 e8 49 d9 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf23d <tcp_complete_cwr>
ffffffff804c18f4: 0 8a 85 78 03 00 00 mov 0x378(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c18fa: 0 3c 03 cmp $0x3,%al
ffffffff804c18fc: 0 74 0d je ffffffff804c190b <tcp_ack+0xdf4>
ffffffff804c18fe: 0 3c 04 cmp $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1900: 0 0f 85 b8 01 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1abe <tcp_ack+0xfa7>
ffffffff804c1906: 0 e9 c4 00 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c19cf <tcp_ack+0xeb8>
ffffffff804c190b: 0 41 f7 c4 00 04 00 00 test $0x400,%r12d
ffffffff804c1912: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1918: 0 75 1e jne ffffffff804c1938 <tcp_ack+0xe21>
ffffffff804c191a: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c191d: 0 0f 85 fd 03 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1d20 <tcp_ack+0x1209>
ffffffff804c1923: 0 85 db test %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1925: 0 0f 84 f5 03 00 00 je ffffffff804c1d20 <tcp_ack+0x1209>
ffffffff804c192b: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c192e: 0 e8 54 dd ff ff callq ffffffff804bf687 <tcp_add_reno_sack>
ffffffff804c1933: 0 e9 e8 03 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1d20 <tcp_ack+0x1209>
ffffffff804c1938: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c193b: 0 41 bd 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%r13d
ffffffff804c1941: 0 74 18 je ffffffff804c195b <tcp_ack+0xe44>
ffffffff804c1943: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1946: 0 45 31 ed xor %r13d,%r13d
ffffffff804c1949: 0 e8 08 d6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef56 <tcp_fackets_out>
ffffffff804c194e: 0 0f b6 95 7f 04 00 00 movzbl 0x47f(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1955: 0 39 d0 cmp %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1957: 0 41 0f 9f c5 setg %r13b
ffffffff804c195b: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c195e: 0 e8 c9 d7 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf12c <tcp_may_undo>
ffffffff804c1963: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1965: 0 0f 84 b5 03 00 00 je ffffffff804c1d20 <tcp_ack+0x1209>
ffffffff804c196b: 0 83 bd 78 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1972: 0 75 0a jne ffffffff804c197e <tcp_ack+0xe67>
ffffffff804c1974: 0 c7 85 74 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x574(%rbp)
ffffffff804c197b: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c197e: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1981: 0 45 31 ed xor %r13d,%r13d
ffffffff804c1984: 0 e8 cd d5 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef56 <tcp_fackets_out>
ffffffff804c1989: 0 44 29 7c 24 14 sub %r15d,0x14(%rsp)
ffffffff804c198e: 0 ba 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edx
ffffffff804c1993: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1996: 0 8b 74 24 14 mov 0x14(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c199a: 0 01 c6 add %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c199c: 0 e8 ed d3 ff ff callq ffffffff804bed8e <tcp_update_reordering>
ffffffff804c19a1: 0 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c19a3: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c19a6: 0 e8 ed d6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf098 <tcp_undo_cwr>
ffffffff804c19ab: 0 48 8b 15 06 fd 5e 00 mov 0x5efd06(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c19b2: 0 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff804c19b9: 0 00
ffffffff804c19ba: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c19bc: 0 48 f7 d2 not %rdx
ffffffff804c19bf: 0 48 8b 04 c2 mov (%rdx,%rax,8),%rax
