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SubjectRe: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.10-rc2-mm3-V0.7.31-19
Some results with -20.

[1] Had another crash where the serial console had incomplete output.
Unfortunately, I still had
dmesg -n 0
so there were no messages prior to the failure. This was with -20PK
(and not RT) so CONFIG_RT does not seem to be the culprit. Will send
the serial console output separately. Did not stream messages, just the
one incomplete one.

[2] Still getting the odd behavior of the audio output. Seeing both
/dev/dsp is busy
messages as well as the
- "too short" duration alternating with
- "wide variation" in duration
symptoms. No apparent pattern that I can see to cause these symptoms.
May have to resurrect the latencytest variant that I can trigger the
user tracing to track this down.

[3] The cpu_delay program is still getting > 1000 usec delays in the
CPU loop. The latency traces are not consistent either (though I have not
had any of the truncated ones either...). The following summarizes one
set of results with the -RT kernel.
cpu_delay latency_trace
usec usec
00 1855 2208
01 1790 1792 (OK)
02 2795 2785 (OK)
03 1543 1544 (OK)
04 1907 3078
05 1858 11322
06 1974 2519
07 1065 8411

The traces where the times don't match up also seem to have non RT
tasks included in the traces. I assume this means the trace did not
follow the task to the other CPU. It also is really annoying that the
non RT task was activated far faster than the RT one. Here's an
example trace (00 - 1855 usec; note non RT tasks in this trace)...

