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SubjectRE: kernel support for non-english user messages

> From: Ruth Ivimey-Cook []
> >This is _not_ like any i18n support. The problem is that normal
> Agreed. How about changing the way printk works, so that instead of
> combining the format string, it just "prints" its args:
> printk("%s: name %p is %d\n", name, ptr, val);
> results in the following in the kernel buffer:
> "%s: name %p is %d\n", "stringval", 0x4790243, 44

Debugging a non-klogd enabled kernel would be a pain - alas, having some
preprocessing tool, this can be done without that modification. If you
know the format string (from the sources), given a printed message, a
regexp could extract the parts that need translation.

Iñaky Pérez-González -- Not speaking for Intel -- all opinions are my own
(and my fault)
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