ffffffff804c19c3: 0 48 ff 80 30 01 00 00 incq 0x130(%rax)
ffffffff804c19ca: 0 e9 51 03 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1d20 <tcp_ack+0x1209>
ffffffff804c19cf: 0 45 84 f6 test %r14b,%r14b
ffffffff804c19d2: 0 74 07 je ffffffff804c19db <tcp_ack+0xec4>
ffffffff804c19d4: 0 c6 85 79 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x379(%rbp)
ffffffff804c19db: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c19e1: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c19e4: 0 75 13 jne ffffffff804c19f9 <tcp_ack+0xee2>
ffffffff804c19e6: 0 41 f7 c4 00 04 00 00 test $0x400,%r12d
ffffffff804c19ed: 0 74 0a je ffffffff804c19f9 <tcp_ack+0xee2>
ffffffff804c19ef: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c19f6: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c19f9: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c19fc: 0 e8 2b d7 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf12c <tcp_may_undo>
ffffffff804c1a01: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1a03: 0 0f 84 6e 05 00 00 je ffffffff804c1f77 <tcp_ack+0x1460>
ffffffff804c1a09: 0 48 8b 95 c0 00 00 00 mov 0xc0(%rbp),%rdx
ffffffff804c1a10: 0 48 8d 8d c0 00 00 00 lea 0xc0(%rbp),%rcx
ffffffff804c1a17: 0 eb 10 jmp ffffffff804c1a29 <tcp_ack+0xf12>
ffffffff804c1a19: 0 48 3b 95 d8 01 00 00 cmp 0x1d8(%rbp),%rdx
ffffffff804c1a20: 0 74 12 je ffffffff804c1a34 <tcp_ack+0xf1d>
ffffffff804c1a22: 0 80 62 5d fb andb $0xfb,0x5d(%rdx)
ffffffff804c1a26: 0 48 8b 12 mov (%rdx),%rdx
ffffffff804c1a29: 0 48 8b 02 mov (%rdx),%rax
ffffffff804c1a2c: 0 48 39 ca cmp %rcx,%rdx
ffffffff804c1a2f: 0 0f 18 08 prefetcht0 (%rax)
ffffffff804c1a32: 0 75 e5 jne ffffffff804c1a19 <tcp_ack+0xf02>
ffffffff804c1a34: 0 48 c7 85 e0 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4e0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a3b: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1a3f: 0 48 c7 85 e8 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4e8(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a46: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1a4a: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1a4f: 0 48 c7 85 f0 04 00 00 movq $0x0,0x4f0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a56: 0 00 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1a5a: 0 c7 85 cc 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4cc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a61: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1a64: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1a67: 0 e8 2c d6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf098 <tcp_undo_cwr>
ffffffff804c1a6c: 0 48 8b 15 45 fc 5e 00 mov 0x5efc45(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c1a73: 0 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff804c1a7a: 0 00
ffffffff804c1a7b: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1a7d: 0 48 f7 d2 not %rdx
ffffffff804c1a80: 0 48 8b 04 c2 mov (%rdx,%rax,8),%rax
ffffffff804c1a84: 0 48 ff 80 40 01 00 00 incq 0x140(%rax)
ffffffff804c1a8b: 0 c6 85 79 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x379(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a92: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1a98: 0 c7 85 78 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1a9f: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1aa2: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1aa5: 0 74 0a je ffffffff804c1ab1 <tcp_ack+0xf9a>
ffffffff804c1aa7: 0 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1aa9: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1aac: 0 e8 c8 cd ff ff callq ffffffff804be879 <tcp_set_ca_state>