preemption latency trace v1.1.1 on 2.6.10-rc2-mm3-V0.7.31-20RT
latency: 2208 us, entries: 3738 (3738) | [VP:0 KP:1 SP:1 HP:1 #CPUS:2]
| task: cpu_delay/8656, uid:0 nice:0 policy:1 rt_prio:30
=> started at: <00000000>
=> ended at: __up_mutex+0x495/0x500 <c013b705>
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.000ms (+0.000ms): (0): [ 00000000 00000000
00000000 ]
cpu_dela-8656 08000001 0.000ms (+0.000ms): user_trace_start
cpu_dela-8656 08000000 0.000ms (+0.000ms): preempt_schedule
cpu_dela-8656 98000000 0.001ms (+0.000ms): __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 98000001 0.001ms (+0.000ms): sched_clock
cpu_dela-8656 98000001 0.002ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock_irq
cpu_dela-8656 98000001 0.002ms (+0.001ms): _raw_spin_lock_irqsave
cpu_dela-8656 80000002 0.004ms (+0.001ms): trace_array
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.005ms (+0.001ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000001 ]: __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.007ms (+0.001ms): -> cpu_dela-8656 [ 00000045
00000046 ]: __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.008ms (+0.000ms): -> X-2845 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.008ms (+0.000ms): -> kdeinit-3207 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 ........ 0.008ms (+0.000ms): -> kdeinit-3215 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
cpu_dela-8656 80000002 0.009ms (+0.003ms): trace_array
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.013ms (+0.001ms): __switch_to
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.014ms (+0.000ms): -> cpu_dela-8656 [ 00000045
00000000 ]: schedule
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.015ms (+0.000ms): finish_task_switch
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.015ms (+0.000ms): get_next_rt_task
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.015ms (+0.000ms): find_next_bit
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.016ms (+0.000ms): get_task_struct
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.016ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.017ms (+0.000ms): trace_stop_sched_switched
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.018ms (+0.000ms): wake_rt (finish_task_switch)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.018ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000005 ]: finish_task_switch
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.019ms (+0.001ms): find_next_bit (wake_rt)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.020ms (+0.000ms): -> <unknown-9714 [ 00000076
00000001 ]: finish_task_switch
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.020ms (+0.001ms): __migrate_task
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.021ms (+0.000ms): double_rq_lock (__migrate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.021ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (double_rq_lock)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.022ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__migrate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.023ms (+0.000ms): trace_change_sched_cpu
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.023ms (+0.000ms): deactivate_task
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.023ms (+0.000ms): dequeue_task (deactivate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.024ms (+0.000ms): activate_task (__migrate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.024ms (+0.000ms): sched_clock (activate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.024ms (+0.000ms): recalc_task_prio
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.025ms (+0.000ms): effective_prio
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.025ms (+0.000ms): -> cpu_dela-8656 [ 00000045
00000001 ]: __migrate_task
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.026ms (+0.001ms): enqueue_task (activate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.027ms (+0.001ms): resched_task (__migrate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.028ms (+0.001ms): smp_send_reschedule
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.030ms (+0.000ms): send_IPI_mask
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.030ms (+0.001ms): send_IPI_mask_bitmask
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.032ms (+0.000ms): double_rq_unlock
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.032ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.032ms (+0.001ms): _raw_spin_unlock
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.033ms (+0.000ms): put_task_struct_delayed
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.034ms (+0.001ms): reschedule_interrupt: [
c032d150 00000000 00000000 ]
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.036ms (+0.000ms): kthread_should_stop (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.036ms (+0.000ms): do_hardirq (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.037ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.038ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.038ms (+0.000ms): handle_IRQ_event (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.039ms (+0.000ms): timer_interrupt
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.039ms (+0.000ms): _spin_lock (timer_interrupt)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.039ms (+0.000ms): __spin_lock (_spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.039ms (+0.000ms): __might_sleep (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.040ms (+0.000ms): _down_mutex (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.040ms (+0.000ms): __down_mutex (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.041ms (+0.000ms): __might_sleep (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.042ms (+0.001ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.043ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.044ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.044ms (+0.000ms): set_new_owner (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.044ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000000 ]: __down_mutex
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.045ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.046ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.046ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.047ms (+0.000ms): mark_offset_tsc
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.047ms (+0.000ms): _spin_lock (mark_offset_tsc)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.048ms (+0.000ms): __spin_lock (_spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.048ms (+0.000ms): __might_sleep (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.048ms (+0.000ms): _down_mutex (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.049ms (+0.000ms): __down_mutex (__spin_lock)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.049ms (+0.000ms): __might_sleep (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.050ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.050ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.051ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.051ms (+0.000ms): set_new_owner (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.051ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000000 ]: __down_mutex
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.052ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.052ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.053ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__down_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.053ms (+0.006ms): _raw_spin_lock_irqsave
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.060ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.061ms (+0.000ms): _spin_unlock (mark_offset_tsc)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.061ms (+0.000ms): up_mutex (mark_offset_tsc)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.062ms (+0.000ms): __up_mutex (up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.062ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.062ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.063ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.063ms (+0.000ms): mutex_getprio (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.063ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000000 ]: __up_mutex
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.064ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.064ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.065ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.065ms (+0.004ms): _raw_spin_lock_irqsave
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.070ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.070ms (+0.000ms): _spin_unlock (timer_interrupt)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.070ms (+0.000ms): up_mutex (timer_interrupt)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.071ms (+0.000ms): __up_mutex (up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000000 0.071ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.072ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.072ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.073ms (+0.000ms): mutex_getprio (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.073ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000000 ]: __up_mutex
IRQ 0-2 80000003 0.073ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.074ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.074ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.075ms (+0.000ms): cond_resched_all (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.075ms (+0.000ms): cond_resched (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.075ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock_irq (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.076ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock_irqsave
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.076ms (+0.000ms): note_interrupt (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.077ms (+0.000ms): end_edge_ioapic_irq
IRQ 0-2 80000001 0.077ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (do_hardirq)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.078ms (+0.000ms): cond_resched_all (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.078ms (+0.000ms): cond_resched (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.078ms (+0.000ms): __do_softirq (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.079ms (+0.000ms): schedule (do_irqd)
IRQ 0-2 00000000 0.079ms (+0.000ms): __sched_text_start (schedule)
IRQ 0-2 00000001 0.080ms (+0.000ms): sched_clock
IRQ 0-2 00000001 0.081ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock_irq
IRQ 0-2 00000001 0.081ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock_irqsave
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.082ms (+0.000ms): deactivate_task
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.082ms (+0.000ms): dequeue_task (deactivate_task)
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.083ms (+0.002ms): trace_array
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.085ms (+0.000ms): -> X-2845 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.085ms (+0.000ms): -> kdeinit-3207 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
IRQ 0-2 ........ 0.086ms (+0.000ms): -> kdeinit-3215 [ 00000074
00000078 ]: __sched_text_start
IRQ 0-2 80000002 0.086ms (+0.003ms): trace_array
X-2845 80000002 0.090ms (+0.000ms): __switch_to
X-2845 ........ 0.091ms (+0.000ms): -> IRQ 0-2 [ 00000000
00000074 ]: preempt_schedule_irq
X-2845 80000002 0.091ms (+0.000ms): finish_task_switch
X-2845 80000002 0.091ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock
X-2845 80000001 0.092ms (+0.000ms): trace_stop_sched_switched
X-2845 00000000 0.093ms (+0.000ms): tty_ldisc_deref (tty_poll)
X-2845 00000000 0.094ms (+0.000ms): _spin_unlock_irqrestore
X-2845 00000000 0.094ms (+0.000ms): up_mutex (tty_ldisc_deref)
X-2845 00000000 0.095ms (+0.000ms): __up_mutex (up_mutex)
X-2845 80000000 0.095ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 80000001 0.095ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 80000002 0.096ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_lock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 80000003 0.097ms (+0.000ms): mutex_getprio (__up_mutex)
X-2845 ........ 0.097ms (+0.000ms): -> X-2845 [ 00000074
00000074 ]: __up_mutex
X-2845 80000003 0.097ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 80000002 0.098ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 80000001 0.098ms (+0.000ms): _raw_spin_unlock (__up_mutex)
X-2845 00000000 0.099ms (+0.000ms): fput (do_select)
X-2845 00000000 0.099ms (+0.000ms): cond_resched (do_select)
X-2845 00000000 0.100ms (+0.000ms): fget (do_select)
... traces of X, ksoftrirq (RT), X, IRQ 14 (RT), X, IRQ 0 (RT), X,
kdeinit, ksoftirq (RT), kdeinit [cpu_delay (RT) starts on untraced
IRQ 0 (RT), kdeinit, cpu_delay (RT) back in this trace ...

It may be annoying, but it might be good on a small SMP system like mine
to trace what's going on both CPU's during a user trace. Add a column for
the CPU number. That would show the interaction between the CPU's and
see why cpu_delay got stuck for so long in this instance. If you wanted
to follow a single CPU, just grep for that column. Would probably have to
increase the max trace table size (16K traces?). Not sure how to do that

I'll send the traces separately for the cpu_delay symptoms and see if I
can somehow recreate the crash (w/ dmesg -n 8 active).

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