ffffffff804c1ab1: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1ab8: 0 0f 85 a1 03 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1abe: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1ac4: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1ac7: 0 75 1f jne ffffffff804c1ae8 <tcp_ack+0xfd1>
ffffffff804c1ac9: 0 41 f7 c4 00 04 00 00 test $0x400,%r12d
ffffffff804c1ad0: 0 74 0a je ffffffff804c1adc <tcp_ack+0xfc5>
ffffffff804c1ad2: 0 c7 85 d0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1ad9: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1adc: 0 85 db test %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1ade: 0 74 08 je ffffffff804c1ae8 <tcp_ack+0xfd1>
ffffffff804c1ae0: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1ae3: 0 e8 9f db ff ff callq ffffffff804bf687 <tcp_add_reno_sack>
ffffffff804c1ae8: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1aef: 0 75 08 jne ffffffff804c1af9 <tcp_ack+0xfe2>
ffffffff804c1af1: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1af4: 0 e8 f9 d6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf1f2 <tcp_try_undo_dsack>
ffffffff804c1af9: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1b00: 0 0f 85 90 00 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1b96 <tcp_ack+0x107f>
ffffffff804c1b06: 0 83 bd cc 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x4cc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1b0d: 0 0f 85 79 04 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1f8c <tcp_ack+0x1475>
ffffffff804c1b13: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1b19: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1b1c: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1b1e: 0 74 08 je ffffffff804c1b28 <tcp_ack+0x1011>
ffffffff804c1b20: 0 8b 95 d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1b26: 0 eb 08 jmp ffffffff804c1b30 <tcp_ack+0x1019>
ffffffff804c1b28: 0 8b 95 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1b2e: 0 ff c2 inc %edx
ffffffff804c1b30: 0 0f b6 85 7f 04 00 00 movzbl 0x47f(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1b37: 0 39 c2 cmp %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c1b39: 0 0f 8f 4d 04 00 00 jg ffffffff804c1f8c <tcp_ack+0x1475>
ffffffff804c1b3f: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1b45: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1b48: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1b4a: 0 74 10 je ffffffff804c1b5c <tcp_ack+0x1045>
ffffffff804c1b4c: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1b4f: 0 e8 1d d4 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef71 <tcp_head_timedout>
ffffffff804c1b54: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1b56: 0 0f 85 30 04 00 00 jne ffffffff804c1f8c <tcp_ack+0x1475>
ffffffff804c1b5c: 0 0f b6 85 7f 04 00 00 movzbl 0x47f(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1b63: 0 8b 95 74 04 00 00 mov 0x474(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1b69: 0 39 c2 cmp %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c1b6b: 0 77 29 ja ffffffff804c1b96 <tcp_ack+0x107f>
ffffffff804c1b6d: 0 89 d0 mov %edx,%eax
ffffffff804c1b6f: 0 d1 e8 shr %eax
ffffffff804c1b71: 0 39 05 c1 68 3f 00 cmp %eax,0x3f68c1(%rip) # ffffffff808b8438 <sysctl_tcp_reordering>
ffffffff804c1b77: 0 0f 43 05 ba 68 3f 00 cmovae 0x3f68ba(%rip),%eax # ffffffff808b8438 <sysctl_tcp_reordering>
ffffffff804c1b7e: 0 39 85 d0 04 00 00 cmp %eax,0x4d0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1b84: 0 72 10 jb ffffffff804c1b96 <tcp_ack+0x107f>
ffffffff804c1b86: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1b89: 0 e8 82 37 00 00 callq ffffffff804c5310 <tcp_may_send_now>
ffffffff804c1b8e: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1b90: 0 0f 84 f6 03 00 00 je ffffffff804c1f8c <tcp_ack+0x1475>
ffffffff804c1b96: 0 8b 85 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1b9c: 0 03 85 d0 04 00 00 add 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1ba2: 0 3b 85 74 04 00 00 cmp 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1ba8: 0 76 11 jbe ffffffff804c1bbb <tcp_ack+0x10a4>
ffffffff804c1baa: 0 be d7 09 00 00 mov $0x9d7,%esi
ffffffff804c1baf: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c1bb6: 0 e8 fa 45 d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c1bbb: 0 80 bd 5e 04 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x45e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1bc2: 0 75 13 jne ffffffff804c1bd7 <tcp_ack+0x10c0>
ffffffff804c1bc4: 0 83 bd 78 04 00 00 00 cmpl $0x0,0x478(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1bcb: 0 75 0a jne ffffffff804c1bd7 <tcp_ack+0x10c0>
ffffffff804c1bcd: 0 c7 85 74 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x574(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1bd4: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1bd7: 0 83 7c 24 58 00 cmpl $0x0,0x58(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1bdc: 0 74 0d je ffffffff804c1beb <tcp_ack+0x10d4>
ffffffff804c1bde: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1be3: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1be6: 0 e8 cf d0 ff ff callq ffffffff804becba <tcp_enter_cwr>
ffffffff804c1beb: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 02 cmpb $0x2,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1bf2: 0 74 15 je ffffffff804c1c09 <tcp_ack+0x10f2>
ffffffff804c1bf4: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1bf7: 0 e8 71 d6 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf26d <tcp_try_keep_open>
ffffffff804c1bfc: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1bff: 0 e8 a9 d3 ff ff callq ffffffff804befad <tcp_moderate_cwnd>
ffffffff804c1c04: 0 e9 56 02 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1c09: 0 44 89 e6 mov %r12d,%esi
ffffffff804c1c0c: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1c0f: 0 e8 d9 d3 ff ff callq ffffffff804befed <tcp_cwnd_down>
ffffffff804c1c14: 0 e9 46 02 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1c19: 0 8b 95 a4 03 00 00 mov 0x3a4(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1c1f: 0 85 d2 test %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c1c21: 0 74 34 je ffffffff804c1c57 <tcp_ack+0x1140>
ffffffff804c1c23: 0 8b 85 b0 05 00 00 mov 0x5b0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1c29: 0 39 85 00 04 00 00 cmp %eax,0x400(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c2f: 0 75 26 jne ffffffff804c1c57 <tcp_ack+0x1140>
ffffffff804c1c31: 0 ff 85 ac 04 00 00 incl 0x4ac(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c37: 0 8d 42 ff lea -0x1(%rdx),%eax
ffffffff804c1c3a: 0 c7 85 a4 03 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x3a4(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c41: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1c44: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1c47: 0 89 85 9c 03 00 00 mov %eax,0x39c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c4d: 0 e8 86 54 00 00 callq ffffffff804c70d8 <tcp_simple_retransmit>
ffffffff804c1c52: 0 e9 08 02 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1c57: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1c5d: 0 48 8b 15 54 fa 5e 00 mov 0x5efa54(%rip),%rdx # ffffffff80ab16b8 <init_net+0xe8>
ffffffff804c1c64: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1c67: 0 48 f7 d2 not %rdx
ffffffff804c1c6a: 0 3c 01 cmp $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c1c6c: 0 19 c9 sbb %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff804c1c6e: 0 65 8b 04 25 24 00 00 mov %gs:0x24,%eax
ffffffff804c1c75: 0 00
ffffffff804c1c76: 0 89 c0 mov %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1c78: 0 83 c1 1f add $0x1f,%ecx
ffffffff804c1c7b: 0 48 8b 04 c2 mov (%rdx,%rax,8),%rax
ffffffff804c1c7f: 0 48 63 c9 movslq %ecx,%rcx
ffffffff804c1c82: 0 48 ff 04 c8 incq (%rax,%rcx,8)
ffffffff804c1c86: 0 c7 85 6c 05 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x56c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c8d: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1c90: 0 8b 85 fc 03 00 00 mov 0x3fc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1c96: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1c9d: 0 89 85 70 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x570(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1ca3: 0 8b 85 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1ca9: 0 89 85 78 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x578(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1caf: 0 8b 85 78 04 00 00 mov 0x478(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1cb5: 0 89 85 7c 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x57c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1cbb: 0 77 3b ja ffffffff804c1cf8 <tcp_ack+0x11e1>
ffffffff804c1cbd: 0 83 7c 24 58 00 cmpl $0x0,0x58(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1cc2: 0 75 0e jne ffffffff804c1cd2 <tcp_ack+0x11bb>
ffffffff804c1cc4: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1cc7: 0 e8 f0 cb ff ff callq ffffffff804be8bc <tcp_current_ssthresh>
ffffffff804c1ccc: 0 89 85 6c 05 00 00 mov %eax,0x56c(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1cd2: 0 48 8b 85 60 03 00 00 mov 0x360(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c1cd9: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1cdc: 0 ff 50 28 callq *0x28(%rax)
ffffffff804c1cdf: 0 89 85 a8 04 00 00 mov %eax,0x4a8(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1ce5: 0 8a 85 7e 04 00 00 mov 0x47e(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1ceb: 0 a8 01 test $0x1,%al
ffffffff804c1ced: 0 74 09 je ffffffff804c1cf8 <tcp_ack+0x11e1>
ffffffff804c1cef: 0 83 c8 02 or $0x2,%eax
ffffffff804c1cf2: 0 88 85 7e 04 00 00 mov %al,0x47e(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1cf8: 0 c7 85 dc 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4dc(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1cff: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1d02: 0 c7 85 b0 04 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x4b0(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1d09: 0 00 00 00
ffffffff804c1d0c: 0 be 03 00 00 00 mov $0x3,%esi
ffffffff804c1d11: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1d14: 0 bb 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%ebx
ffffffff804c1d19: 0 e8 5b cb ff ff callq ffffffff804be879 <tcp_set_ca_state>
ffffffff804c1d1e: 0 eb 02 jmp ffffffff804c1d22 <tcp_ack+0x120b>
ffffffff804c1d20: 0 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1d22: 0 45 85 ed test %r13d,%r13d
ffffffff804c1d25: 0 75 21 jne ffffffff804c1d48 <tcp_ack+0x1231>
ffffffff804c1d27: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1d2d: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1d30: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1d32: 0 0f 84 0b 01 00 00 je ffffffff804c1e43 <tcp_ack+0x132c>
ffffffff804c1d38: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1d3b: 0 e8 31 d2 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef71 <tcp_head_timedout>
ffffffff804c1d40: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1d42: 0 0f 84 fb 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c1e43 <tcp_ack+0x132c>
ffffffff804c1d48: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1d4e: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1d51: 0 75 07 jne ffffffff804c1d5a <tcp_ack+0x1243>
ffffffff804c1d53: 0 be 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%esi
ffffffff804c1d58: 0 eb 31 jmp ffffffff804c1d8b <tcp_ack+0x1274>
ffffffff804c1d5a: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1d5c: 0 8a 85 7f 04 00 00 mov 0x47f(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1d62: 0 74 17 je ffffffff804c1d7b <tcp_ack+0x1264>
ffffffff804c1d64: 0 8b b5 d4 04 00 00 mov 0x4d4(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c1d6a: 0 0f b6 c0 movzbl %al,%eax
ffffffff804c1d6d: 0 29 c6 sub %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c1d6f: 0 b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
ffffffff804c1d74: 0 85 f6 test %esi,%esi
ffffffff804c1d76: 0 0f 4e f0 cmovle %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c1d79: 0 eb 10 jmp ffffffff804c1d8b <tcp_ack+0x1274>
ffffffff804c1d7b: 0 8b b5 d0 04 00 00 mov 0x4d0(%rbp),%esi
ffffffff804c1d81: 0 0f b6 c0 movzbl %al,%eax
ffffffff804c1d84: 0 29 c6 sub %eax,%esi
ffffffff804c1d86: 0 39 f3 cmp %esi,%ebx
ffffffff804c1d88: 0 0f 4d f3 cmovge %ebx,%esi
ffffffff804c1d8b: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1d8e: 0 e8 7e e0 ff ff callq ffffffff804bfe11 <tcp_mark_head_lost>
ffffffff804c1d93: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1d99: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1d9c: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1d9e: 0 0f 84 9f 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c1e43 <tcp_ack+0x132c>
ffffffff804c1da4: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1da7: 0 e8 c5 d1 ff ff callq ffffffff804bef71 <tcp_head_timedout>
ffffffff804c1dac: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1dae: 0 0f 84 8f 00 00 00 je ffffffff804c1e43 <tcp_ack+0x132c>
ffffffff804c1db4: 0 48 8b 85 e8 04 00 00 mov 0x4e8(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c1dbb: 0 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax
ffffffff804c1dbe: 0 48 89 c3 mov %rax,%rbx
ffffffff804c1dc1: 0 75 42 jne ffffffff804c1e05 <tcp_ack+0x12ee>
ffffffff804c1dc3: 0 48 8b 9d c0 00 00 00 mov 0xc0(%rbp),%rbx
ffffffff804c1dca: 0 48 8d 85 c0 00 00 00 lea 0xc0(%rbp),%rax
ffffffff804c1dd1: 0 48 39 c3 cmp %rax,%rbx
ffffffff804c1dd4: 0 75 2f jne ffffffff804c1e05 <tcp_ack+0x12ee>
ffffffff804c1dd6: 0 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx
ffffffff804c1dd8: 0 eb 2b jmp ffffffff804c1e05 <tcp_ack+0x12ee>
ffffffff804c1dda: 0 48 3b 9d d8 01 00 00 cmp 0x1d8(%rbp),%rbx
ffffffff804c1de1: 0 74 34 je ffffffff804c1e17 <tcp_ack+0x1300>
ffffffff804c1de3: 0 48 8b 05 96 7a 3f 00 mov 0x3f7a96(%rip),%rax # ffffffff808b9880 <jiffies>
ffffffff804c1dea: 0 2b 43 58 sub 0x58(%rbx),%eax
ffffffff804c1ded: 0 3b 85 58 03 00 00 cmp 0x358(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1df3: 0 76 22 jbe ffffffff804c1e17 <tcp_ack+0x1300>
ffffffff804c1df5: 0 48 89 de mov %rbx,%rsi
ffffffff804c1df8: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1dfb: 0 e8 28 d0 ff ff callq ffffffff804bee28 <tcp_skb_mark_lost>
ffffffff804c1e00: 0 48 8b 1b mov (%rbx),%rbx
ffffffff804c1e03: 0 eb 07 jmp ffffffff804c1e0c <tcp_ack+0x12f5>
ffffffff804c1e05: 0 4c 8d ad c0 00 00 00 lea 0xc0(%rbp),%r13
ffffffff804c1e0c: 0 48 8b 03 mov (%rbx),%rax
ffffffff804c1e0f: 0 4c 39 eb cmp %r13,%rbx
ffffffff804c1e12: 0 0f 18 08 prefetcht0 (%rax)
ffffffff804c1e15: 0 75 c3 jne ffffffff804c1dda <tcp_ack+0x12c3>
ffffffff804c1e17: 0 8b 85 cc 04 00 00 mov 0x4cc(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1e1d: 0 03 85 d0 04 00 00 add 0x4d0(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1e23: 0 3b 85 74 04 00 00 cmp 0x474(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1e29: 0 48 89 9d e8 04 00 00 mov %rbx,0x4e8(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1e30: 0 76 11 jbe ffffffff804c1e43 <tcp_ack+0x132c>
ffffffff804c1e32: 0 be e5 08 00 00 mov $0x8e5,%esi
ffffffff804c1e37: 0 48 c7 c7 9d d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad99d,%rdi
ffffffff804c1e3e: 0 e8 72 43 d7 ff callq ffffffff802361b5 <warn_on_slowpath>
ffffffff804c1e43: 0 44 89 e6 mov %r12d,%esi
ffffffff804c1e46: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1e49: 0 e8 9f d1 ff ff callq ffffffff804befed <tcp_cwnd_down>
ffffffff804c1e4e: 0 e9 2c 01 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1f7f <tcp_ack+0x1468>
ffffffff804c1e53: 47 8b 74 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c1e57: 513 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1e5a: 0 e8 62 d4 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf2c1 <tcp_cong_avoid>
ffffffff804c1e5f: 427 41 80 e4 34 and $0x34,%r12b
ffffffff804c1e63: 1234 75 07 jne ffffffff804c1e6c <tcp_ack+0x1355>
ffffffff804c1e65: 0 83 7c 24 54 00 cmpl $0x0,0x54(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1e6a: 0 75 3c jne ffffffff804c1ea8 <tcp_ack+0x1391>
ffffffff804c1e6c: 0 48 8b 7d 78 mov 0x78(%rbp),%rdi
ffffffff804c1e70: 916 e8 8d c9 ff ff callq ffffffff804be802 <dst_confirm>
ffffffff804c1e75: 3 eb 31 jmp ffffffff804c1ea8 <tcp_ack+0x1391>
ffffffff804c1e77: 0 48 8b 95 d8 01 00 00 mov 0x1d8(%rbp),%rdx
ffffffff804c1e7e: 99 48 85 d2 test %rdx,%rdx
ffffffff804c1e81: 16 74 25 je ffffffff804c1ea8 <tcp_ack+0x1391>
ffffffff804c1e83: 0 8b 85 44 04 00 00 mov 0x444(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1e89: 0 03 85 00 04 00 00 add 0x400(%rbp),%eax
ffffffff804c1e8f: 0 3b 42 54 cmp 0x54(%rdx),%eax
ffffffff804c1e92: 0 78 1e js ffffffff804c1eb2 <tcp_ack+0x139b>
ffffffff804c1e94: 0 c6 85 7b 03 00 00 00 movb $0x0,0x37b(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1e9b: 0 be 03 00 00 00 mov $0x3,%esi
ffffffff804c1ea0: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1ea3: 0 e8 ab c9 ff ff callq ffffffff804be853 <inet_csk_clear_xmit_timer>
ffffffff804c1ea8: 520 b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
ffffffff804c1ead: 994 e9 ec 00 00 00 jmpq ffffffff804c1f9e <tcp_ack+0x1487>
ffffffff804c1eb2: 0 0f b6 8d 7b 03 00 00 movzbl 0x37b(%rbp),%ecx
ffffffff804c1eb9: 0 8b 95 58 03 00 00 mov 0x358(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1ebf: 0 b8 30 75 00 00 mov $0x7530,%eax
ffffffff804c1ec4: 0 be 03 00 00 00 mov $0x3,%esi
ffffffff804c1ec9: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1ecc: 0 d3 e2 shl %cl,%edx
ffffffff804c1ece: 0 b9 30 75 00 00 mov $0x7530,%ecx
ffffffff804c1ed3: 0 81 fa 30 75 00 00 cmp $0x7530,%edx
ffffffff804c1ed9: 0 0f 47 d0 cmova %eax,%edx
ffffffff804c1edc: 0 89 d2 mov %edx,%edx
ffffffff804c1ede: 0 e8 00 d7 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf5e3 <inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer>
ffffffff804c1ee3: 0 eb c3 jmp ffffffff804c1ea8 <tcp_ack+0x1391>
ffffffff804c1ee5: 0 80 78 25 00 cmpb $0x0,0x25(%rax)
ffffffff804c1ee9: 0 74 1a je ffffffff804c1f05 <tcp_ack+0x13ee>
ffffffff804c1eeb: 0 8b 54 24 18 mov 0x18(%rsp),%edx
ffffffff804c1eef: 0 e8 cc e3 ff ff callq ffffffff804c02c0 <tcp_sacktag_write_queue>
ffffffff804c1ef4: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1efb: 0 75 08 jne ffffffff804c1f05 <tcp_ack+0x13ee>
ffffffff804c1efd: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1f00: 0 e8 68 d3 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf26d <tcp_try_keep_open>
ffffffff804c1f05: 0 48 85 ed test %rbp,%rbp
ffffffff804c1f08: 0 74 2f je ffffffff804c1f39 <tcp_ack+0x1422>
ffffffff804c1f0a: 0 be 0a 00 00 00 mov $0xa,%esi
ffffffff804c1f0f: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1f12: 0 e8 f1 d5 ff ff callq ffffffff804bf508 <sock_flag>
ffffffff804c1f17: 0 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1f19: 0 74 1e je ffffffff804c1f39 <tcp_ack+0x1422>
ffffffff804c1f1b: 0 8b 8d fc 03 00 00 mov 0x3fc(%rbp),%ecx
ffffffff804c1f21: 0 8b 95 00 04 00 00 mov 0x400(%rbp),%edx
ffffffff804c1f27: 0 48 c7 c7 e5 d9 6a 80 mov $0xffffffff806ad9e5,%rdi
ffffffff804c1f2e: 0 8b 74 24 1c mov 0x1c(%rsp),%esi
ffffffff804c1f32: 0 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1f34: 0 e8 3b 4e d7 ff callq ffffffff80236d74 <printk>
ffffffff804c1f39: 0 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
ffffffff804c1f3b: 0 eb 61 jmp ffffffff804c1f9e <tcp_ack+0x1487>
ffffffff804c1f3d: 0 c7 44 24 44 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x44(%rsp)
ffffffff804c1f44: 0 00
ffffffff804c1f45: 0 e9 c3 ef ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c0f0d <tcp_ack+0x3f6>
ffffffff804c1f4a: 54 41 f6 c4 04 test $0x4,%r12b
ffffffff804c1f4e: 424 0f 84 0b ff ff ff je ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1f54: 364 85 c9 test %ecx,%ecx
ffffffff804c1f56: 0 0f 84 f7 fe ff ff je ffffffff804c1e53 <tcp_ack+0x133c>
ffffffff804c1f5c: 0 e9 fe fe ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1f61: 0 8a 85 9c 04 00 00 mov 0x49c(%rbp),%al
ffffffff804c1f67: 0 c0 e8 04 shr $0x4,%al
ffffffff804c1f6a: 0 a8 02 test $0x2,%al
ffffffff804c1f6c: 0 0f 85 10 f8 ff ff jne ffffffff804c1782 <tcp_ack+0xc6b>
ffffffff804c1f72: 0 e9 61 f8 ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c17d8 <tcp_ack+0xcc1>
ffffffff804c1f77: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1f7a: 0 e8 2e d0 ff ff callq ffffffff804befad <tcp_moderate_cwnd>
ffffffff804c1f7f: 0 48 89 ef mov %rbp,%rdi
ffffffff804c1f82: 0 e8 f7 47 00 00 callq ffffffff804c677e <tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue>
ffffffff804c1f87: 0 e9 d3 fe ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c1e5f <tcp_ack+0x1348>
ffffffff804c1f8c: 0 80 bd 78 03 00 00 01 cmpb $0x1,0x378(%rbp)
ffffffff804c1f93: 0 0f 87 be fc ff ff ja ffffffff804c1c57 <tcp_ack+0x1140>
ffffffff804c1f99: 0 e9 7b fc ff ff jmpq ffffffff804c1c19 <tcp_ack+0x1102>
ffffffff804c1f9e: 493 48 81 c4 88 00 00 00 add $0x88,%rsp
ffffffff804c1fa5: 1288 5b pop %rbx
ffffffff804c1fa6: 0 5d pop %rbp
ffffffff804c1fa7: 446 41 5c pop %r12
ffffffff804c1fa9: 0 41 5d pop %r13
ffffffff804c1fab: 2 41 5e pop %r14
ffffffff804c1fad: 447 41 5f pop %r15
ffffffff804c1faf: 0 c3 retq

No real obvious single-instruction hotspots i can see.

But i can see another problem: the function is too large and its flow
is not fall-through in any way. As you can see it from the profile
distribution it is broken into 25-30 separate code sequences.

The function consists of more than 1200 instructions and is 5200 bytes
large. According to the profile above, only 350 instructions are used
and about 850 of those instructions are never used by this workload.
So in theory this function should only take up ~1.5K of the
instruction cache.

But because execution is spread out into 25+ smaller pieces, it takes
up ~4K of the instruction cache instead (there's a single ~1.2K hole
in the middle, i subtracted that) - 2-3 times larger than it should.

So this code could make good use of the (brand-new ;-) branch-tracer
ftrace plugin and grow a few well-placed likely()/unlikely() places -
at least for this workload. I think.


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  Last update: 2008-11-17 22:13    [W:0.638 / U:0.244 seconds]
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